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The Magnetic Telegraph

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The Postmastcr Genero], in liis report lo Congres, says of the Tclegraph syslem: "It becomes, then, a qneMion of grave importan cc, liow Cor l he government will allow individuáis to divide the business of trnnsrnitting1 inteUigenc; - an important duty confided to it by the constiiuüon - necessary nnd properly exclusive. Or wil} it purchnse the Telegrnph, and conduct its operations lor the benefit of the public? Experiences leaclies, that if individual enterprise is nllowed to per form euch portions of ihe biisiness of tin1 Government asit miy find for )ls advantape the government will soon be teft to per form unprofi'able portions of it only, and must be driven to abandon it entirely. or car.ry il on at a heavy tax upon the public Treasury. In the hands of imiividnnls or nssociatronp, the Tolegraph may become the most potent instrutnen; the worldever knew to effect sudrien and large spcculations- to rob the many ( their just ndvantages. nnd to concéntrate them upon the few. ]f ptrmitted by the i'overnment to be thus heM, the pobíic enn hnvp no secnrity that it will not be wiolded for '.beir iiijury, rather thnn thpir benefii'