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General Intelligence: Vote For Governor

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J he ntimber of votes cnst tor Governor at Ihe lust elrction, exclusive of Jackfon Connty, wns 3'J,4ü2, viz: for Felch, 20,123; for Vickcry, 16,316; for Birney, 3,02S. Tlie vote of last year fur President was 55,5G2. - So ilmt only abrmt two-thirds of the voter? attcnded the polls. The Liberty vote of Jnckson County, we liolieve, was about 375, making thj Liberty vote of the State leas than last year by 2S4. The Wtiig and De mocrotic votes feil off between bx and seven thous-and eacli. The rpflection is terrible that n portion of Europo are n donger of ttnrving. But in whnt terrible contrast to such n fnct or fcar stands ih following vvhich vo copy from a letter of the ftrei-n correspondent of the Büfon Trnvellpr: "In the eveninj after the inaiijTtiration of the Lord Mayor he gave the usual inaugural (jinner n GuilJhttll on tlio most sumptuous nnd tnagnifïcent. scale. There were eix ta I bes, and some idea of the quantity on food provided for the occasion niay be formcd from the quantity on one of the principal tables.- There werCj over one t housond pits of real turtle, lwo hnhdred bottles of s!)erbel, sixty dishes of fowl.-', t-'ixty pullets, fifty cnpons, bixiy piaron pies, fifty ha nis, f.f.y tonirues, lwo barons cf beer, thrce ronnds of beef, thirleen siir!oiní=, fifty dishes of shell firsh, two Imndred jellies, fifiy blancmanorfi, and three liundred diihes of tart?, pastry and pies. - The removes were eighly ronst turkeys, eigh ty pheasunts, twen!y-four geese, foriy braco of pariridgeb-, and twenty dishea of wild fowl. 'Tiie desert for this table consUted ot one Imndred hot-house pine-applra, which cost frein one to three guineas each; two hundred dishes of house grape?; three hundred ice-cream; one hundred dishes of pcars; and five hundrod side (üshea of walinits, drien fruit, preserves, nut cakes and chips, and brandy cherriea! 'A Sewlng Circle. - A t Bnltimore, on Ffth day evening, 4th instant, at the house of John Needles, in the order of the Society of Fiiends, William N. Needies, of Philadelphie, to EUza M. Needlns, of Baitimore. Furthereomment is needtess, it being already a thrcad bare subject. Report of the Commissioner of the Land OJicr.-From this document we lenrn that during 1844 the píiIpb of the public iands amounted to 1,745,763 acres, ftnd the receipts into thö Imid offices were $2. 207,678; and during the first, ccrond and third quarters of the preíent year, iho Bales mounted to 1,266,668 acres, and the receipis into tbs land offices were S 1 ,69 1,089. The commissioner recommmds the pre emption systern, íind n grnduation of the prico of refiue iands accordmg to the valué lo actual soltlors. The Great Westtrn Jlailrottd through Cfljiia.--The Leckport Courier of the 17th, snys the Survcyors are oot in threa companiospurveying nt difforent poiftts; nird it Í9 bÜeved they will. by the opening of spring, b? ready to let the grudioj: all tho way froui Detroit to Niágara river. The stock of tho company is now about 8 per cent. bbove par in England.- Jldt. TweTity-one bafiks have gfon into' operation under tho general banking law of Ohio, passed last winter, tod twe mora iré ready to go into operation. Tn Paria the editora of most of f hei Ieading j-urnnlg are members of th ChnbeÍ3. In England the proprietor of the Tima6, the propriator of the Chronicle, the Editor of the Weekly Chronicle, the proprietor of the Her ald, and othcr joiirnalitts, ar membere of the House of (Jornmona. The state prisons of Rome are reportcd to be filled with 7000 prisoners, mnny of tlvom of ihe firat familie.Toö Much Liquor a drttnk in Qneen ' ría's familv. Sucb ail instance of roynl toping we never heard of. The liquor bil for ( ohe ycnr umonnty to 947,000, wiiile tliat for bread woé only ás 10,000. Victoria, you must , set a better erfnmple thon that. Jiist think how you would feel to see Albert disguised vith liquor Home doy when the loving Hritish i people were blessing you wi'.h ten thoiisand eyes and mouths all at once. - Chr . Citizen. Fvgilive Slave.- The Concord, (N. II.) Ilerald ofFrcedom, notices the arrivnl at that placo of a slave from New Orleon?, who=e master was a Baptist Deacon in that city. He has the initials of his inaster's name brnnded into his right nrm, a bBck hewn and batlered wiili the whip and paddie, and the tnnrk of a bullet shot in his leg - all of which he snys were nflicted by the master himself. His onklc was n!so laccrated by the shackle, to wliich were attacbed twelvefeet of chain and a ball, that he drngged for six months in the rice swamps after he made his escape. Buritd Alice. - TheBaltimore correspondent of the Tribune of tliis morning tells the following horrible story: "A most horrid case of bnrying alive occurred a few weeks since in our ciiy, and whicb, nlihougli generally talked of, has, out of rnspect to tho friends of the deceased, been oxcluded from the pnblic prints. A young lady was taken s:clc, nnd died very suddenly ns was supposed by the family and physician, and wae placad n her coffin and carried to the fomily vault. A fe w days afterwarda, on visiting the vault, they wpre struck with the horrible eijjht of the yoiuig lady in her burial clothing, ut of the coffin and silling up agatnst the sitie of the wa.ll - dead! "As may be Bupposed, the iscovery has plnnged her family and large circle of acquaintances in the deepest anguiah. lt vae found on examining the coffin that the lid had been forcibly pressed offby the young woman, who had aclually been btiried before the vital spark had fled, and who had returned to con sciousness, bnt to die the most horrible ol deaths! Many may doubt thip, bul it is loe true to be denied."Jin Keyptian Bride. - Mahoinct Ali is mnking splcndid prepamtions for the marriage of his daiiphter. The diacnnnda alone are vnlued at 5,000,000f. (L200,000.; The Palent Office.- We nre told that the business of the Putent Office is ranch behindliami, nd tlmt applicants for pulenta have lo tvait three or Tour monlha befuie their claims can be exnmined. Dr. Waterman, who was indicted at Buffalo f.r graves, has been tried, convicted and eentenced to the Smte Pripon it Auburn for three years. lle is a young man, and much interest was manifested in respect to the case by the public. His accomplxe, Dr. Hovey, managed lo take French leave. Jlnfther RarUoad. - The cnlire stock, $6, 000,000, has been subscribed in Englond for the railroad from Malden, opposite Detroit, to Niágara River, which it ia to cross by a suspension bridge, mile and a half belor the folls. It is to becompleted t) 1848! - Ckr. Citizen. Northern and Southern Benrvolenct. - The whole atnount contributed to the Bible Society last yenr from all sources was 8166,05-2, of this the north paid 8122,799 07 - The slfive stater, $32,039 SS. Luboriug for the State.- -The Frencli government }ay the laborera employed on their public works, $B 75 per month. The poor man has to board himself out of this sum, ndevery thing he eats or drinks costs more for the works on which he toilsby day.Potatoe Rot. The Bnyle, published at Charlotte, Eaton county, 6nys that the potato rot has appenred extensively in that counly. 'We have,1 sys the Bugle, 'Deen at epocia] pains to make inquiries upon this point; and we find but one man in the range of oi;r ïnquiry, whofc potatoes are not rotted. Men wbo Iiüvr luid up sovernl hundrcd buihels will not reaüze twenty out of theni. One farmer w hen he due his potatoe, found that ihey liad already rotted somuch in the ground that he couid not gather more than one (ourtli of them. The rot i universa], btng confined to no particular kind ot potato; nor to any particular mode of kecping them;- those in celia rs rotting as wéll as those that are buried."