Peace Or War?
Tlio tone of the American presa is vcry fitful mui utistendy. A few weeks since tho letter writers l'rom Washington were confident thnt W&r was exceedingly probable, Ãf not absolutely inevitable : now, wecnn scarcely take up an exchnnge paper wliich does not assure its readers iliat it is certain therc will be no war, and it is highly probable that the 49(1 dogreo of north latilude will bo agreed upon by both nations ns the boundary. The l). States Journal, the organ of the Young Democracy, in a very sorrowful artiele on "Murdorcd Oregon," says - "It appears to be reduced fo a probability at li:st, that n trenty will be made and concludfd, during the present sessiun of Congres?, bctween the United States and Greot Britain, by which the forty-ninth pnralle: of north latitude will be ñSéá as the bouhdaries of the two nalions. Thnt ihis will be confirmen by two-thirds ol' nn American Senate, is nlso highlv probable' The Journal tlipn enumérales various rensons for believing thnt t%Orogon is to be divldod without a struggle," and attributes it to "a sudden unión of Democratie Senators of opposing seclions." The influonce of tho commercial interests at the east, bas also been elleclually exerted. - It is agreed by al! that Mr. Calhoun, sinco his arrival at Washington, bas actively interfered against a war policy, and he ia supported by the prrss of the planting States gencrally. To the Liberty man, uho Itnows that the Slaveholding interest completely governs this nation, the whole matter is perfectly plain. The great object of the South for nearly ten years has been to annex Texas as a Slavcholding country. This could not be done without help firom the West and North. This help could not be attainod without holding out some indueement in return. Henee the Baltimore Democratie National Convention, in iMny; 1844, tooli ground for iinnexing Texas and occupying Oregon. These two objects thus adroitly coupled together, united the whole demoerncy North and Soutn, and Texas hos been anncxed. - Shall Oregon now be occupied? The Slavcholders, having secured their objeel, have now shifted ground, and arestrenuously opposing any effective mensures for securing the whole of Oregon. Thus the Democracy of tho West, who are really in carnest for oblaining Oregon, will find lhemselves in n minority, very handsomely fooled by their Slaveholding mosters. The Southern Democracy having used them aslong as they could be of service in obttiining Texas, will now lnugh at their carnestness for Oregon. What care they for that country? Calilornia is coming,& Mexico can be had, a slice at a time, if necessa ry, for moro Slaveholding States. Tho Slaveholders now reign supreme. - Thoy have had cvery thing their own way. They have now kifteen Slaveholding States in this country to lhirteen F ree States; a majority of four in the Sennte; the possession of the Naticnal government, and its immense and wide-rcaching patronage at its disposal. The Democratie party prostrates ilself before the Slave Power : the Whig party bows to it; and there is none to opposesave "the little Liberty party," comprising less thnn a fortielh part of tho voters of the Union!
49th Degree
Oregon Question
Texas Annexation
Old News
Signal of Liberty