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The State Anniversary

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Will be held at Marshall two weeks from next VVe"nes('ay. The State Tcmporance Society imets the day previous. It will be seen by nolices in our cohimnns that a State Liberty Convention lias been called to meet after the adjournmeni of the Anti-Slovery Soci'fy; and aleo the first nnnuui meeting of the Young Men's Liberty Association will bc licld at tle name pluce. This orcasion wül bc one of innch interest, and we anticípate a full atteníiance. The discufliions of these bodies will involve he first and tnoát importnnt principies of civil Government ntnl moral rfghtij nnd debates opon them by some of the ublest spenkers and best ihinkcrs of ihe State cannol fail to be bolh pleasmg and profitable. (tAn exc!iange paper, the Eaton Bugle, we believe, considers our remarlo upon that part of the Presídenos message relating to the increase of Postage, as "uncourtcous." They niight, porhaps, have been more smoothly word cd; bul, they ore true. novertheless. The wliole body of Slaveholders are for high postage, becausc they thereby gain half a million dollars every year from the Free States to support their own starving post offices. For instanco, Alabnma ex pends on carrying the mails, 8218,055, whileshc pays on $80,1-10. If we remember righlly, nearly or quite every Slaveholder in Congress votcd against thc.reduction of postage. Under the reign of the Slaveholders, American republicans have been taxed rates of postage six times as high as the subjects of Queen Victoria.ttTAmong othftr political speculaticns il is now proposed to barter Liberia, with its fouror five hundred miles ofsea-coast, a country rich in all tropical productions, for Canada. Who will make the move ? Mr. Tyler brought in Texas: Mr. Polk will have the whole of Oregon at all events, and has spoken for California : Mr. Lcvy has alrcady proposed tlio annexation of Cuba, and Canada must come next. Tho Cincinnati IJerald proposes that Gen. Cass sliould bocome the patrón of the schemo. We daro say some body will come out for annexing Canada; for, according to present indications, the peopie of the United Stales will not be easy till they have all the territory adjoining. ftJVVe would respectfully remind our subscribers that at the very low price at which the Signal is afforded, we cannot lay postage on the letters ordering it. - Five cents, to be sure is but n linie sum; nn multiplied by fi ve or six hundred letters a year, the aggregate woulJ be considerable. We are compelled to shorfen the time of subscription to the amount of the postage unpaid. {tThe Cincinnati Herald remarks upon the general cry of putting the country in a state of defence, - ''Congressmay do what it pleases, it can never put this country in a state of eflective defence against the onset of such a Power as Greal Britain. We have never been prepared for war - we never shall be. The expenditures required for such a purpose would be overwhelming. They would exhaust the energies of the people in time of peace. W henever war may arise, we shall have to embark in it unprepared; sustain in the beginning great datnage; and be pretty well drubbed for one or two campaigns. At the end of that period the country would have all the soldiers and munitions of war, that might be need ed, and would soon turn the tables upon an invading enetny. All this talk then about putting the country in a siate of preparation, we de precate as being calculated to embolden Congross to launch out into the mos wasteful expenditures. One hundred mil Hohs of dollars would not make our nava establishment equal to that of Great Bri tain: and the country, until t part witl its reason, will not tolérate a large Stan ding Army, no matter how delicate ma) be our relation with foreign powers." (tThe Marshall Statesman says tha the number of inhabitants in Calhoun county is 15,749. The amount of whea raised is 459,110, or 145 bushels to eacl fatnily of five persons. Extending the estímate for the whole State, the whea erop of Michigan would amount to 8,7(30. 000 bushel.s.