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"the Advocate Of Peace."

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- y.iiiai Rui tinEditor and Pioprieli r. Worct'stcr. Mass." - Tliis s i!n litle of a momhly piiblication jusi cörrfmenced. Thefirsi number for Jantinry con tnins nniclcs by Burritf. Dick, DrNoit, V. Channing nnd oilier eminent vriter?. From thc appenrnnce oí lbo first mimbcr, nnd l'roni tlic well known reputan) of ilie "Lcarn ed Blaiksmiili," lo whóse wrilings ou' eaderíure not strangera. ve enn confidc.uly réöömménH tlie work to nll wbo deire inforin aiin on ilu subject of Pence, as a plensing nnd valual'lc publicntion, wonli fnr inore .hrn ihe aubícrtptJoii pricc. Communicaíions should be nddrcssed to the Editor. QIt is rumored that Mr. Polk is much ds8atbfied with Mr. Levy's move for annexing Cuba. It s also stated tbal it has been with drawn by the mover. (tThc vote in Woodhull, Shiawasse county, at the last election, stood Liberty 15, Democratie 9, Whig 3. The Liberty volé of Ionia was 81 - last year 59. CCHon. R. McClelland and Lew Cass have favored us with sevcral Con gressional docinnents añd speeches.Cou-vrr Tax. - The tnx raised in oll tne oiinties for county purposes in 1845, nccoring to the report of the Auditor Genera), moun's to 159,7i3 dollars. The amount sec' in this county 8 Ö,81G. - Journal. A Months SlisIGhikc; - The Albnny Citinn of the Sist., snys- "The good sieighing ill hods out. This is the thirly-first day of 8 fxiptence. It liaa continued in uninterrupd excellence the whole of this month''