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WOOLEN MACMINEliY. H& R PARTKIDGt: have on Innrl al lluir hop, n Inrgu ntnount of Woolen Mnchlllcy. whiclt o nrfw remly for snle. cühsismig of Düiible Carding Machines; Pickinir Mfichiltt, ftrond and Nnrrow Powor Iiooam, Nnpping nml Tcurüiig Machines; oM af whicli wül bc sild bi pricea and on ternis to correspond wiili ihe times. They are nlso prepnred to mnke to contrnct Condenscrs and Jacks, or nny othcr Machincry that mny be wnnted for manufacu'ring or cus tom work; ond nll Mochinefl made b? tlictn will be wnrranícil goud, and for durnbiüty önd despnlch of business arenot excelled, if eqiraHed. by any of tlfe Êastorn or Oltio Machinea. And as much lita been nnd i. srfid by Muchine maker in neighbo'ring Stniefl, of the auperiority of their Machinery over nll othéri. we noW o(Tor FJVE HUNÈ[ftEl DOLLARS il tíiey will pmíluce a Mochin'c of their oion make. that wj:h .he entnc amount of power, rfll do. more and bettei' Work, irt a pivcn timft, than Machines made by them. Thos'e wishing to purchos are invited lo cali and exnminc their Machines, and )tnxn tlieir piice and tertf befóre purchasing elscwluré. A nn Atbor; January 12, J8'6. 247-3m IFAIR NOTICE. PERSONS indebted to moare hcrehy respect. f u 1 1 y nc.iified ihat qll necounls nnd noten n'ot leitled diis mnih, will bc left 'tb, n Justice fot :ollticiion. Persous inicreatcd will t?ok out and ave cot. Jnn'y 1, '846. C. J. GARLAND. Persons hnvinsr ncconnig or notes witli ns will jleor-o cnil and nHjuM tlic samo wiihoui de'luy. 247 if GARLANÖ & LH FEVRE. Au Apology. Í HAVE heen fnVrmed ilmt ii is indostriously circulaied it: the htanngof eundry imiMduali lailv, m tliid vilbuo, tlmi I Imd. in numerou iiancfi. in ()pcn dny. in prreence ol mvcnsiom ra and itlicrs. in opposiiion t nn id Psïnblish. .d custom nnd dnilv ctitiniird practico ly ntherf n ilie irnde. been in the'U il .s U.INC looKS tI)o cm kap.' Notfr if tiiin w n crime, I ilone must liWT il. for the likc c:uinot hespid m mili rtguatt nny othcis n tlifl Iwok nul in lhV .iïln . And my apology in. I bought my bunKi rhe.-tp, coiiSp'jiiently J enn ell eheap ÜrJttXJy :íikIi. wliicli I shall continue lo di. sa Ung na uircli.-isfis are willing losive twemy per captain lio lino of Uyoku and Sutïonory W.M. II. PERRY, Ann Arbor, Upper Vilhijjo, Jan. t$, S45, 247-3W CLOVER MACHINES. THRASHING MACHINES umi Seperntors mnde and sold by ihesubserihcr. nt their Machine 8hop ncar ile Paper Mili, Loe Town, n n Arfcc.r. ft N A PP á 1 1 A V I LA N D, Jan; 10. ÍS-16. 2)7 tf farm for sale, 3R EXCHANGE nn PROPKRTY TUÈ furífCribér oflirp his farm of GO Acres. wiili - Acres improved. nnd n frame house, :xicen hy twcn'y-six. v:li an uddiiiun of eiyhi 'ect on one side. Siid farm is siiu.ted in ihc mvn oí Concord. Jnckson C3, llirce miles nortli f Cortcord villngc-, five ftast of AHion, iwclve vesi of Jncksorí. Tdcrè is n nevw-iaHfngfcireaöi fvnter running cross it. and about 15 Acresol irst qunliiy of naturnl mendow. í'or fu r I her mrticuluis enquire of Benj. llivihnd. or J. N. íw.iin of Concoid. or tlie Riiliscnbcr at tlie riirashhig Miicliinc Shop, Lower Town, Ann rbor. Terms lú suii iha purclioser. Ann Arhor. T. A. JI AV II. AND. anunry 19, 184fi. 2-17- lf B00KS! BOOKS!! At Pcrry's Book Store1 "Yexl door Eust oftheJV. York Cheap Slore. TI1K subscríher has juBt opened ond is uow rendy to eell thc mostexicnsive asaorimcnt i UOOKS, ULAMt liOOKSand STATION KUY, ever oflered in Ann Arbor. Hip stock consisis ol SCHOOL B'OOfcS nf iie.iri títery vnricty in e in thm State - Uistorii-s. IVioirraphies, Tr.tvels, Momoirs, Miscellaneou, Religious nfid Clasical Books. BIBLKS rirtd TRSTAMENTS, cvnry vnrieiy of nc, siylc and binding. Soine sjilendidiy liuished. PRATER BOOKS, POKMS & ANNUALS bcoutif ully botinrl for Hotydny gifis. ParoDts nnd others %vishing to make splendid liolyda) presents al small cost, will do wcll to cotí a Perry's and make their svleciions from o ful st( c". Don't deln?. AUo, on hand the largest a&sorttnenl of PAPER ever ofiered west nf Detroit; such as Cnp. ■ Flnt Cap, Li'tler, Frcnch Letter. Bankers Posi. Copying, issu'e. Cnrd Énck, Env?lop. nnd It kinds of note pnper. sviih n full assortmént el Steel Pens. Quille, Wafers: Black, Bint, Fícil, and í!opying Ink; Sand. Inkstnnds, Foldeis. Pen HoHers, Stnmps. Mólto Sealí. CínM om Silvcr Wafers, India Rubber, Ptíncifáan'd Points F.nvclop. a. nnd mnnv vnrieiies of VisitingCiirds Also; GOLD PENS, an anide combininj elegnnee with ecunomy. líe has on' hand r gotfií selection of Rooka simabíe fot Family, Scliool District nnd Township -iXBráuiss. Tt will not be poss'ble to name all the articlc; in his line: Snfrice it to say, thnt bis nssortmen is general and cheaper ihnn was ever before offercd in this villnge; lie has inn'de a rántjements' in New York f which will enable hiin nt all times to o1tain nny j thini? in hipt line direct from New Vork nt shor noiice. by Express. It will lie seen thnt bis fn 1 cilities for accomodnling his customers with ani , cles not on hnnd is bcynnd precedent, and he i ready nnd willing tó do every thing reasonnble t mnke his esinlilisbment surh on onn ns nn en ' lifjhteued and discernihg community require. ah . he hoprs to nicrit n almro nfpatroñnne. Persi r wishing nny article in his line tfill do wcll i ' cali bctoré puicliRsin elsewhere. If .yon forg ' lbo place, enquiro for Perry't ÉÖnkston-, An Arbor, Upper Viltngc - 2d door Enst of Mui street, on fitiron street. 1 WM R. PERRY. I December, Irt43. i J. HOLMES & CO., WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DEALERS - STATLR AND FARCT ; DRY G00DS, e D4y érroccrieé, Carpeting j and pnper Ilattgiitizsj ., Na. 63 Woodward Avenue, Lamed Block, Detroit. j h ii.mks. tfsie York. ? S SM UOLMK9, brtroit. J , Tyl7"E take thismeihod of infurming our irnnc VV and custoiners ihroughoQt the Stat-, tin wo nre still )ursuing the even tor.or ofoi - wiys. enduavoriii" lo do uu: business upol 1 nnd honoriible principies. W would nlo ten der our acknowledgmen's for the patronage vx ' rended (o us by our customeri, nnd wonld be e lenve lo cali tlie ailtnlion of the public lo n vei i wcll belccted assortnient ol' ensonnblo Goorl which nrc uflered at whoícsníe or reinil nt ver t o prireü. Our laciliiies (or piTrhnsing Goor' . are unsurpaïsed by any concern in dn .State - One of tiie lirio. Mr. J. HÓlhtëi resides in th tcty of New York, nnd from bis long c.pcnuic !i in the Jobbing trnde ín t fin t ci'y. nnd Iroin hi ,, ihorough knowjedpe of (ho mniket. lic is enn bied to nvnil himself of the nucMuns nud on; 1 decline in prices. We nlso purchose from th Iinporler8. Manufacturer's Ayenie, nnd ftnm ih nuclions, by the .n-kiijre, tlie sarro ns iV. Y Jobber" porfltafc. laitM snvinu their proHie.- Wiih these fncilitios we can snlely ny thnt ou Goods arr soid chrap for the evidence of whid we invite the ntiention of the public to out turk 1 We hold to tho gient cardinn! principie ol t'i rrciit'-st gom t'i the ufmt vunilicr." po if yoi , want tD buv Goodl eitap, and buya ltirrr (uitn t'ity rox a ï'ti'c vtüntij givo us n trirtl. Oni StOcl ' is as extensivo us nny in iIip riv. and we nr I constantly icceiving ncw nnd Goodí fn n New York. 10,000 ths. % OOI. Wnnlcd. ihcahove 'iiantiiy ol 'good in - iclinni able Wool for which the highcit markt t pnc wil! bc pnid. J. HOLMES & CO. Detroit, 1H4'. &l'4-:f Tñ'cH a S ÖË p v - -2d cuu ■ a t. Bctwccn Hucl Smiib. el. ni. Coniplnínnn's nnd E. Mf. faorantti et. I, Deicnd-inis. IN pur8iiancc an.l ly virtítí.nf n deerco in thi. cnuso. I símil kcÍI nt public niiclion. nt the Cotir Houw. in th.! villtine of Ann Arbor, on the eiyhth dny of Fedwarj nctt, at noon. Lola Eleven. Twelve. Thinc-cn. Fourtecn, nnd the nth hall of Fif:en. in Blnck four. in Brownd; Fuller's nddiiion to tfie villngo ol Atin Arbor. JOÍIN N. fïOTT, .fü8terln Chancèry. Miik5 fe Wrr-sos. Öol'rii. Dated. Dec 24. A. D. 1845. 244 TËMPERA.NCË HOUSE. PB. R1PLEY would soy to his frienda and the Iricnda of Tempcrrnce. tliat he has taken tho Tcmpèranco House, Intèly kcpi by Wm. G. Wheaton, where ho would be glad to woit upon them. ilny and Oaie and St.ibblin to accominodate teams. Detroit, Jnrruary f, 15-rfi. S.StfOï HAIïD AftAIK!'' 5pSl FT1HB ÖutiBCriberliftR !'. yT 'agsir.ntly rec'civiug) (foiti [jf9. BjST Nnw Volk nu eluuniii ar il V ) jB3 We" ÖC'er[t(i assortiment Jewclry, Clocks, lVafcíic, A c it e. whicl'i ha inténda ii wil n '■ u nn ut ny oihftr establishment thUí tide oí Bufftlú for rcndy futy onlij Binorig whicn n'vy bc fuund ïheloliov !n;: n cor1;! assortmenl (inM HñgíT Ril Brensl pinj, fiinrd Cbaïnfl and K . Kif ver Spoons, Gorman Sihor T-n and Títbh Spoonï (flrst mialiiy.) Silver nnd Gerninn do Sugur Tonga, i SMli.MuMnrd fcfll ■■-, Bntier Knircs, Silver Pénciï ' Silver uní] Comrtion Thni : Silrei Spcriiicles. Germán ;.nd Steel do. Goggli -. Clorites. Unir nnd Tooth Brut Lrnlior Brutáirs, Rnxors and Pocket Knives. Fjnfe Hlu'nrs nnd Scissorf;, Knivrs nnd Foikx, Briünrihifl Ten Powohd Tumors. Fine lated do Brinnuin arid Bmís Oniidltsticks, Sliavinc Iwxestand Stnps. Cbopman'd Best Jlnor Slrcp, Cnlfnr.d Mororco Wollcis. Silk and Cotion ; Büw, Violin and Baea Viul .Sin.i.;?, F!i:t t-f Fifes. Claiionntp. Accordeons Muil o ?;■: Slel Pna ml Tweezers, t gnpffand Tohncco hoxps. [varj Drewiiig Conibs. Sulo mJ Back nnd Pockel Öqjnh cs.Sitlc.toef!. Wnter Tnint?, '!'. WoichésJ.n greït varfoiy of Diills. in slmrt :hn ({reaiot vnrieiy of löj - . brmiülit to ttiia mnrkot, Fancy woik boxen, rlii'(Irin'a ton sotts. (.' Uuir Uil, n.c!!m(f S.ilts. Court Pliis'cr. Ten lïflls. Thprnponicier8, Germán Pipes. Childrcn's Work R ie nnd PinciU. Wood Pcncila, HKA.SS ANP WOOD CLOCKS, &c. in fnct nlmosl c%trv ihtng to pleise iWo fonoy. Lodtca nnd GcntU-ïncn. cali iind examine for yourfclvfs. Ciorke. Watches niiil li -.rei nnd warrnnten on sfion Wxi'c. ftliop nt hls old eitnnd. oppositc II. Becker' brièk Brbre. CALVIN UI.ISS. N. B.- Cnah pnid for old Gold & öilv, r. Ann Arbof, Nov. Cth, 1815. 7-1 r FJLAX SI1EB. AE]ofl'taiit to Farmers. TUK Miliscrü'cr hu nov.' cicc;d n Mili for mannfacturinj! I.i ? i i Om The locntlun f ho MUI is r triitM noi'li ol Ferilojíville, Genaco Co.. Mich. 'J'Li.s lodatlon #ill acoohttncíilnlctlie fnnnors in Gcnosee. I.nprrr, ShiuvaF6oe' nnd n pnrl o( Livng-íinn and (Jak I. nul ('ovuiücs. The Mili 'm eflpibla of grindinpr 10. ('00 bushela of Sicd. And 1 hope to do n!)!o to po thot quamiiy nnoilior rciir. Tha II i x Crop i boIko I to lic thi. In-si thnt he fnrmer enn ttiiso. - In tho Siote of New York. in sniio f.ccüoixt which aekiiöwtadged to bequal loVny mher for tüidina wlint, tliefiinner hvo proven liy nu cxpcrii'nce of 3 or -1 vein. tli.u iiu-y cn nuika more money kt r&iwng tlax secd t oni dollar per hiiBhcl ili;in tin y onn nt ratsing lieit ut iho piiecs it oidinarHy hm. jt. I thnll huve n qnnntiiity ol eed renriy clonncd lor Bowing to furnish tliosc nlio cannot procuio clsewhere. I wi!I con:rnot srrd nt ove h l'ar ppr busho!, to b delivored :it the Mili uwc fbjl or wimor. A L[ijod BSo?imém of Dry CftíoHs, Gruerics, Crockcr. nnd Hurdwire. ml all ther materia! forpiintin kopt conataniiy on hand. Cnsh paid ut uil times for Flux 6ftd. , D. Li L Tot nKTTE. LqnLake, Di-c. 22. I-:.'.. 243ü3m itlanlinttan .SScrt. ) Cutiict of Jtj)ron Atenué aud Ilutes ttrttt, 1 Velroit. ' "pKpiire nnd visit the Manhutmn Stom when ' JlJ me iiinkiiüj pinrhiiscn. Tlíí'gOta which 1 yru wit! liml ihjre nre exetllrnt in quuliiy anJ rensonable in pi er. We Itove Good Heavy Shreetings, Al.ipocsa, 1 Drülinga, : jfferil 1 Tieking8, Mbslfn Dclainoa, 1 Lüuevi Cuhmerèa, Red and wiiita Flanneli, Ct!icob. Satinetle,Lnen 'ci!s, Pull Cloths, Grren Barrcj,' 9 Cnssinieréi, GIovp?, 1 Vesting, Uosiery, " Broa Icloili.i. Ginphanm, Shn-.vls. Kiliiions, lAtiht Cambric Hdkla. Lacf, L &.C, &C. ifec Bntiinp. Cottnn tatn, Wiclunq, Wh.te Car' pet Wnru. Colorcii do. do.. Sunw Tickm;;, ' Blenohed Coltors ot U qunliiios. Fine unblcach" ed Cottons. llarred Mnslins, vVe. S:e. 1 Also, fEATHERS nnd l'ATKIl HANG10 1NGS, Bqrdr1ng, Window paper. Firetoaid " pitr8, Trövrliog Biiskcts 1(1 Firs ralé TF.A and COFFET:, A c. i,:. 18 And other nriicles ton nnmcroiis to iivniion. lr Fnrmcre cannot ftiil of finding' ilie Manhattan 21 Store n (?oíir!ible plüce 10 do fheir trn&ng; No" 1 pnino will be spared in wjiftingon ciif-tomeia and " all nre inviied to nll nnd cxniiiine nur poods bufo re nmking their purchuses. ' hilo wc ore cohfident ihat II wlio examine cur t=tck will buy, y:t #a mll t.ikc nr uflnce, it' n ter show. ing üur joods, peoplo cliooee to Irnde elacsrhét.' W. A. RAYMONOi Detroit. Dec. 25, 1S-Í5. 244- Cm W HOEVER w!hfs to lny thojr eoods . t1 good nlv!ii)inr, íimíi nol think óFmaklng their purclni8cs till they hnvc toofifüd over th eoods and pi lef ot il' Mami.ittas Ftokk, Detroit. W. A. R MOND. Dec. 25, 1845. y.4- Gin n Cf Koers of Eoptóru N'üilá, jt-st rrteiicd' tvv and fort-ül.-by WILLIAM R. NOYRS, it: 7f. Woodword Aveutic, Detroit. Dec. 12, 1344. 242 POLLARD7 TEMPERANCE flOÜSK. a DÏWhU].);.N 6 BROTHER, BtPFALÓj N. V. ir Corvrr if l'.ml Slnrtnnil 'ittntrc. wit ih ir I.iindingsoftie Sleani onts mvl itml Hoifd Cari . - TN Coinrifinnce with th solicitntions of ninny {" J. frienda of Tímperáñ'c, ar.d our own eonL victions ol dt'iiy. wá á;lemnttd the i.xperiy -nent of krep?n u house on genuino 'J'ctn pernneo prir!r;,"!cp. ond ar boppy to pny wo ' huve been BOStained in our ílbrib u próvido rio '6 public Uritfl n hr.usc wortby oftlicKr Süjiport - - Aftrr hoving been in oper-uion fottr ypni?. i:nl '- u'iv Hg univcrsii! 5ati: fnction, wc Iinvc no htsitac non in ofTering onr elnim tó tho enppoii ui tho iiuvcling coinmunii) . I. D. WEYBÜRÑ, j o. wKvmn.v. CU A 11 G EÍ M ODERA IE. e Pqlronspnd ilnir baggage conveyed to and" froin the íloáse freo. r Wo. )f ürthyciibet?, :.!. '.mturo in recom I' inennin;.' the bliove House t" lbo fnViuf.s of rto cause, ns In-ui!' worlhy ol' :;-ii ; f C. W. IIARVi:V. J'rrs't Krie ('(. Temp. 9. 11 P; Pi. CALRNDRft, Bi do PANA FOHTS, rrr?'t ToútieMcn' do, I' IJ. IvfffXÉitD, Vtcö'i l'ölhiul Tem. Society. c A. ADAMS, sec'y Só Ï845. ; W II Oh ES A L E èi R E T A I L. A. JWFAIiREN, B0GKSELIERANDS1ATI0NER. SMAKT'S BLOCK, 137 JRFKK RSO?I AVB.Nt'H, PP. TRrtlT. KlFI'Ö conálnntly for.-Jea Co'fnplete nf.ortmorit 6f MiscellniH-oi').". Sc!)ooi nnd Cfass - cal iJodki', bettÊrandCap raptr, pialo -tik) rul ed, Quills, luk. Bcali"ri(t Wn.v, ('tilciy. Wrnpping Pnpèr, Printhijg Paper; (.f nll izcp; anJ Bonk, Ni'wsnnd Cjmnister Ink. ol vnrione kind. BÍ.ANK BOOKS. full nnd hall bound. ol i ery vnrit iv of Ruling, NlèmóranHani Booké, c To MeichiintP, 'f'tnehors, nnd -oiht-ü.. huying in ii'iiiini:' i.econiM rn.'jfi'. BabbatD 8ÚHb'Q and I5jh!e Society Dpartör' 51- 14 DISSKUTED MAI'S.-An íi.mT.,.. amtisihg nrtu'le lor the yrnnfr. for R:,le "t PERRYS 'BOOKST.OkÊ Dec. 23. 2M t QACDATÍÍ SCÍ.Q1 f. Byuv? ult Doe. 23. ■ 244 -t