Classified Ads
AT WHOLESALE. S Clin i. C. M'GRAW & CO., & â VVHOI.KSAI.E AND RJtTAlL DEALRR8 ÃN Pif OTS, SHOES, LEATHER AND FIN0IN6S, S -n;r of Jfffenon and Woodtvaid Avenues, 15-ic C. M'GRAW t CU. wouUl respectiutly ' L. nform ihe MerelnntB of Micnignn, ihni iy hnvc oponed n WHOLESALE BOOT â iD SHOE STORE, in tho rooms over their (ail Stoi. Smart' s Corner. Their long ocan(1 aintnnce wiih thu Sdoe business, nnd tho lunas ehoesthQt ure needeil in this Sime, wil! -naj. i (ham to funmh nmrclinnts wilh such stioes thpy neèd, on beiter lorms than ihey can buy ihc New York irarket, s all their gnods nre wfl nght from fi st h-nrla, nnl purucular miiïntion (- piild tO tin: BCleOlÃOb Ot 8Ã7.1Ã8. Detroit. 1840. 24R-W ] . - â . w 7 1 - mv 1 . 9 ! Drocitcry ax wnoiesaw.' _ REDERICK VVETMORK. hu onsinntly on hand, the largcst in iho Went of ockrry, China, Glasstrare, Lookâ ig Glasses and Pintes, Iiritamtia J yVnre Tra .?, Latnps and Wiekof ivg, Pfaled Ware, China Toys, 8c. fy'. nn His eiock includes a!l iliu vurioiics of T! r and Chinu, from ihe finest Chinn Dimier of J Tea ScttR to the most commou nnd low qt eed wnre - from the richesi cut plat=s to he lic lincst glnss ware. Rritannin Cnsiors ot every Ir nd. Briinnnia Tpr Sous, Golfee Pots, Tcu w )'9, LnmpB. Cnndlcsiieks, &c. fo Sol. m: Lap.d Lamis of every desoripiion from e e most costly cut Marlor Lnmp to the clicnpesi n tore lamp. ll All the il)ove nrliclee nre imponed ly hinisch c rectly frotn the mnmifncturers and will l.e tnld ; Wholesale, n low na at any VVholeaale Houbo. l xpenans from seubonrd addcd only. A liboral discount given lor .cash. Merclinnts and oihcrs aro invited lo cali and ' xnmine th-; nbove a-iicUs at ihe old stnnd. No. 25; Jeflerson Avenue (Eldied'a Blonk.) De roit. 2-H-lyrruuÃiic iuiiiT. ate of Michigan, ) T a session of the _ nshtena' Coituiy, $ x Probate Court Tor d County. hi-Id ni Ann Al bof on the 20ih y of Jmiuary. A D. 184ü. l'iesent. Samuel 0 FhIIc-, .ludge of Probntc. In the mntter o! 5 Esluie of IJaniel Dwight. deccised. On -_ iding and film? the petition of Norman ft-ight. adminiatrator oà said Ebtúte, prnying licenso to se! I certnin real catate of which 't id deceasnd died 6cized, and drscribed insaid q tition, niul for ronsuns therein sci forth: h is y, dered tliut the consideralion of said petition be r stponed until the eleventh d:iy of February ;xt, at ten o'clock in tho loienoon pi that dny. the Probate Office in Ann Arbor, in said mnty. And it is furthor ordered lliat bnid pe ioner caua a copy of tliis order to be publish I in a public newspaper prinied :n Ann Arbor, y 6re8aiJ once in each week for tlrce Bucceesive y ceks previous to said day of hearing, to ihe end at nll persons interesled in said renl estáte hav g objections to the granting of snid license, ay then and there cppear nnd mako the sanie nown i f the ee fit. i 18-3v S. P. FUL LER, Judgeof Probate. J Cheap Hardware tore. rHC Subdcnber tukrs ihis melhod 10 inlorm his oÃd cusióme and the public generally iai he still coniinues to keep a Inrgeand generul reprimen; of Forran and Domestic 1 HARDWARE, CUTIiGRY, &c. Also. Spike. Wrpught, Cnt nnd Efome Slioe , ails, Glass. Sheet Iron, Hoop lron. Sheet and f ar Load, Zjno] Bright and Anealod Wirc, Mo j eses Gates nnd Poned, Mili HhwÃ, Crós Cm ( W8. Ilnnd nnd Wood Sa-xs. Back and Key [ile Saws. Anvils, Vicep, Bellow8,Adz-s.Coi)p 'd Tonlt, Drnwing K nivea, Spoke Shavoc, 'np Borerji, Cast Steel Augure. Common Au ur8. Augur Uitts. ÃIollow Augura, Steel and ron Squares. Ground_ Plnsier, Water Lime, rrind Stones, Potngh,Cñldron and Susjar Kettlc?. able, Loï. Trace and Halter Chain, Broad, lamà and Ãarrow Axes, Kj)irit aml Plumb LevIs. loeether with a poneral nsFortment öfHölew Wave. which will be sold low lor Cm or pproved credit at 123, Jeffersoi Avenue. EiIpcd'sBJück. K. MAÃIVIX. Detroit, Jan. IGih, 184G. '24A'jL. finv lünAutiimAilA aENER.ALassoritnentofOisieolnndlroi ' rV. Barrel Riflrs, dou'ole nnd single l-nrrcl ihot Gnus. PifstolB. Gun Lncks. Gnme Bas. ' ;hot I'oucht'9. TowderFInsks. forsnleby WM. il. NOYES, 248-1 y M, Woodwnrd Avenue. Detroit.
R. Marvin
A. C. McGraw & Co
Boots & Shoes
Frederick Wetmore
Probate Court
General Hardware
Gun Sales
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Samuel P. Fuller
Daniel Dwight
Norman Dwight
William R. Noyes
No 125 Jefferson Avenue Detroit Michigan
No 123 Jefferson Avenue Detroit Michigan
70 Woodward Avenue Detroit Michigan