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AT WHOLESALE. S Clin i. C. M'GRAW & CO., & ■VVHOI.KSAI.E AND RJtTAlL DEALRR8 ÍN Pif OTS, SHOES, LEATHER AND FIN0IN6S, S -n;r of Jfffenon and Woodtvaid Avenues, 15-ic C. M'GRAW t CU. wouUl respectiutly ' L. nform ihe MerelnntB of Micnignn, ihni iy hnvc oponed n WHOLESALE BOOT ■ iD SHOE STORE, in tho rooms over their (ail Stoi. Smart' s Corner. Their long ocan(1 aintnnce wiih thu Sdoe business, nnd tho lunas ehoesthQt ure needeil in this Sime, wil! -naj. i (ham to funmh nmrclinnts wilh such stioes thpy neèd, on beiter lorms than ihey can buy ihc New York irarket, s all their gnods nre wfl nght from fi st h-nrla, nnl purucular miiïntion (- piild tO tin: BCleOlíOb Ot 8Í7.1Í8. Detroit. 1840. 24R-W ] . - ■. w 7 1 - mv 1 . 9 ! Drocitcry ax wnoiesaw.' _ REDERICK VVETMORK. hu onsinntly on hand, the largcst in iho Went of ockrry, China, Glasstrare, Look„ ig Glasses and Pintes, Iiritamtia J yVnre Tra .?, Latnps and Wiekof ivg, Pfaled Ware, China Toys, 8c. fy'. nn His eiock includes a!l iliu vurioiics of T! r and Chinu, from ihe finest Chinn Dimier of J Tea ScttR to the most commou nnd low qt eed wnre - from the richesi cut plat=s to he lic lincst glnss ware. Rritannin Cnsiors ot every Ir nd. Briinnnia Tpr Sous, Golfee Pots, Tcu w )'9, LnmpB. Cnndlcsiieks, &c. fo Sol. m: Lap.d Lamis of every desoripiion from e e most costly cut Marlor Lnmp to the clicnpesi n tore lamp. ll All the il)ove nrliclee nre imponed ly hinisch c rectly frotn the mnmifncturers and will l.e tnld ; Wholesale, n low na at any VVholeaale Houbo. l xpenans from seubonrd addcd only. A liboral discount given lor .cash. Merclinnts and oihcrs aro invited lo cali and ' xnmine th-; nbove a-iicUs at ihe old stnnd. No. 25; Jeflerson Avenue (Eldied'a Blonk.) De roit. 2-H-lyrruuíiic iuiiiT. ate of Michigan, ) T a session of the _ nshtena' Coituiy, $ x Probate Court Tor d County. hi-Id ni Ann Al bof on the 20ih y of Jmiuary. A D. 184ü. l'iesent. Samuel 0 FhIIc-, .ludge of Probntc. In the mntter o! 5 Esluie of IJaniel Dwight. deccised. On -_ iding and film? the petition of Norman ft-ight. adminiatrator oí said Ebtúte, prnying licenso to se! I certnin real catate of which 't id deceasnd died 6cized, and drscribed insaid q tition, niul for ronsuns therein sci forth: h is y, dered tliut the consideralion of said petition be r stponed until the eleventh d:iy of February ;xt, at ten o'clock in tho loienoon pi that dny. the Probate Office in Ann Arbor, in said mnty. And it is furthor ordered lliat bnid pe ioner caua a copy of tliis order to be publish I in a public newspaper prinied :n Ann Arbor, y 6re8aiJ once in each week for tlrce Bucceesive y ceks previous to said day of hearing, to ihe end at nll persons interesled in said renl estáte hav g objections to the granting of snid license, ay then and there cppear nnd mako the sanie nown i f the ee fit. i 18-3v S. P. FUL LER, Judgeof Probate. J Cheap Hardware tore. rHC Subdcnber tukrs ihis melhod 10 inlorm his oíd cusióme and the public generally iai he still coniinues to keep a Inrgeand generul reprimen; of Forran and Domestic 1 HARDWARE, CUTIiGRY, &c. Also. Spike. Wrpught, Cnt nnd Efome Slioe , ails, Glass. Sheet Iron, Hoop lron. Sheet and f ar Load, Zjno] Bright and Anealod Wirc, Mo j eses Gates nnd Poned, Mili Hhwí, Crós Cm ( W8. Ilnnd nnd Wood Sa-xs. Back and Key [ile Saws. Anvils, Vicep, Bellow8,Adz-s.Coi)p 'd Tonlt, Drnwing K nivea, Spoke Shavoc, 'np Borerji, Cast Steel Augure. Common Au ur8. Augur Uitts. ÍIollow Augura, Steel and ron Squares. Ground_ Plnsier, Water Lime, rrind Stones, Potngh,Cñldron and Susjar Kettlc?. able, Loï. Trace and Halter Chain, Broad, lamí and Ñarrow Axes, Kj)irit aml Plumb LevIs. loeether with a poneral nsFortment öfHölew Wave. which will be sold low lor Cm or pproved credit at 123, Jeffersoi Avenue. EiIpcd'sBJück. K. MAÍIVIX. Detroit, Jan. IGih, 184G. '24A'jL. finv lünAutiimAilA aENER.ALassoritnentofOisieolnndlroi ' rV. Barrel Riflrs, dou'ole nnd single l-nrrcl ihot Gnus. PifstolB. Gun Lncks. Gnme Bas. ' ;hot I'oucht'9. TowderFInsks. forsnleby WM. il. NOYES, 248-1 y M, Woodwnrd Avenue. Detroit.