Classified Ads
THE SubscribcrhBsjusà received. (and ia con jfà "&0 8tanl'y receiving) (rom T New York an elegant rd a H I "JïflöK Wbl1 sclectod' osÃortment ïwelry, Clocks, Watchos, . &c. whlcli 1)0 iiii'iuis lo sull as tote as al :m V er establishment this side ol cufÃalo for rtady FO] f oni anmng which may b found thelollow I imp : n eupd assoriment qf 5old Fingor Rinps. Gold Brcnsi pins, j.SuatB Chains and Kcys. Silvcr Spoons, :Drman Silver Tea and Table Spoon (first _. junlity.) Silvtr and Germán do Sugar Tongs, C Silvcr Snli. Muatnrd and Crean apoons, Buttfer Knives. Silver Pencil Cose, [Fi Silver nnd Comiiion Tlumblcs. i Silver SpectacleB, Germán and Sicol do. I Me Goggle, Clothns. Hair and Tooih Bruahaa, i Lniher Brushcs, Razors nnd Pocket Knive, yoi Fine Shcars and Scissois, KniveR and Forks, m Urittannin Ton Pote and Casiors. Fine phted do Wtunta nnd Bmfb UanülesticKS, i fiving boxee nnd Süps, Uti nuian's Best llnzor Strop, Cali and Morocco wo leÃa. Silk and Cotion purscs. Violins and of â Vtptin and Base Viol Siringa, Flutes, sec i ' Olarionets. Accordeons Motto Fenls. thi 1 Pens nnd Twct zore, Pen com3. SnurTnnd kii ncco bnxcH. Ivory ürepsing Combs. Sule nnd ait nnd Pocknt CombÃ. Ncr.dle cases, Stele'.toes. un ,r Piiim, Toy VVnichcs, a groat varicty of tai b. in short the greatest variety of loya ever ight to th8 markei, Fancy work bo.xos, th 18 tensetts. Co!ocr:e Muir Oiln. Rmellmg or 8. Court Pluster, Tei Bella. Thermometers, ot mnn Ch.ldren's Woik Baskets, Slntcs m Pencile. Wond PendÃa, BRASS AND B )OD CLOCKS. &.c. n fct almost every as ig to pienso the fancy. Lndies nnd nr C cnll and examine for yourselvre. fi :ocks. Wntches nnd Jcwelry repnired and oà rnnted on short noiice. Shop ot hts oÃd vi id, onposite H. Becker'e brick Store. 1 1H CALVIN BLISS. Ã' à B Cnsh paid for oÃd Gold & Sil ver. in Albor, Nov. 6ih, 1845. 237-ly rr , . wimportant lo Farmers. pcr MIE euhscribcr hos now creeted n Milt for I h manufecturing Likubbd Ou.. Tho locniion I h lh Mili is 5 miles nonli of Fentonville, Gen. ( e Co., Mich. Thia lonntion will ncwmmo it r e ihe farmers in Genesee, Lnpeer, Shinwasóee dui J a part of Livingston and Onklmid Couniies. (v ie Mili is cnpable of grindmg 10.000 bushels to i Soed. And 1 hope w de oblo to get ihnt ] nntiiy another yenr. Tho Flnx Crop is eto fvt 1 t be tho best thnt tho farmer can ruise. - sar the Stntc of New York, in aome scctionp Hiel) acknowledgod to bo equnl to nny other r rnising wheni, the fnr.-nera have proven by on ;periencc of 3 or 4 ycars. thu they enn make T ore money al raising flnx seed ut ont dollar per ishel ihun they oan nl ratsing wheai ut the pri:n il ouünarily brinn. I fclioll hnvu a quaftütity ut eed renrty clenivoii ar Bowing to furnish those who cannot procuTc lsewhere. B l will contract seed at out (lul 'ar pcr bushcl, o be tlelivered nt the Mili ne.x' fall or winlcr. A good aesortment of Dry Goo'ls,' Groceiies. o Crockery, nnd Hardware, and nll the materiuls ti :or pniiitiug kept consinntly on hnntl. S Ca6h paid al uil times for Flnx Seed. v D. L. Li TOURKTTE. s Lona Lnke. Dec. 22. 1845. 24:- 3m g __ _ . â a1ÃM clllllilt (il :ttev . jrncr of Jtfferson Avenue aud Bates street, w Letroit. JE sure ond visïl the Mnnhntian Store when s; J :ire makinij ïnirchnseb. Tl.e gorda which (1 iu will find iliere are excellent in quality and n asonnble n price. We hnve v ood Heavy Sheetings, Alupncns, r rulings, MerinoH, cking8, Mushn Delaines, inscyfl, ' Cashmeres, ed and white Flannels, Gálicos. I añncttp, Lnce Vcils, t uil Cloths, Green Barrogo, assimerea, Gloves, entinta. Ilosiery, ron Icloilis, G.npliams, ha wis. Ribbons, Linen Cambric Udkis. Laow. - :c. &.C. &c Bntiing. Cotton Yntn, Wickin?, Whlta Cnr et Warp, Colored do. do.. Siraw Tickin{, llenched Cotiors of 11 qunlmrs. Fine unbleach d Coitons. Barred Muslins, te. &c. Al8o, FEATHERS and PAPER HANG NGS. Bordering. VVindow paper. Firc board pen, Traveling Baskets. Fira' rnte TEA and COFFEE, &c. &c. And other articlpji ion nninerons to ntntion. nrmors cannot fail of finding the Maniiottnn Jt.)re a desirable piare fo lo tlieir trading. No nins will bc spared in waitingon cutoniers and 11 nre invited to iall nnd oxiiniine onr goodn bc ore niaking their purchosos. "While we arr onfident ihat nll wlio examine our stock will ny, vet we will raice no ofTence, f a ter (show " our coods. ncoplc chnose to trad elsewhere. y W. A. RAYMOND. Detroit, Dec. 25, 1845. 244- Cm At Pcrry's Book Store. Vexlgoor East ofthcJY. York Cheap Store. THE subscribir has just opened nnd is non; ready to scll the most exiensivcassortment ol BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS and 8TAÃ10N ERY. Dvcroffercd in Ann Arbor. His stock conaisis o' SCHOOL BOOKS rf nenrly every varieiy in use in tliis Stnir- Histories, Biograpliies. 'IV.tvi!?. Mrinoirs. Miscellaneoua, Rohgious nnd Cln-ical Book. BiBLES nnd TE3TAM KNTS, cvnry variety of' size, slyle und binding. Somt splendidly finished. PRATER BOOKS. POK1S & ANNUALS beautiÃully bound fr Holyday giÃta Párenla md others wishinp to rnnke epleisdid holyday prcscnts nt smnll piwt, will do we II to qaHiii Pcrry's nnd imike tlicir selections f rom a full skc'i. Dun't delay. Also, on hand the f.irgesf nïsortnient ol TAPER cveroflbrcd west f Detroit; such as Cap. Flat Cap, Leiter, Krcnch Letter, Bnnkers Poel. Cooyin",' Tissuo, Crd Back, Knvelopc, nnd 10 kinds ol note paper, wiih á Culi assortment of Siecl Pens. Quilla, Wafers; Black, Bine, Red, and fiopyi'ns Infc; Sand, Inkstands, Folderf. Pen HoIJers. Slamps. Molto Seals. Gold and Silver Wafers. Indio Rubber, Pcncilsnnd Points. Envelop, s. and manv vnrieiics of Visiting Cards. Also, GOLD PENS, an article cbmbimng ulcinco with cconomy. He ins on hand 11 gorTd wleciion of Books suitablo for Family, School District nnd Township Z.IBRASÃ3CSS. It will not bcpobsiblc to name all the articlc in hisüne: Suffice sny, that his assortinem is pencrnl and clieaper than was cvor beforc offered in this villuge. . He hns made n-rangementfl in New ïoik which will cnablc him nt ail time? ro obtnin nny tlnn" in hisline direct from New York ni short notice. by Exprcfs. It will bc ser-n thnt hu Ãn cilitiüs for accomodating liiscustomerewiih 'iriicAcb nol on hand is bcynnd precedent, an! he 1 ready nnd willinpto do every thinc rensonn'o lo malie his csinMishmenl euch nn rno ns nn enligbtehed un dirrrnin comrrmnity requiro. nnrt he hoprs to rncrii aharé ofutronJ Persons wiahin? any nrticle in his line will do well to cali bclore puicbasint; clfiewherc II V"" frKe1 tho place, enquire for Ferry's liwkstor'. Ann Arbor, Upper Viilogc--2d door Laat oà Mam stieet, on Huron atreét. R pERRY. December, 1845. .. v 'ir _r r.ciAm rCniki. received