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The Marshall Transcript

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s ,he litle of a tri-weekly pnper jusí comnenced at Marshall by J. O. Balcli and Seo. VV. Pattison at So, 00 a year. We iave lhe impression that t is to be neural in politics. The people of Marshall nust be quite literary, or ihey could noi npport a tri-weeldy, when every city md village in the State, cxcept Detroit, s content with weekly papers.QTlie European men of scienco are rosecuting experiments on rendering ( vood more durable. The Buffalo Pilot refers to the proceedngs of ïlie French Academy of Sciences, ' n which it is stated thal ';Dr. Bouclierie laid before the Acadeïiy the resiills of protrncted experiment ' ipon the preservation of wood. Billets l )[ vurious kinds of wood, as beach, horn' ean, biclij n'ner tree, oak &c., we re i ubmitted to the process oí ab-sorption. hrough the ngoncy of vegetable lite, of ( arious liquids, pyroligenous acid, snl)hate of copper, chloride of calcium, chlo, ide of sodium, and chloride of mercucy. n all these cases, the operation was susicnded before the wond was penetrated. n all iis pnrts; and subsequently these ' ieces of wood had been long exposed to ( lestruction, in humid situations. As pre' ented before the Acaderny, all could rcalily see the contrast presented bet ween hose portions which had, and those which ' lad not imbihed the preserving liquids." } (L7Tlie debt of tho Stnte for Internnl lmt irovement purpnses, inclucingjnterest to !asl c uly, is $4,151,829,79. We are deeply ptiined to lon.rn that on ( he evening of Friday last, the d Welling v f f.1 r. Georgc Miller, of Ecorse townr hip, in lliis county, with its contents, was c onsumed by fire, and sorrowful to relate, l ivo of bis children were also consumed jhe faiher had absent himself fora few , loments, when the house was discovered j n fire, and all allempts to rescue the r hildren were unavailing. The distracon of the parent upon thus seeing his c hildren perish in the (lames can be conu ei ved, bul not described. With diñlculc r he could be kept fron) ruahins; in and 'J mring their late. The fire originated, is supposed, from a spai k lighting on a