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iJN UHANU1SKÏ - ad UUiUUn. Betn-ecn Rucl Sniiili. et. nl. Comfilainants and E. W. Morgón et. ui. Dutemlnnis. IN pürsnnnce nml by virtus of n dccrec in thif ontiso. I si al ecll nt public ;iuciion, nt the Cqui House, in ihevillugc of Ann Arbnr, on the cijjhih ( ; i y of FVdruury ncxt, nt noon. Lnlij Mlcven, Twolvc, Thiftpen, Fouriccn, nnd ilir sruth hnlf if FiftoPi. Irt Block (out. in ftrown iV ['ulier' nddnioii to ihc villnc il Ann Arlor. JOHN N. GOTT. Mnsicrin Cluincery. iMjm'.s &. Wir.sov. Snl'rs. D.ucfl. Dec 5í4j A. ]). JH-15. 2U Tlie nlov(! nifntioncd sale is posiponcdlo ihtenth dny of f'e'jruary Helt, at ihs' sime ho ur and place. JOHN H, GOTT. Mister in Clianccr. Dittd, Jnniif ry I7ilt, A. I). lü. DISSECTED M APS- An instruotive oml musinc; ariic'o Tor the yountr. for wile fit TEHKY'S BOOÍCSTOKK. Dec. 23. -llJti "EiVTISTRY. E. G. BURGER, Denlisl, HAS removed liisoflicc to Crnne !t Jcwrtt'fc Block. iirst room on tho Second Floor. where being weli prepnred lo httend 10 cvi?ry hraiich of bis profesión, would reípectfuüy p'ij to nll who hnve not had those ntfèessniy orijans, THE TEETH. pröperlv oiteíicíeíí to. dehy nlonger, büt cnll upon liim and experiencc the ease nnd dirnbiüty of his .iperaiions. Tkhms accommodating and charges inno ctíáe mirensonable. Ann Arhor. Mnrch fi. TH4.r. 47-tf ABDATII SCIOO!. BOOKS for sale at fERRVS 7JOOK STORE. tièc ÍX 241- ifBOOKS! BOOKS!! At Ferry' Ut ook Store. fext door Eust of ikc .V. York Cheap Store. IHK aubscriber hns just opened and is now . ready to sell the most extensivo ossoriment of OOKS, BLAXK BOOKS and ■ Éky. r-er ofiered in Ann Aibor. His stock consista of SCHOOL BOOKS nenrly every varicty ia usa in thia State - :Í8ioii'S. BY.-jfinplm-í, TriVel'j. PiTímoirs, n sllnntuiu. Rc1uiuuh and Cluiaical Hoeks. BímiE8 nnd TRSTAMI'.NTS, N ynry vnrieiy al si?, .ryli: and bhutuig. öuim jlciulidly tinishcd'. j RAYF.K UOOKS. I'OK.MS & ANNUALS snütifully boiind for Hölydsy exfi. [I lid olhi'18 wislling to llinko Splcmlid l.olyiliy resentí nt sinnll cist. wil! ;. w,. 1! culi ut M i-rry's nnd mnkc liieir sclcctionj t'roin o ful! c i. I) n't di-i-ty. yi Also. on linn.l the !ari;isi n?3ortnpnt if l'A■ fvor ofii-Ti'd wi'.st ir' Ooiroit; .-i'.l) :3 (':ip. I lat Cnji. IjWtlor, French Letter. P.nnticra Punt, 'opyiii2, 'issie CnrdlJu-k. Envilupi, nd 10 n indn ol' prfper, wilh 'u'-l BSJhirtmcni l teel Pen9. Quilla, V.ifns: Blpck. Bine. Kcl. o nd Copyitig Ink; Sand. InUstunda, Polders. 'en Hnl Iers. Siamps. Motto SodU. Gold and t ilvur Wufcrs. india Rubber. PcneiU mid !' Invelop. 8. niwl irtimv vnritiM of VisitinirCurds. n Alsi, GOLD PENS; au urtielu combinina i legince ith 'C moniy. Me bas on linntl n t od selection of Rooka soi'ablo lor Family, chool District ntvl Townshij) I LISRARISS. It will not bp [vijs blo to nar e nll tho artltílw n bis!itic: Suflkc it ti) sr.y, that liin nssoriinciit ] 9 general o nd i-heopot ihnii wás ever beforc , ered in ibis vlUagc. r ■ He hns nindo n rnncteriicnls in New Ynr!; vhich will entibie him nl nll inm's n obtain ', hmg in hip line direct from New York nt short , ntice. by Kxpreps. It wili e scen tlint hts i lírica for nccomdotinR his cuatotneri wïth arti- lts not on li.-mil is beynnd precedent, nnd ho is cady nnd rilling to deverv thing roasonnble to nnke his csinblishment surh nu on ns nn cnchiened nnd discerning eoinmuniiy roquiru, and e hopes to tnerit n altar ofpntronnue. Prai ha vishinp nny nrticlc in his line will do wcll to all bclore pmehasina clsowhore. lf you ibrget ho plai-p, enqttír tur Ptrnff Bo4ikstori-, Ahrt rbor, Uppor Vliloisf - ád door Kust of Mam strect, on Hnron aiibet. WM R. PKRRY. Decembnr, l.J .NEW COOKIXU STtfVE, And Stovcs of all Iiiüds. The subscribir vou!d cali ihe atiemion ut ihe public to Woolson's Hot Air Cooking STOVE. W h i ch he eau confidciuly recoaimnd ns being dccidedly superior to any Gooking Stové in ii3 Kor simpliciiy in operaiion - ertmuiny in f nol. and for unt-qualled Bakinc and Ruastixu qualiity, it is uni valled, The ncw und important improvemem introduccd in iis construciion belng sucli ns to irsure greai advaiuages over alt ottitr kínda ui Cuoktng Sloves. WILLIAM 11. NOYES, Jr. 7I VoJdlard Avenuu, Ue roit. Dec. 12. la:5. 42ciieap Hardware Store. THE Subácriber takt-8 llus incilKid o inform hia old cii8tomere and the public gcncrnlly h;it lie still cominues 10 keep a laigeand gt-nerul issjrtmcm of ForetgJi nnd Domestic HARDWARE, CUTLEIÍY, &c. AIso. Spike. VVrought, ut nnd Hort-o Shoo Nailn, Glofs, Ühent Jron, Hoop Iron. Sheet and iar Lead, Zync, Bright and Anenlod Wirc, Monsses Gntcs ntid Fasseits, Mili Sawc. Croes Cttl 3nv8. Mnnd nnd Woud, Batk nnd Kr) Iiile Saws. AnvÜs, Víriís. BellawS.AdÍK8,Coop. ir? Tool , Dmvmg Knivcs. Spqke Sbayns, l'op JJorcrs, C.isi Sieel Augura. Conuiioii Au;nra. Atiur Biti8. Hollow Augun. Steel and Iron Squaii-s, Ground l'lnsier. Water Linie, Clr'md Si.Tiies, Poinih,Caldrori and Sugnr Kenlef. Clable, Lo?. Trnce nnd Halter Clinins, liro d. Han. 1 and Nnrrow Axes. Spirii nnd Pluinb !.ivi;ls, toL'ttliL'r wiih d pcnerftl oesortmfni t J lol- Icw Ware. whioh will ln pold low for Ca3h oi :ipprovpl credit at Ü3, JttRèraon Avenue. F.idrod's Ulock. II. MARVIN. Detroit, Jan. lGtli, IS IC. 248-1 y"Crockery at Wholesaïe.' FREDL'IUCK WLTMOiiE. Iws eúnMtfntly on Ixind, ihe liirgcst v(ck n ilie Veal of C rocker y , China, Gfassware, Looking1 Glasses and Plat es, Brithiinia Ware Trais, Lnmps and H'iclcing, Plaled Ware, China Toys, Sfc. $c. IJis stock nctudes n!I ihc variellca f Grockery and Cliin;i. froin (he finest China Dmurr sod Tci Sc-tis io iliu most ommo'i and low priced wore - frotu tlic licht-ai cui plaes io the plniocst glfiaS'WOEO. Htiiannin Cnsiors oluvi-ry kind. Brimnnin Tci Setls, Coffeo Tots, 'J'eo I'ois, Lampa. Cniifllpstifks. Ac. Solar Lar Lvnsof tvcry deiCf'plion from ihti most costly cut Pnrlor Lainjj tü lllö olifapest Sliiro ln:np. All tlifi abovo nrticies n-e importad by Itiinyeli (iir"ci!y frotn tlie mnniifncmrcrR ind wiH ) fo!d at Wholfoiio. ai pfw uê ot nnv VVliolesalc Uousr. expenses rom eeobuord oddÑI only. A lilicral 'ii?coiit)t (rlVen ior ca'li. Mirclmn!s nn'l (iihrrs nro invitcd to cnll and examine th al.ovc íimícIíR al the old ..t.itid. No. IÜ5, JciTerson Avenue (Eldred'u Blo'-k.) Deiroji. 24-Jy TBMPERANCE HOUSE. PB. KI PI-K Y wpiild siy to liis triends nnd tha triend of TiMiipur. nee, lie li.itukvn ilic Tompcranco Iloust-. (ntely lup' by KVni. G. Whenton, wbcra he wóuld hé silud Io vait.npon ihera. M-iy nnd Oai8 oud Slfibbling o nccoai tennis. Doiruit, .Innunry I. Ie 6 2 ." fs, ï ve foséese Jb eatners ) OOO luirc 'lve GéeieFeaiher tor ? y VplJ l' ilt4 linio or tingle pound, ai iii Jeilcrtün Avenue. Dntrnii. ly BEECHEft -t ABBOT. Jnn. 23. 1846: 243-3mo A N.N (JA LS - A Urce nnW VBÏürtta iissortineniol AnnüMs for IW io-rt!icr witli itiiiny öplendidly buund boolcs, sQtiobfa for prestiiits, lor B.ile nt PKRJlf'S BOOKSTORE. Doeér 241- if