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■SSÍ =Vj Thü'rtcentdisastrowfirc i-n fit-w York w.ll fÍoarw excite SofTitHIc mi rígnid w iis-cil SSÍJ-iSSígbboTtng placea, 'i l, Directo hlymtfo aaitíre ibeir Mióme amX the-publí.. I (liatíhevnre propared lo lidjúál nnd rjy at nm .ü- í y, "ll lí8Scs íumed by lijé r b%:c, surplp nnd curren recr.j.w, vithoui ddoy, obíl wúj. wiihdrawjngiíieirpCTrnanenrinvcsimóniB. J i." ; capital rcmnins ampio tor ihe flecurity 0 al xnsurc u-iili lhem and ih.-y mv.ic owíra of , .rabio propenyio obtaiA I plicie on ftvon fcrmsj boih ai (ho Home OiBco and ot ihnr J eixl Agencies. Their modo vi ifaiMflQlinfl nes, whicli íor 35 years posi hoj sacared (b pubfie confUcncc. w1II remajn unchanged. Byordcr ol th" 6ontd-ol líirefftdr?, JAMCS G. BOLLES, Sec y. f' J. B. Crni-.. Ann Ari-or. Bv tliii n uriJI besccn. tbai the Conipany p their laasea, during ihe lasi s. mpnihs of OUT OFTHF.1R SURPLiVS FWW0S. . : Sinco i!c MvmiMü o ooe ihousniid dollars, to j R D' Fo'ra, bf.Bríghton, lürtho lass siisinincd by bilis the Compnny havo páid I lite snbscriber nnotlier íhousand, fot Flour liorrelí, Wurñl oM the receñí (iré in thiaviünge For ihislií-i j eand ibc subscriber paid ilio Company lour cloiInrs-a good investment as lie tlnnks, dunng thcfic har'J times. All whó are nol irittii'ed nre jnvitedto cnllon him, aiuUie will iwue Töiictee .ithoncdda,. f } r crane Acon( Ann Arbrr. July l", M' '' 4-fi.i. State of Michigan. ) X 'V a seá#ion o: ': Wnslitcnav" Couniy. , ÍA I'robaie Goutl Foi snid Cüiinty. hcli at Aun Arbor; on the 80n dayof Jnnuáry, A D. 1810. Present. Samue P; Fiiücr, Judgo oï Probate. In the mni i the Metate óf Daniel Dwíghr, deceosed. On reading oml fitíng the pftiti-irt ot Norman Dwigbtj ndminiatrator ol lid llsv.ic. prnyinp foT líuonse to sfll ceftain real oia'Ot whiclr siid decensmJ d;ed selzed, and acacribed nrwtn tíífltfort, añd br roaon8 thereírrél fortn: lt ís ordercif thl ilio consi It-ration ofsnid pelition le DDSíponed until ibe clevenífi lay ol Fcbn:nr next. at ion o'dock in ihe brenoon ol ittai dey, nt the Probaré Office in Ann Arbor. in said county. And it is furíher ordered snid petitioncr ca:s: a copy of this ordor t be published in n public newipapér priníod iri Ann .Arbofi nforesaiJ once in ench woek for fh;ee sncccs.'ive wecks previous to 8id dny of hearing, to ihe tnd that all persons interested in snid real cs;n!e lia v in" objections to the granting ol eaid licen-c. may then'and thereappeár and maUe thc íomc known ifthpy sce iii. 248-3iv S. i'. riiLLER, Jndce of Probóte.IN CUASCERY- K1RST ClKCl'IT. Daniel Önkïey, Complaiwinl p?. David Pogt irrd Calco N. Ormsby, Dclcndants. BY vinuc of a decretal ordor SBUfld OUt of the Connof Chanci-ry of the Stnie ofMichiir:in I shull exposé to sale to the highest bidder, at llic Couri Housen the villtigo of Ann Arhor. Wnsliienaw Gnonty, nnd Sute of Michigan, ui: the 2.4thday of Fébrnnry next, al one o'clock in the afternoon f t!int finy tne füUowing dèschbed 'premises, 10 wil: "All ihai certoin trüct or pnrcel of Luid siuinie. lying nnd licin in Hrown & "Fuller's addition to tho villoge of Aon Ailmr. on lot nmiibcr onc. in l-loclc number rilu, and bcini: all ibal pnrt of tho s;ml lt on svbich stnnd-, lhethrce nortbenst cmor bnild:tiL'a of tlie Hr - ion Block, togclber with Fni:) buitóingii and tbe ' anpurtennncrs lliereto belorginp. bping in tho ' Couniy of W.islitpnaw, and Smt of Michigan. GEO. DANFOIITH, Mastcr in Ch'y. JoT &- PotUKIl. Sol'r. Dmcl Jnnunry 6th, 1 H46. 246- 7w IN CUANCERY- FIRST CIRCUItT" ü.iniel Oakfey, Complainant vs. Paul Minnis. : Marcia Mionia and William II. Thompson, De i fcndimts. BY irfuo of n decreto! order issued om ot the Court of Chanccry of the State ot Michigan-, 1 dmU espose to s;ife to the highfl) bidder, at the Couit Uonse, in tbe villaje ot Ann Arbor, YVashiennw Connty, Michigan, on the21thday of Fcbmnry next, at ne o'cloek in tlio oftetnoon of thnt d;iy. the followitig duscribed pranifes, ta wit: ".Ml timi ceiir.m piec or parcelof Innd siiiMte irr the villape ol Ann Arbor. Cuiiiüy of Waabscnaw, and State o! Michison, known, bouack-d and described Q8 follows, to wit: Commcncing on Pnckard sucpi. twtlve and eighty-fout one-hiindreih perpjief outh of thü uorthenst c-irncr of Innd convoye! by Elishrv VV. llumst.y lo Benpmin H.rPpcknrd. . and running north iwelvc and oiiilit y-l'our onchundredthperchis to üü' notUieast cornor, ihcnfce woM.on llie south line of tbc villagc pial üv nñd one-twontietb perches, thencc suiuh niñi and throc-tenths perches to l'.'ickird Mrcei thencc with said Pncknrd .-'.reet sonih to ihc plsc of be "inning, coTrtaining f.liy-si.t porches, be tb nmunoie or lcss GEO. DANFORTIJ, Mustcr in Chtincery. .Tot & Poiitku, Sol'rs. D.ucd Janüttry fc'th, 1846. 'J KI- 7wjMtccsEcai f once. TËp únflermgaed. in oflferihg lus services te Woshtenaw and tlie tidj.jining Go'fnié. ;iï Homttopatbic physictan. would say, iliat ottei haring procticed medicine o ih'e principies aftauglu :i the old -echoot, and ircarod diaè tlio laai iwo yoara occording lo the lriy ■ ■: Ho mcDopailiy, - (Sufiilia similibus corantitr.} laught in the naw school of medicine : and hhv. Uig compniöd the successol thé iwo Bj-stenin, h.i unhesítntingly belitres IIumoBftpnthy to ba Üi most safe. cerinin ■!!)(! si. (. ' Disensos, liiihortü ncúrubje-, aro ñow iii mos ci3os. permanently cradicated ly Homceopaihv. Afiaotions thaepiho, head, uterus. Btomacli te. c. have no.v iheir certnin remodios. K' ilepsy, manía, pwalysis. nauralgin, broncliïl Jiver'nnd lung ti6cn scarlut (ever. cl. black mensles, mollgtianl sora eryipeln or blnck tongu cimip, inilanunutionfi "I ily brain, Btomóebi bowel?. vc. &.c. niconly a Iflí of ihc many ills, thai havo been tiiipl oí tlieir errors by the titnojy application of lioniaSopalqic Tnedicamcnts. . , , Without fartlier cssny, the undersined woulfl leaveii to tbè nfiFlictedio say, on tiïal óf the remdies, whctherHomceopaihy is wliatit clhims to ' bc or not. JIc would also stai 'lint lio jus, rcturnco fioin New York mul r'h.l.u'clpliin. .wi.'h n comTtete nMortmont of MEDICA.MENTS, just iniported froin Leipsic, to ibis place, jyhórc !: wi uitend to Sll cii1Is,.ond lurnish medicnnj books. &c. at the I vcsl p rices. From the closand exclusive alfentioo he is givini; to tlic study end practicc o!" HomoBOpaiby 10 bc able to give ealiafnction to those who may faor hini witFi their patronage. Communications, post r:ndr from patfents at a distancc, w ; 1 1 receive prompt , ttentton. Those who may wish to place tliomelvc3 under liis trentment for nny cbronic disense, rap obtnin lodgings citlier at liis house, or in oihei placos. at low priers. THOS. BLACKVOOD, M. D. Hotnasopoihist. Ypsiianti, 20th Nov. 1845 2W- 1yFARM FOR SALE, OR EXCHANGK ion üTiu.R rilOPERTV TlfK subscriber o flore liis farm of l!U Acres, wiih 12 Acres improvcd. mul n frame house, mtéen'by twory-slx, witli nu addition of qighi ■ feet oh onc sitie. Snid farm is situ.-tcd in il; town of Concord, Jackeon Co., ilirco milts rtorili ol Concoid vÜQge. five east of Albion, twëlyc weet of Jackfon. TUere is n nevcr-fnilini streani of water running ncross il. nnd alioui IT Acres of ■first quality of natural meadow. For furthei parliculais onquiro of Bc-nj. llaviland, or J. N Rwnin of Concoid. or llic sul)son!rr ut l.he Tlunstilnji Mocbine Sh p, Iowcr Town, Ann Arbor'" Terma to suit üe purcKnser: Ann'Atbor. T. A. IiAVlI.AM). Jftiiuary 19, 1846. tf T Sporlsmesi. AGENKICALiisáortiuent of Caatoel ondlron :Baru4 JÜflcs, doublé nntl BÏngle Imrxcl Siiot Guns. l'isioU, Gun Locka, Game Bngs. Bhot Pouchce, I'owder Klaefcs, Tor sale by W.M. R. NOYES, 248-ly 76, Woodward Avenue, Dctro.t.■ . ■ - ■ SSííÉíírLEATHEK! LEATHER! Er T)RKD & O No. 123. Jèfójiioïi Avenuo, "Eldieri'.s I3Iock," Detroit, toke . , í;pno....iv tó inTorm-tbèlr stomers, anc! the public generally, llmt hey ; !lcoi,-tinutükfc)'onhand a full assortment ol ,.,.,, gíáíi ás-; "■ JUr slocfi bBforo jnnchnsing clscwlmre. ff?-Caii and Ac' cxclmnged for Hides and Skins. ELDRED & Co. 248- 1 v Detroit, Jan. 1316. - .■uJLÍ.uuiIm'S'hirty Thousaad Persons 4 NNI' 1.LY fiïll victhns to CoHsurupiiön in , the Ur.ited States. The cause ol the cv.l (, géneraiiy ovcrlookcd. A ehöfl dry co-igh, or Q eglected cold, is the precursor. rílese ure fl cemed unimporlant. in il eidc, hectic c-vcr, and niJ.' &&b foHow, nnd cicath ends , he secne. WoüW yon (inda ( i;rr.iKDY ron tiik ? t Icrc it is. Tlic experienco of more than 20 yenrs n private practico hns proved it.s cliicncy, nnd „o Ü8 intmducntm to p.ibüc rwtice, nh hough t lus imw been offtred luit a few monihs. us ía!ó Ims been unprcccdi-ntcd. r.nd its euceces beond qüesiiori, great- so mach po, thnt tt is delared to be tho gieatcst rcr.icdy n lbo world. ' ASTLIMA, oo. tV.nt fcarfüi and (IiBtrèssing mnlady, vvbich en'dcrs life burlhensomo during iis coniinuancc. s stibiiued without d.lhctiUy by ihisgrcat teniedy, ind the sufTcrcr is enohled y ita n6 to OBtaui nnict iepic ; the shuiincas of breaih is the COUgh is "Unved, nnd hcnlih and vfcor ake tho place of dospondency and suflenng. Ur. FOÍf(B OOSAONÍAN, ,.,)T. Ar.T. IIeaMM; i;.IAM. is tliC rcnicuy mv - kis boen so cminently sueceséfui in nlloviniing mi curing the aböVe eoihjfaiiM ; nnd u bas been g uecil lv the firat phys-icinns in the city, who " claic it t) Bé unrivnltcd, innsimch ns u does not disiurb llrt bow.'ls in the least by roducing n liVencss. vi'hïlé "'I oihcr remedies recnmmcnded J] 6r the above discieos invnrir.bly sliut up the bdw bU, ihus reiidOrteg ft rtccessary to retort to etuive medicine. , . , , . i Rand the folldwing. cose?, which havo been reifcvèd nnl cuied vihhïn ;. few week" : 1MYIH IJF.NDKRSON, CO Lm glit streel, ' look lïVcvcre coll on the 4-h dny of July, snel washiouRl.t vrrv low by a disirowSng. catfgh, tehich r9u!(td irt frijaom aimcks of bleedmg iro.n the lüngs. ALhouyi. beried einÉ .,„ ho wDfi i. ', nnd by the iroirn v .. ober wnfi só nnirh rcdnccd by nightiyeat ri.nt he duM.-ot! of !:fc One l.oiilo o Folger b O'losri ;--d bim to hcnlth. GÊÖ'HGE W. m'RN'KTT. of Newrtrk N. J .has süflerö.] undèr (lie -flecra of o severo col lor more tliun a ye .r. Mo was rtduccd to l be i.nnk of the Ernvo nlü-nsi. hy lus c-nuu an.' _ mglii vcats. He commei ng b'.ood in the iMTih Af öctebsf He ttmiaMMM ueinjj ,i,., and by tl c iniddk' of .Novt-mber far resioreilihailié left k.r Puieburgb wife wiv piospt-ti ol rciovenng !i]8 beaUh. -A?rs. BKLL. ii r-Vj &l,4 üorn-town, N, J., v.t.3 dfeádftttly nfflicted vvith jftiima for r.'.„ y yi.-ars. -l ' pl.ysicians littd Rln&it.d or rrlioVni hrr. One bottio of the Olomionwa pd Tar feeiarcd her ihai abe waa nb!e to eet oui f bod ond drese b ri i. v.hich yliciiad noi (ion.-; beforè in monthi; and s.o is iiow in a Inir v.-ny to bo rolioved. Mr F LUJAN. 53 l'iko stree!, wns so bad ívith n?iima thitt he had not slop in bis bed fol ■ whn hö eomètenced the uée of. tbi I remcdy. O.m Miilb cwred him, nnd he :, ,s liöthad o return ot hie BOmplaint now more Ml„ ■ .. oa V.nlkcr 8 reet, wnsnloo Ij i,y tHe Olosao.iKH.. Dtid . iltnl sh ncvur kww medicme givc suoh immcdinte nnd pornïnenl relief. BBÖRGEW. 11AYS, of ibis ,-tiy. wosgivrn up by lus physieinn as incartblei Ihs üvêbmu was consupintion nnd when Iw coinmcnccl using the Olosoonfan, was eo wen!; fbot he could not wolk wiiiiout bcin? oséiitcd by a fneiul. tíy strict nttfinion bc was so tar reworeo m a lew weel;s n.6 td be nl.le lo pürsne bw business. ) MES A. CRO.MB1K, 120 Ni.ssau street ; J. J, PWeéH, II toh Mrcot : C. SIK-nson, ;') Blceckcr Btreet.; Jpriiè DnVÍ. 58 Greene s.reet; nnd Mr.s. Rftrllèii, i Morton snoet : Invr all èxperioneed íh fcuod encela uj the Ohsaonijin jl in cotias of long sinnding a:,c! i.ffciions oí ihv , lun-s, nnd prpnpyncq t. with ono uccurd. to lc tlie. greates: remcdy. n.J the moBt jpcedy djffd ' uní, ihol ihey havo cycrRnöwiï. K , , i ;... v.iu from the nhove oase? Tiy ihia rëmcil. You wilf nr-.t. perlians. rprf;t it. It nioy nrresi al! iboso siirn-c ,!!.. ymptQmfl which sijrike such terror tu thë mm .";:n(l a!ohl' your days. Fo. iist,onc donrnlvivn Ann, Ond at M.s Í1vs; 1 Sfl Pühon st-, W$Iyn. „nul; K San.psöb.VpantïVD.C. lutwood, . D ,vi; rirklonl & Ciniu'. Saline; ' rol. Chntonj !!. Rbwer, Mincln-Mer; P. I'nrlck M Co., Piymouih: ü. Giegory and A. Ginnr. , l Vorthvillo. 24A-Gmo j i'AlK lNUUUJ. PERSONS mlclucd io meare licreby rectfully iKiilxi! iliat vM account? nnd nóioa not settled ibis miiinh. m ,11 ba left wi'h a .Tnsticc tbr coJIticiion. Peraona interested will look out oiul save cost. Jün'y 1". 1946. C. .1. GPAHLAND. Persons havinc nccounts or notes with vis will ; picase cnll and ndjust tbo same without dclity. 217 tf GARLANDO LE FE.VK11 iFersian Pilis Put not Ihe IJghl vndcru Bushcl," but rcad and ponder . TMIE TIMÉIS COME, nid now is, thnt the f J. graat mnss of ihc people o il;. ond the ld world. liova decidcd that ihe g PE&SIAir AXD INDI 4N EXTR ACTS. re tlic inosi ffciual combination of ihodicmal if redients tliat ever lias, ur ever can compuse n IK 1 The UKSURRECTION or PERSIAN h 'II. LS, being made ol vegfttnble xiraetB, nrc , ítfüy digestivo, heconung a juico n ihc huintiTi n lotnnch. This liquid is rnsily taken u) by the c bsorbeni vcsscU-, bnd conveyed thrpaghout ú iiirts of thesystcm, dispensing lifoand aiiitnniiou , n nll the oigan By being n?simibted wtth he blood. tt enters into iis combinaiion. j na the et'rean-.s of lifo. Ypu sec it would L aFlv and readily coniline wiili tiic blood and ill t heVccreiions. thiií aflapürig itielfto the remuvnl , f all üiscases of impure blood, whicli cloc llie nyr-.ns. causing pain, dist reus, and denth. lf the ( tnóiírftiéí seulf upon the orgnn of the htoninrh. , t causen bad t:iste in the moulh. a furred iougue. lad brenih. indigestión, dyspepsin. puin. ásense jf fullness or gonencss. &c. lf upon the lungs n throat. they wül cítiso a cough, tightness. eakness, nnd an uneasy sonsntion in iho ihroat. ritation. bronchitis, nd consmnption. Ii they etile npon thelivei. ihey will causa liver con.laint. jauudice. or eallow skin, fovcr and ague. )ilious diseases of all kinds, nnd meularay ol ie boweU.diarrahcüa, Sec. Il upon the nerves, ïey will causo nervous weaUncss. pain in the, bick hcadacho. general debdity. lowspiriis. eat in the back. sidc, or hcaJ. lf in the eystem nencrnUy, U canse general emnciation. scrofula. "umorslirh'. hard skin, pimples, blotehes, ïrriiaion. &c. &c. .i. You know if any tliing clogs tbc engine, all he jnacliiticry bccoines reinrded ín lts motion, and as itdecrenses in stienLth, the inoiions !ecome pornlyzed more and more, until finally ilCüSCS 10 niOVe. CO wim mu nuiiiau o. o.v...., ... lie blood becomes impuie with huniois, the or;anssuü"eicrcatiig, pain, miiy. and if not rcnoved, dcnili. ... A constniu se of diese Pilis ín a funuly. Wíl] rld venís to cach individual Ufe. For beinz nado OÍ vegetable cx'rucis, thej may bc taken roniyomli 10 oíd ngo without injuiy. but wíl i lecided benct'n. Veak!y, puny children, will )ccome li.nltliy and qirfing witii n slow use of hese Pilis. Théy si.oibc vcrk nerv. s. -s.rongib n t,c sveal;. ümlcleanse f.ll U.e rufiana jn o nmn ner above dcscribed B(?ng con.pouixl ol juicos, ihcy pass (btüUfih thc smnllcsi yesaels, ihus teacbing disr-.ise pent up n ihe system. even in ilie cyp3 and biain. We Unow that ihey are the best Pili ín thc wnilil. lor íens of ihonsumh tluit lmvc Ipkeo evory otlier pill. havo deciitéa so. nnd notlnng coulil hinder thein Ironi kwping üiem on Innd.- TiiUc these piüs IVe-lv, and yuu will seldont wárri a phymciah. Wlm nver hefird of nmch ; , ., viten tlicsc Pilis were tula n iieel ? Tben nj:nin thcy cause no pain or wcak ncss'in tlu-iropemtion; they eoolhe tlie bowels.. nnd nu a surè mu e for IMARRIIOíA OR BUSIMER COMPLAINT; indigestión. cosUveness, and all diseasrs aising tioin nn impute Mo:nnc!i or blood. There ís nothingbctter for fever nnd opue. or bihous disOHcps. ond nicinioncd nbove. $. 13. frico reduced to (2b per box, for 31 Pilis. Reiriembcr eaeli box cont.-iins 'M Pilis- ilicrcfoic. they are the ciicnpcst as wel! as tbc best. Uewarcof Pilis úwdfl ol gonw, cñlomel nnd conrse povrieri, for they wi!l deetroy Ibé coats pf the Rtomnch in lime, nnd iiim? d':iih. - . for the nsostof them contnin culomtl or ■ Miciivc to huinaii existenec. Remembé) ■'■: Reaurrection br Persian lills; are ninde ol Vcetibfe1 extroets. Pbf il ih ull ihe principa! plncos in the Lfnion- Wholesale and votnil by P. Owen & Co.. Detroil; Oj l-.l'f.-bncl, 'S. P. Jeweti, Lond .V M'ColInni, Ann Ailmr. 93&-6rni 846, VV II O L E S A L E & RETAl L. A. M' F ARREN, BOOKSELLER AND SI ATIONER. SMART'S DU)CK, 1 37 JRKKKUSOS AVEM'l!, DIITROI T. KF.KI'S consi-inily for s.ilea completé nssortment l Misccllnncous. Schooi and Üooks, beller and Gap Vaptti, plein and rul cd, Quills'. luk. Seul.'np Wak-, Cutlory. Wrnppinff L'nper, I'nntM.g Powr. of all s.zcs: aiul 15,1,.!;. tgfWSMid C;imiiis!.i luk. of vnnons kinds. JJLANK BOOKS, full run! hall bound. of pvei v vaiictT af!-, Momonnulum Books. &c. T(. MciclKinis, Trnchers. and oihcrs. buyinj: in üunniiüp, ' lufe discount iiKide. Sabbaih School and Bil.le Society Dcpositor. 'J !7-tf 7 Tx C II A N 6 ! 1 Tv Y -2d"cÍRCUiTT Betwecn Rncl Sniiih. cl. ;1. ('anii.'rninis and E. W. Moruanret. n!. Delcndanls. IN imrsuance and ! ci.rltw ol" ri docroe in ihie cnusc. 1 slmll scll at puMic öuclion, nt the. Cour, House, in ihc'vfllngó of Ann Arbor, on ihc r.i"hih dny of Fedrnnry nc.vt, at noon. Lftla l'.l.v. r.. Twelve, Tliirtrrn. Fourtccn, nnd the on th hrill of Fikcrrr. in Block four. in BrowriA PuUèr.'s nddiiion to iTie villa?e ol Ann Aitu.r. JOHN N. GOTT, Mnsterin Cliunccry. Mll.r..s WlIAOV.Sol'l. O.ued: Dec 24. A. D. 1845. '1IW HOEVER vUhea to btiy their goods to po.ul ndvorttngè. nmsi not tbink of mnkini: heir purclüisps t ï 11 ihoy have looRcd over tbe S3SK '■""' "' 'tMofur1'! Bic.'sS, IW5. 211- Cn. IV. JHÍI'CKIÍKI1OI''F'S föTVITHSTANDlNö the hoastmg of N empines of gre;it cures never pérformd , for-.'i'd e. iiiticiics ot tlicm, vu iheir nos,m strik lik'a o'hersof iheir kind. in ihc grcai lofublivion. TJi f081 of time is the guiding , ë Itie Bcarctiiug stick, who are inxionsly ttehW ever'y &"" ol' ll0l'c I):U 8hlllt's '" Birpnih. The Health Kf-stomtivo hns been ipètiurtiBly nsaniléd na the pcoduptiQU ul a nos nu m .nger, bui time Ijas proven lii.u a fnjee J nbuse inrinujitioi. and lias jewcl cd her lion wiih RcniB ol h"""r from ilio caekeis of osowlio have cxpciit-i. cel the fillccis ol ibis "" lm. lrs.Moven-iyif power is&liown in the cute ' cjmpjniritq of ihe I-ncr íiiwl Lunes. Con "' .mpiurn. Cóiih Coldi, even in ti.eir gie.m-st (a verity, fttttfiha.'flnd Pain in the Brctist and Ir' de. AH (Ikii is deeinibte in n remedy lor ar oe coüiplninia. is in tho kestorativc reduced P id concenlrnte'd to the dliimatum of their '" , .o placed ín such perfect coribiiiajioh u at tlieír sevèrnl.nnd uiiited force is L" d ot óno nul thcsnme time. It is not pfi'ered sl a pn!üa:iv' uuly lor disease, bui ns a cöfnpleie rt [Verm'iuQti.'on of it. and a lestorcr to natural ll ui blooüiiiii,' As all the tesiimony ol '! linipenclinliic witncsecs is oftcn insufiicien' to mvince thor-e whn nrc déiéfmihed to withstand Sl e (brao óf evidonce. no ij;ntier how nowerful, J e cnrnestly hope ihnl thcy vvill makè trinl of ' ie Resioraiive. nrid br coiuinced by actunl lonstrniion. The snfety of your life dcpends ' n the use pf thip medicine, without it you had ítter hnsten to prepare for n quick and fifal " :rmination of your disenso; bnt by is use you ; vuil yonrsell of means which ennnot disnppoint I r delude you. 'J ho following certificare in I om Dr. Chillón, the well knuwn New ork heniist. "I lnve annlyzed n botslc of medicine cnlleo ' C.Brinckorhoff'8 Health Restorative,' nnd find lint it does not contuin Mercury. or ony oher I ïetallic prnpnr.nion; nor opium in ony of its irms. It is composed oí voaeiaWo muiter ! rely." Jamef tl. Chiiton. M. D. C. BRlWGKJERHOEEj Sole Proprietor, Tj69 Broonie etreet, N. Y. For sn'e by W. S. & J. W. MaynarH, A cents, VnnArbor. MWCANT BE BEAT ! j ril E suhscribcrs would infprm ifbe 1'ublio. thnt ihey continue to twppjy tlio State of v in with il L. B, WALKER'S PATENT i 8.HWUT fMACHlJrÉS. hc largo numoers of these Machines that have ;cn eolTl, nnd the steadily incrensing demand lor p icm. is the best evidencc of iheir real valvie. d ld of tlieir estimation with those who have bea mc faii)ili::r wilh thoir nieriis. si V,u.KKü'i Smut Machine is superior to others i the following particulnre: n 1. A.s it combines the Bcntivg. Scounng, nnd louing Principies, it cleans the snuitncat ; rain iiulie best manner. rciainin al! the Inc ,, on oí the wheat, nnd disrhnicini,' the smut nnd ust aa FVsl ns sepnrated trom the wheai. t] . It iayimple in construction. and is therc,, rc lesa liable to btcome derange d, and costs less „ n repairs. . 3. It runs very üght, and is pei fectly secure c rom lire. ,, . . . l 4. It isns durable ns any other Machine in y S5' It cosis considerably than oiher kinds. ? Tfiesf mpoitanipointsotdifleiencelnvcgiv , n thie Machine the pruference Wlth those who , iave (airly tned it. Amona n largo number of , Scntlenieu n the Miiling Business who might ,e named, the following have u?cd ihe Machines, j uk. ceriificd to their excellency nnd supenority: , H. N. Ho waru. Pontiac, Mich. I K. F. Cook. Rochester, do E. I?. Danfobth. Mnson, do M. F, Krink, Branch, do H. II. Comstock. Comeiock. do Rcfcrences may nlso be to John Bacobj Aubnrn, Mich. W. Rvox. )o do I). C Vuki.anii. Rock, do .John Phips, Monioc, do II. DoasMii, do do A. Bkach. Waterloo. do Gr.o. Kr.TcnuM. Mnrshnll. di N. Ili vi nu w. Onkland, do All orders for Machines will be promptly attended to. Adiircss E. Q. & A. CR1TTENT0N. Ann Arbor. (I.ower Town) Wn-li Co. Mich. Au. 2-1, JL845226-lv23ry Goods at "Wholesale BEECÏÏÊK, SÍ AlMiOT OFFER tur sale for cish the following1 goods at New York wholesales priccs, transportaron only nclded : 40 Biles ürown Sheelings and Sliirtings, 10 Casen Bleachert do do 10 Bales Brown Dri'linjjs, y Coses Bleuched do L000 Ibs B;atinr, 1000 Cnttou Wnrp, Nos. 5 to 20 500 " Cond'e Wicking, 700 Cnrpet Wnrp, 1U0 pieces Slieeps Gray Cloth, 100 " Snttinetts, GO " Cassimere, 50 " Blue, Black, Brovvn, Grron, Steel Mixed, and Cadet Mixed Broiwl Cloths. 150 " Blnck, Colorcd, Figurcd and Plnin Arpnccas, 50 " White, Red, Green and Yellow Flannols, S0 " Super Mcal Bairpine, 50 ( Piain and Figured Rentncky Jeans, 0 '[ " Linseys, 50 Cantón Flantiels, 50 pairs Mnckinaw Blnnkels, 50 ptëces M. DeLnine oml Cashmeres, 100 Blanket S.'mwls, 50 pioces 7 8 and G-4 BedTicking, 50 ' Slripe Sliirting, 50 " lïlue Drills-, 100 " Prnssiiin Dieper, 1000 " Knlisli and Ameiicnn Prints, topetlier with a general nssortment oí'Threfids, Pin?, Button?, Combs.G'lovee, Ribbons, Lnces. Hilkfo. Sec. fcc, mnkin? the laroest and best asaortment of {joods to be found inthis state. 132 Jeffrrson nvenne, otie door be!ov the St. Clpïr Bank Building. Detroit, Ocl. 7, 1C45, Gmo. "Steam Foumlry." TH 10 iinffürsiiiiicd liaving bonght the cutiré inicie. ot II. fc Jt. Iriridse nnd Geo. F. Kent in ihe ;Stenm Fouudry." Ann Arbor. wil] mnnulnctaro all kinds of Costinas to onier, anf linppy to ÍRrnisli niiy kind of Costinas io the old cusiomers ol Marris. PnririJe t Co., If. !fc 11. rnririilsc. & Co., nnd Pnrtridge. Kcni A C.. and to all others who may favor tliem wnh a cali. II. B. MARRIS. E. T. WÏLLUMS. Ann Arbor, Dec. 2G, 1846 H-14-tf ""cOüSíTY OKD1ÍRS. THE hiyliestpricc paid in cafh by G. F. Lcwíf, Exchnngc Broker, oppositc the Insurnnee B;m!;, Detroit, for orders on nny of the cöunüés in the State of Michigan; nlso for State srcorities of all kinds and uncurrent tanda Culi atidsÉA. Deo 1. 1845. 241-tf CI.OVHR MACHINES. . THRA8FIÍNG MACHINES and Seporators mndc and solo' by ihesuhscriber, at tlu-ir Machine Shon, ncar the Paper Mili, Lower Town, Ann Arbor. KNAPP & IIAV1LAND, gJan. 10, IS 16. '.217 t( i'rWr' th ■:?=e!ÉEO?r pi HH E preccálng figuré is ven to represent L tiic inseiMÍblu Prspiraiion. It is ihe grcnt n: ;icu ition for t ie unpuritiès of the body. Jt will cj hólicëd thataihiek olmidy mist issues from i )oints of iho Blirftrce, which indícalos thnt is i.orspn-.-nidii llows miiimunipUriiy when wc e in heultli. lm C6Q8 whe wc are sick. Li e I nn.öi béusfairtèd wiihpiu it. It is thrown ofl m jni iho blood b'mi oihcr juices ol the body. ld disposes by this incina. ol nearly M the imjrities within us. The blood. by thio mciins ti jly. worka ifcIi pure. The Ipngunge of Scrip() reis, "in the Hlood is :hc Life." ÍÍ' it ever b' comes impuro, it niny be tr.-iced dircctly to the i] oppngc of the Insensible l'crspirntion. It never yt ■quires n'uy intcrnnl medicines to cleanee it, as jt ulwnys purifics iiself by ita own bent nnd ;icj on. and throws oi[ nll the affrnding hmnore. 0 ïrouah the Insenbible Perspirntioii. Tlius we , :e nll tliat is nrcfssury wlien t!ic blood is stngvi nut . or iniected. is to open the poies, nndit reeves itfpll' I. 'on i uil iiiipnrity instnmly. lis own ear and vitalitv are siilllcieiu. without one par-y] c!o of intdicino. excepi to open the poro? upon u licsuvfucc. we s.e the lolly of tnking po ( inch iniemal remedies. All priioiitvoners, how ver, direct their tfforis to resioic tjio insensible crspiration, bnt k seerns (o be not aiwnys the g iropiT one. The Thompsonrnn. for instnnce, g teams. Jhe Hydropaihist slirouds us in wet blankp ;ts. ihc Hoinopath sidoulsout infinitiesiinal?, the y MÍonathist bleeds and doses us wilh mercury.nnd g he blustering Quack gorges us with piils, pills, , lilis. 1 To give sonic idenof thenmnunt of the Inscn . iibicPeispiration, we wil! slntethat th? !enrnel ( Dr. Lcwcnhock. and the reut Boerhaave. ascerL taincd ihai five-eighthso( nll we receive mio the i stomnch. passcd oll' by this mentís. In otliei , words. if wc cm and drink eight pounds per day. y we evacúate live pounds of il by the Insensible ; L'eispiration. -il hm.:., o ...-vort nilior tban the sed un ñámeleslilis ÍS nonti Ollicr lliau me uítu u (.i.iv-.. n] thc blood. and Othéf jtoices giving place to the w nnd fresb ones. To check thts. ihercfore, to ictnin n ihe sysiem ílv -oighthe oí nll ihc rulent iiiQttcrthai nniure demnmls sfiotild leave e body. And even whéú ibis is tlic cnse, ihe " jod isof so active a piinciplc. that it " nesV'oae partick-s to the ski i, wbere thcy l rni scnbs, pimples, ulcere, nnd oihsr spots. Bya suddcn ïrönsitiön íroni heat 10 cold. tbe ' res are stopped. he pbrepiránori ccíifcs. nnd c sense beins nt once to devciope iie=elt". Henee, s stoppnge of" this flow of the juiecs, originales i niiiny complnints. It íh'tiy títóppiííg ihe pores. iiat ovcrwnelrns Bííklbd wiih C'Highs. colds, nnd oonsuniptions. ine-tenilis of tlie world dio froin disensos jeed by a sioppage ot thc insensible PerspirrItis easily seen. therefore, how necepsary is 1 é flow öf ihis subtle humor to the surfbee. t ! -cbt-rvfc liealth. h cannot be stopped: it oí bc even chcekrd. without inducing disensc. Let nio nsk now. rvery candid ínind. wlmi i ni rao scenis tlie most rensonal.le to pnrsup. lo i nstop tlie pores. niier ilicy are oleeedi Would ou give physic to unsiop thc pores? Or wonid ou apply soiiiething thot would do iliis upon the i:rfuce. where the clogging actii.illy is? Would ot this be comraon And yet I knowoi o physician wlio makea auy e.tcin;il npplicaiion 3 cli' The rcason I assign is. that no inediine whhin their knowledge. is cnpable of doin; t. Under fhftíé circumssances. I pres.'nt to , ,hysicians. and to al} others. a prepnraiion thfll las this powcr in it8 fullcst exiciit. It is Me AL STFirS ÁLL UEALÍKG OINTMENT. rt'.ie WORLirS SALVE! It has power to csiore perspiration on the (eet. on the head, a ound oíd sores, upon (lio clicst, in short, upem iny parto! the body. whclher discased tligluly r peverëly. It has power to cause nll externa! sores, BCrOuloushumorñ. skin diseafcs. poisonouá wounus. o díbdiarge thcir putr.d matter, ond ihen lita t hern. It is a rcmedy that swcèpar ofl the -.vhole canogue of cutarifous dfjorders. nnd restores the intire ciniclc to i"s licaliliy (nncfions. It is a rérrtédy ihnt farbidá thc neccssily of so many and deluteriuus drugs taken into the stoiiinch. :_ mí ,,.x..ti' tlinf nmtnpr ílfívPílfi. .T1VGSonvcnieiice. or is dangerows to the imes-mes. It preserves and delends the inrfnce from al! lerangement of its l'unctions. while it keeps olen the ch.-.nnds lor t!ie blond to void all its imuuities miei dispose of nll its uaeless partirles The snrface is the outlct óf iivc-eit hths or the )ile and used up matter wiiliin. It 6 pierced ivi-.h millions ol openings tü relieve tl.c intcsiine8. Stop up thesö pores, nnd rfeth knocks ut your door. It is riffhtly terincJ All-iJenling. lor thcie is scnrcely a lüsoase, exteinnl or inter nal. thut it vi!l not benefit. 1 hnvc used it fot ihe lnat fourtei.-n years, for all discases of tlu L-hest. coñsuhiptíon, liver, involvins the utmost danger and rcspomibility. and Í deelnre before Eieaveu nnd innn. ihat not in one single case has it failed tb hem fi when tlie patiënt was vi:hin ihe ronch of mortal mMdft I have had physicians, learncd in the profesaion; 1 hnve had [ministers of the Gospel. Judgeson the Hencli. Aklermon and Lawyers. gen ilemeu of the highost erndition and multitudes ol the poor, ttse it in cvery variety of wnj'. nnd ihere has been but one voicc. ono nnited, sal voiec, saying, "McAIister, your Ointinent is gootH" COKSUMPTIOX. .! Tt can hardíy bc crccíitecJ ibat n salve enn hnve any eflecl upon the Iungs. sentcd ns they are within the system. But wesay once lor all, thnt this Ointment wííl reae'i the lunes quinker tlmn nny medicine ilmt enn be givefi intcrnnlly. Thus. t' placed upon the chest, it penetrales dircctly to tha liings. sepárales the poisonous paniclcs that are corrsuming thein, nnd expels them from the syptem. I neod not ry that it is curin;: persons of Consuiuption coiriuually. nlthonpji wc are told it is loolishncss. I care not what is said. so long ns I can cure several Ihwunrrfd iersons yearly. HKAD ACHK. This Salve hnscured persons of the He.nd Aclie o 12 yrars ptandin". and who had it regblrtrly evcry weck, so thnt vomitrng of en took place. Denfness and Ear Acho are helped wilh the likc success. ns also Agne in the Face. OOM) l'KKT Cösumption. I.iver cumplain:, pnins in the cíiest or side. fallin? of the ÍMír. owsir the oihcr nlwnysnccompanies cold fect. Il is a sute sign of disensc in the sybtcm to have cold leer. The Snlve will restóle the Insensible Perspiration and tlms cure cvery case. In Surofuln. Erysipïhis nnd Snit Rhrnm, and o'.her discases of this nnture, no inicrnal remedy hns yct hetu di?coveicd thnt is so ood. The same may fc saicí of Bronchitis. Qnincy, Pore Thront, Piles, Spinal Diseases, Urokcn or Soie Breasí. &C. And as for the Chest Disensos. pucIi ns Asthma. Pain. Opprcssion nnd the like, it is the most wonderful antidolc in the Worid'. For Liver Ccmplnint it is cqunlly cfiicacious: for Burns il hns not hns its cqual in the World; nlso. Excresences of cvery kind. snch ns Wnrts. Tumors. Pimples, &c, it makes clean work oí them all. SOIÏK r.YKS. The inflnmmnlion nnd disease nlwnys licshack of the ball of the ejè in the socket. Henee the virtue of any medicine nmst rench the Ecnt ol the infla.nation or it will do littlc good. The Snlve. if rubbed on the temples, will penetróte iircctly nto tho socket. The pores will bo open d. a proper perspirntion will becreatcd and the lisense will soon pass off to the surlacc. IMPI.KS OV TirK FACE. FRECKLES, TAX, MASCUM.NE SKIN, OROSS SIRF.VCr. Iifrfirst nction sto expel nll humor. It willcense drawing Uil the mee is iree irom nny tter thnt muy bc lodged under tho skin nnd (uuiuly brcaking out 10 the eurlace. It then lia. VVhcn thcrc is nothing but grosuncss, f,r II rrpulsive surface, it begirtS to sollen nnd ten until the skin becomes as smooth nnd clie as a child's. It throwa a frcehness and ishing color Upon tho now white, trnnspnrent n. thut is perfectly ci.chanting. Some times f" page of Freek les it wiil first start out tliose v it iiavo lain hiild'en'nnd seen butseldoni. _ the Salve and all wHl soon disappeor. WOKMS. st II" parenta knew how fatnl most medicines were yi children inken inwaidly, thcy would be slow g resort to tlicn. Espccinlly 'mercurial lozenR s." cnllfd "mcdicaied lo'enges." pills, &c. n ie tniih is. no one can tcll, invariably, when n )rni3 aro present. Now lei me soy to paren ts, p it this Salve will nlwiys teil if a child has u jrms. It will drive every vestige of theni aT iy. 'Fliis is n simple and sale cure. , Thero is probably no medicino on the fnce of w c iirili nt once 60 sure and so safe in the ex ( i'sion of worms. ; n It would be cruel, nay wicked, to pive intcr]; il. doubtlul medicines, 83 long as a harmless, p ;icrnal one could be Jind. TOII.KT. , ( Al'thougn I have said liule nbout it as a bnii storaiivc, yet I will stake it ogainst the World! hey mny bring their Olls far and near, and ( ine will restore the bair two cases to their onê. 8 Ot.D 50KF.S. MORTIFICATIONS. ULCERS, KTC. c That sonic Sores are an outlet to the impuri e? of the system, is becnuse ihey cannot pass ï thronah the natu al chartnels of the Insensiw e Peripirntion. If such sores are hcalcd up, r ie impurities must h'ive some other outlet. or it t ill endanger life. This is ihe reason why t is I npolitic to use the common Salve of the day t i such enses. For they have no power to open p Iher avenues, to Iet off thi morbid matter, and ie censequences are nlways fatal. This Salve s ill nhvays provide for such emerpencies. i PÍSEÁSXS 0' CHILDRE9. How many thousands are swept off by pivinp " iiern:) medicints, whon their young bodics ' nd tender frames are unable to bear up agninst ittn? Whole nrmies are thus sent to raves mercly from pouring into their yeak 1 tomnchs powerful drugs ond physics! It is to ! ncli tliat the All-FIealinrr Oimmeiu tendere so ' ufo, pleasnnt, and barmless n cure Such es as Croup. Cholic. Cholera nfantuni. ( Vorius, nnd all Snmmer Complaints, by whicb i o many chiMren die. tho Ointmcnt wiJ) ' tove sospecdily and surely. that a physiciun ' v nover be necded. Mothcrs! throushout II this land. we nw solomnly and sncreclly delarc to you that ilie AII-Healin? Ointment will nve your children (roman oaily grave i f yon vi II use it. We are not now actuatcd by the east desire to pain; but knowing as we do that ■ast bodies of inlants and chifdren die early: vhich is suppob-ed lo be inevilable and rtipossile to prevent, we hold up otir warnintr voice, ind declare in lbeface,o the whole world. THAN-OTBERSM.J' Hut it is from (he want ef proper nourisl-mcni id tiie constant drugging thcy undergo which ows Uicm down as the rank graas ialls bcfore V ie scythe. 3 Moi'iiors! we repeat again, aim ïf (hcy were ïelastwo'ds we were ever to uiter, and of nirse past iltc ïeach of aif iiitciest, we would i ïy, nsethe All-lltalingOiiument foisickness si mong cliildren." s KHEHMATtSM. u It removes al most inimcdiately the f on and swerlhïg, the pain of cuursc c cates. ■' FJJVKRS. In caFe-3 of fevcr, the difh'cnlty lies in the j ore? beinff locUed up1. so that the heat and perpiral ion can nut pass ff. Ii the least moistun' ould be started. the crisis ia passed and th? l laner over. The All-Hcaling Ointmérit will u all cn?esof fevers nlmost instanily .unlock the ' kin and bring fo'rih the perspiration. FKMr.K COJIIMAINTS. Tiiflnmalion of die kidneys. of ihe womb; and ( tsfalling down, wenknees, nnd irregularity; in ihort, all (lióse difricultics whicli ire frequent ( vith femalcs. find rt-ady and permanent relief. Ná have liad aged ladies teil ns thcy could not ive six months wiirinut it. fint to females aboui o beemne mothers, if useii for some weeks ledenr totheir confipement. very few ofthöse ' lains and convnisions whicfi aitpndihem at thni r )eriod will be feit. This fact ought to be known ' he world over. SCAI.D HF. VB. Wc hnve oured cases thnt actaally defied eveything known. as well as the ubifity of fifteen I ?r twenty doctors. One man told us he hau Í ipont .'j')" on his childreh without any benefit. ! when a few boxes of the Ointinent euied ihem. COK NS. People necd ncver be troubled with jhem if : they will uso it. As 0 FAMILY MEDICINE, no innrt can measure iis value. So long as the stars roll nlong over the Heavens - so long ns man ■ the earth. subject io all the infirmities of ilufiosh - eo long ae (üsease and sickness is known just so long will thifi Ointment be sed and esteomed. Whcn tnnn census from olT tiie earth. then thedemand willcease. and not ü then. To allny all apprehcnsions on account of m in2rcdicnt8: in possessing such powerful properlies, we wiil state that it is cöiiposed'of sotno ol , ihe most vommon and harmlss herbs in cxislence Thrre i no mercury in it. asean bc secn from the fact rhat i'.does not injure the skii'ionf partiële, while it will pass thrnugh and physic the bowels. JAM F-S McALISTER & CO. 168-Souilr í=Tríet. N. York. Sole propriotor of the abovo Medicine, to whom all communicatbns must be addiessed (p'jst paid). L'iice V5 cenisand SO cents. 0jrCAUTION.cri] As the All Tlcaling Ointment has been greatly counterfeited, we have g:ven his caution to ihe)ubhe, that "no Ointment will be genuine unlcss ihe nrmnes of James ttícAíister, or James McAlisiertt Co., are wriiten with a pen upon every label." The label isa steel engraving. wiih ihcügure of "Insensible Fcrspirotiou" on the f;:ce. Now we herehy offiT a rcwartf of $;)0f). to bc paid on coniiciion. in any of the constittued courts cl tho Umied States, of any individual counterfeitiric; oir name anó Oimmenf. MAYNARD'S. Ann Atbor, Wholesaïe Acent8; Smiih & Tyrell, Clinton: Ketchnm & Smitli, Tcctiinseh: I). C. Whitwood, Dexter; H. Bowcr.-jiancTiesier; John Owen & Co.. Detroit; H armón &. Cook, Brooklyn. Dec. 18, 1845. . 244- ïyVfOQV WOOL CLOTH! CLOTHÜ THE subscribers will continue to minufacture Ftilled Clotli, for 37$ ets. per yard. nnd white flannel for 2) cents per yard; or tíiey wjll manufacture the wool lor balt tbc clotli i'l wijl make. Tlieir Factory is 2J miles West of Arm Arbor, on the I 'urón Rivor. Wool willalso be received at Scio. Vhen sent lv Raiiroad il will be attended to in the sanie manner as 11 tne owners were to come wi'tli ii. Wool will bc nianulciured'in turn as il comes in nsnearly as it can be tlone with refcrcuce 10 the different quaïrticsof wool. WOOL CARD1NG, wiW bedone at Scio. by Thomas Hoskins. S. W. FOSTEll&CO. Scio, May 1, 1845. 210 DENTISTRY. E. G. BURGER, Denlist, HAS removed hisoítice to Ctane &- Jewctt's Rlock, iirst room oa the Second Floor, kvhere being well prepared to altend 10 every iranch ot liisprofession. would respecifully say to all who hrfe not had those necessary organs, THE TEETH. propcrly attended to, delay no longer, but calí upon him and experience the ease and durabitity of hts operatNns. Tkums iccommodating andchnrges inno case unreasonable. Ann Arhor, March fi. 1845. 47-tf SA BB A TH SCJJOOL BOOKS for sale at TERRY'S BOOKSTORE. Doe. 23, 244- if ITry- Xry- Ji.ry ;;am FTER you have tried one ihousund and on L kinds of Pilis; tlien try Dr. Halstead's Brisk Puls ] you wiiJ be iully satistied that they ore af ch prefcrable to cvery other kind as the sun' ht nnd heat is prefcrable, 10 bring forward nnd imote n healthy growth in vegetables to that ich emanaie8 froni the moon. riiey nrejust what is wanied in thi country i pill that opérales quick. thorough and easy, tyiiig all impurities with thom; leaving tho mach nnd bowcls clean and clear. Away with Lir SLOVV PILLS, that act SLOW- cleanao ,OW, and leave tlie system in a SLOW state, üous matter and oiher impedimentscollect veïnpid in the system when once ihcy begin te niniulnte - nnd will inórense os fast as Slow Is will remove them. It is necefsary thereforr; have a brisk operation - ihat will arouse au k organs from their lorpid state, give a nw petus to the blood and secretions. Then food 11 digest - the aiomoch gnin strength - the sya n strons- the skin clear- ihe appetite good, d you aro well - when your slow doses woulc ep you linperipg along for rnonths- and thon' rhaps you will eend lor n Öoctor. and what II he do? Me will give you n powerful canrlic_one ihat will do yon soine good. Now be your own d.cio:p, and take Halsted'i ïgetable Brisk PÍÜ9. nnd jrraduate them to suit Tpniient. To wenk paiienis give small de- 3-aIso 10 children. They are hnrmless and" n begiven to the n-06t dclicnte - but then tlioy ve life nnd motiptl to ihe sysicm. DISF-ASK is u slow niorbid noiion. clogging , nll the small vessels - nnd calis aloud tor a medy that will arouse them inio action heforo ey become too weak to be kept in motion. - iople die for the want of action - and fearingey sholl obtain n healthy, natural nction- they pfer tnking a slow medicine - that they may ictor slowly for yenrs - nnd at Irisl die with sjw, liní?crn; disease- the na'urnl ciTect of takg slow Pilis. A'way ihcn with this theory. - naturfi wishes to pnrify ihe aii, the cnlls iipin hurry n thunder shower. nnd with it her lighlnga (nir physic) to purify, cleanse. and give a nv motion to the atmosphere. and all is well. he does not liphtcn pently the ycar round to oduco thit motion. Then follow nature, when ui are out of Tienlih- have n bod taste in your outh- indigestión - coptiveness - fevrr- colk ,iH8_rever nnd nrnc- dyspepsin- pain in bned . ümbs- taken cold - or in fact out of order in 1V Way relieve your.-elfinituediaiely bytakint; ■ e Briek Pilis. Try them once and you wil( ?c no other. 28 Pilis for 25 cents. Pold wfiolpfaíe and retnil by .1. Owen & Co., etroit; C. Eberbnch. 3. P. Jewett. Lu-d &. IcCollnm. Ann Arhor. 237-6niND the saÜTêrïng which ihey undergo from L "worms" oficn tend ro a fatal terniinatirm, lile the CAUSE is never 6uspected. Ofienwve ?ath. picking al ihc nose. grinding the tcoth ring aleep, storting in sleep with fright nnd eamíng, troublesomeeoiigh. nnd feverishncs, 3 amona sotne of the Prominent Sijmj tnns of ï prreence of worrns. A tiinely nse of SfíERSÍAN'S tVOKM j'.OZENGES 'ill mmedintcly remove nlf hv3c unplensnnt mptoms, nnd restore tb perfect hc-tlih-. Sister nntiasr, Supenor of the C.tfholrcr H-nlf Orphnn sylum lüts adri'ed her tesiimony tV tileir favor, ihe thousonds wliich have gone before, She nes thnt thcre nre over 1O chiidren in the Alum, nnd ihnt they.have been in ihe hfibit of iing Sherman'8 Lnzenges. nnd ehc lias alwnya anti theni to le ntiendud with tlie mo8t benetinl efieitd. Thoy hnve beun ptfoveï! to ho infaU jlc in over 400.00 cases. CONSUMPTÍON,ifluenzn. Couglis, Colds, Whoopï'ng Cougfr, ightness of the Lungsor Chest may beenred, ev. Dariiia Anthony wis very low !rom Contmption. Jonathan' Hc.ward, the eelcbrated" mperancc lecturer, wasreduced to the vergeof ie crave by r.iising blood. Rcv. Mr. Dunbar, f líew York, the Ilev. Mr. De Forett. Evangest in the Western pnrt of tbrs state. Rey. Sois'inn Strceter. of Boston, the wifeof Ornsmutf lihblc, Esq. in Monrnvin, and hnndreds of othis, havo been retteved and cured by a proper se of SÏIERMAN'S COÜGH LO2ENGES, Ltid no medicine hns ever boen more efTectual in ie relief of those diseases, or caiy b ;commended witli more lence. They al' ly oll itching or irritalion, render thécough enC, promoie expectomtion. rvmove the ciuse, and roduce the most happy and lnsting tffjcts. iii:adache. alpitation of the Ileart, Iowncss of Spirits, 'ea, Despondenov, Faintiiess Cliolic Ipnsms. Cnisiips of the Stoniach. Snmmer or towcl Goinploints, ulso all the distressing symp ms aiising frnm (ree living, or n night of disif ntion' nr quicRly nd entirely relieved by sing SIIERMAN'S CAMPÍIOR LOZENGP'.S. Phey act epeedi-ly nnd relieve in a Tery ehort pacé of time. giving tone and vigor to tho sysem. nnd en;ible a pergofl nsiKg them to undergo reat mental or hoóïly fatigue RÍJÉUMATÍSM, cak Bntk, pain nnd wenkness in t!io Brcast, 3ack. Limbs and otlier parts of the body arff pcedily nnd eflcct'nnlly relieved by SHERHAN'S POOR ivíAN'S PLASTEJCr whn-h lostsonly Ï"2J ccft'.s, ftid i's withrnr tne reach of ill. So grenf hns hpciimc the repuMtion of this irticlo that one million will not begin to supply he anminl demnnd. It is ncknowledced to b he best 8trengthentrig Piaster in the world. BEWARE OF IMPOSITïOïf. Dr. Sherman's Poor Man's PlüSter lus his name tvith directin8 printed on the back of the Plaser. nnd a Oyc simi'.cjjty ot the Doctcr's wril:en name undcr the enreexi-oms. None others are icnuine. or to be relied on. Dr Sherman's Wnrenouse is No. 10b' Hrssnu at. New York. W. S. & J. W MA ÍNAKD, Agent for Ann Arbor. 246 IN CHANCERY - FlílST CJRCV1T. Joseph Clark, Complainanl es. Peter McGivnpy. Dclendant. BY virtireof a decretal order issiied out ofth Court of Chnncery, ol the State ol Michigan. I &hnll expote to sale '.o tho highest bidder, at the Cofrrf House, m the village of Ann Arbor, Wnjhicrwiw County. Mrchigaw, on tbs 24h (inyof Fuhruary DfiXt, at one o'clock in the afternoon ol' that diy. the following described premisos, to wit: ''The nartheast qiiarterof Secnon thirty. township nuinber one eouth, of Range Hrr cast." GEO. DANFÖRTH, Maaier in Chancery. T)ovnx8S fe Watker. Comp's Sol'rs. D?rfed Jnnunrv Oih, 14i), 246- 7r Flax Secd ï THE snbscriber wishes to buy a quantity of Flax Skkd, for which he will pay the highest market price, in Goons or Cash, delivcred ut his Millat Mount Pleasant, Gcnessee Countf, Michigan, five miles north ol Fcntonvilfff. D. L. La TOURETTtT. Dec. 15. 1845. 243- Sttf npAKEN np by the subscribe! ort or about the .JL first of Nuvtinbcr luat. a HEIFER, tupposcd to be two yenrs old. with brindleflideB, white li.ick and belly and nonie white on tho Jegs nnd: tail. The owner is requested to pay charges one take her away. LEVI JUNK. Ikidgwater, Dec. 16, 1845. 243-Hw SHAWJ.S. Dress stiilli of all kinds, kzoeVeils. Crav.its, Ribbons, &c. &c tha Manhattan Stokb, Detroit. W. A. RAYMOND. Dec. 25, 1S45. 244- 6w BROAD CLOTHS, Cassmieres, Vesting Satmetts, Gents. Cravats. &c. &c. chenp at the Manhattan St01 yMON. Dec. 5, 1845. 244-6mT7IEATHERS and PAPER HANGING JC may bo foundat all times at c Manimttak Stouk, Detroit. W. A. RAYMOND. Dec. 25, 1844. 244-6m mWO young men about 18 or 19 yeariof g L as apprentices to the Snsh nd Blind making businese Alm, one JOURNEYMAN. at the above bu.inee8, GREG0RY. Ann Arbor, Lower-Town, Dec. 4. l8gj1 jf