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Slaveholding Christianity--to The Life

Slaveholding Christianity--to The Life image
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I mny strike tomo mimls hn.l hè fHovinr Iptlfr must lio a Iwtlet-qup. For the sake of mr it inay be important tó sa y tl at its uinpiiesö is bevond qiuMion. Tlic individual lo wliom the letter was oddresed is liere, k ! well known, and ft hjmself well ncquointod wil ii the writer. We have t!l tho nnmes in full: hut puppo.-e il ketter to g'ive the public nnlv the iniitnlf. The letter y ihrrefore be re.-iii ns a véritnWfl pnrtraitnre of nt lenst üneofthe fomsofaelrtveholi!l!ijr Christianity. B Georgia Sept. h IC 13. Dkaa Siíi : 1 tuke up my pon to wnte to you once more, thoiirh it is nut I thnt wfitu bnt the Lord that writeth tlirouph nu'. Perinii met" infbrin JU lliot sílice I wrote to yon Irist, I hnve como out anti embraced the reüpion of the Lord Je6iis Cliriel nnd in now living in tlie c'orious light, and libcriy of thé childron of Gd. We have bad qnile nn intrres'.in{i church meeting here this week in relation tn Dencon .lt wns thotight by many tliat he woold be disfeHowsliiped, but rinnlíy liis cose was eet fprtb ín such a true nnd vivid lijfht by the most influeutial mom brrs of tlie Cimrch, our Pastor arnng 'hc i rest, thnt he wns hoir-rbly discharged. For j feu r you ' ill tlnnk tie ense worse ihan it reilly is", l wiH just stilte the fanls. (ihough voii ore snch mi uhiditioniat, I siidddsC VoÚivili thiiik it had ènffltffh ns it is.) The Dpacon had nn o!d niavo, tlmt hnd been in the habit of running uwny, bnt lind aWvuys been cntijihl, nntil fiiwlly itbuUt iwo weeks ngo, he mnde unothr f aUrni(it. NofQOner was the old thinjr miío'ng, i hun coimn 11 borro wed neisfhbor P s homids und stirlcd in seareh ofliim. lie had nut proeccded far in the woods befnre he l'üiind the o!d jnnn, peiched upon the ïinib of a lare tree. He órdered hini severa) times (o enne down, bul the old mtin who was ns suibborn as nn nss, stil 1 nmintninrd his posilion, Tlio Der.con ;Iip:i becorninir somcwhiit cxfitod, fired hin gan nt him. THo b'ill possed ihron;h bis onklo, w I mani?led it in Mich a marnier tlmt in three davstiie Ütnb niortificd und he died. ÏJnt as I liave belnre staled, onr pood Pustor (may the Lord bloss his sóill) held forth for the jnstificiMon if tlie Hencon in fuch a vivid, nnd hc:iviH-approvjnp style ihat lie was di-'cliarged upon the pnnind ihat he liad a right to do what he pleased with his own property, n jndgment which woohi Imve hem passrd by any rihteo".s man. Yonr uncln J. buried his youngest child Inst ueek. Youi eonsin W ihouorhl Fome of siudving ni Oberlii;, but it is such an abolilion hole. I d( not ihiiik his futher will let him go. I hav partly liargained fur nbntit .r;0 slaves belong' ; injr to Mr. J . hl ffnt them as cheni as I expct to, I bhall moke a hnndsome profi on thom, for I understond Ihat the ürlean mark.Pt is quite g')O(] no.v. I rxpect lo sen i them down as soon ns inv drive recovers: In in flogi-i:)"1 oneofmy old sla vos the o:lici dny.he rrceivod a verv sovno uonnJ from hiir he hfrVing sJruck him .b lii.shoe, whoreupo: the driver iiislnnllv drfw his pist ui iVom lii I porkel' nnd elflii him dond upon tho 8j)ot, I inte whicli lif! jnstly tnnrited. Frorn Iiih px trPinenirf (binrr nparly CO yenrs o!d, I con : s!:r his doiilh n rin, nnd not a loss lo rne In yonr lust yon spfike of vipitinc us nr.x yrnr. H yon cune I pniy yon lénrfl yon nbulitionifm bhind, nnd aliow yoursoll' i m1. It is now timo 10 go lo prnyer-ineetinj nnd I m-ist cluse. My wiie jouw me in ox to you. Yotirp.In the foei thnt thrre nrc Ktich men n? llie writor of llie above om] ii) tlio furtlicr fact ilint they deern lliomsdvos gond ChrUlittni, wtí sfee cause for onlv aamingicd grief, It is clistrcssing to eec the coriuiidt sj tiip:it ïiies of hürnanity so utlrrly dried oul til a mini till liis hearl pèenia hke n chip or n sione. Ii fil'e our minds witli horror to ihink f surli1 a pccimcn of liuinnn ntituro. Bul wJicn we ndd to tlie picture the nn!nt pfbfession of piet y, our feelings are ulterly sxx-ked. - Wha' ' cl.iim to hc po fillcd witli iho Spirit of the Lord that nol liimself bul tlic divine Spirit writes, nnd yet his writinja 'ürmiilie nut tlio spirit of murdcr in nlmost rvery line! ()l'. what a liorrinblo tip of the mot W"; Winír snintshij) with the most wvóltíng elfishueïand cruet. Calcúlale the profil nnd ! loss upon the cold-bloodcd mnrder of onc of the fcllow beinns, and roolly reckorj upon his advantnge in peMing rif! ofan áldwid ueleM lave: - and in the fnmc lircath jüsten ofl' to a pluricüs pfaer meel ing: Bm our readers will sec al! these things forThe iN'ewüinyport Hcrald óf thé Sis uil., givea the followifig ntcUigence rchitive lo Ihc fitting out of nn expedí lion to Oregon. It b Yankee ihrougliótil : "The üregon exprdition, lo wliicli wc :illuded a few days ngo as bei"? in finbryo, has been mac'e up, nnd Iho brie Henry of IAÓ tons hiis been pnrrhased in Salmi. Cpt. Kilbori. lea ves for Siilem to dn y for tlio pürpów ot bringins her round bcr for rf](iipn:.cnt. Mesrs. Ciidhin? oud Jüímcon, ilie ownerj of the Chenumns. now running hs a packet bctwecn Ihe Sn;idvich fslands and tlio Coli.-mbia tiver. and several óf óur troders and mechnnics Imve tHken an intcre?t in the expedilion. Dr. White t'ie de'egaié froni Oregon at Washington, has encoged passage in the vesscl, nn'd Pr. Watson, of this town, will also tnlifl passage in her. It is probnblc that eevcrnl of our enterprising young men may seek théir furtunes in that new country, wliich is detined in the next goneration, undoubtedly, to bc a great mart of trnde." Twelvc hundied and tvVeniy-two vote iverecoEt in Mihvaukio at the Inte election under the vtllage charter. The population ol that city must ninvnurnber ten thoueand.