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Infidelity--mahometanism--presbyterianism--andover Theology:...

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"The u hole commeroe belween mnster nd slnvp, s o )cr)Otiml exercise op ihc nost boislerous pnssions, the mos! unreanittingdespoii8ïïi 'i tle ne part and legrading submission on ilie other. Inleed, I tiemble for mv counirv wlicn I refiect thot God 3 ju?t, tbat Itis justice ;:uin)t sleep forrver." Spoukíng of n rebelüon, he ndds : "The Almiglity luis no atlribute thnt can mke sides witli usin such a conlest."- Jffferson. MAÍIO.MBTANISM The Ben of Tunis, in a letter to eertnin Knglisli residents nt Gibraltar, vli luid congrntulntod hiin for abolivhing slaverv in Hls dominionR, says : "We Imve your letter congratulnting ua upon measures thnt we havo adopted for ihe glory of mankind, to distinguish them from the brute creation." THTS'BIBLË. "líe that stenleth n rtínin and selleth hiin, or if lic bo t'otimi in hfrWbdj he shall surely he pui lo death." - Exodus ..i. 1G. "ThoU sholt not deliver unto b'is maaier the sorvant which is escnped from lus master unto thee." - JJeitteronoiny, .iii; 15; IÏMIKSIVÏTKIIIANISM. "The holding of a'nves, so far from being a sin in the sight of God, is no where condemned in his holy word." - Chirlesion Union Preshyfcrij. "Resolved, That Slavery has existed ! from thedays of ihose good old slnvcholders and patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and, Js not opposed to the will of God; and whosoever has a consr.ience too tender to recognize ihis rclation, is 'righteous ovrrmuch,' is 'wise nbove wliat is writien.' - lhmnowj Preabylcnj, b'. C. "lf therc be art}' stray gont of a minister among us, tainted witli the bloodliound principies of Abolilionism, let himbe ferreted otit, sileneed, exconjniünicated, and left' to the public to disposo of liiin in other respects. [That is Lynch him.] By your nfic-ctionate brother in the Lord, ROH'T II. ANDERSON. To the sessions in the bcuiids óf West Hanover Pretsbytery, Ya. ANDOYER THEÓLOGY. "Tlic precepts of the New Testament respecting the demennor of slaves anc their masters, bevond all questiori reeoguize the existence of slavcry. lf rtiiy onc doubls, Iet him take the case of Paul'ï sendin'g Onesimus bacii tó Philemon wil! an npology for his running away. ond sending him back to be his sorvant for lifc. The relntion dld e.xist', mayexist i The abuso of it ia the essential and funda! mental vronc."