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Aks AruorFkb. 7, 1846. T!ic YVhat irnrkèt eiliiblte bul litilencivity. wit h a lindency to declino. Priccs unjre from 75 to 80 cents. The efil-cl óf liie nroipn iiew?, in i"cvYork, tpnded to uhspuIp hc markct. The effcO. on the stock ninrkct, n consequenre of tliw pcaconble n.pcct of the ïews xvof quite buoyunt. The Boston Courer snys: "Tlie pnririo tenor of ihc news wïlh thp lenltliv cqtulition of. tlio Knff'isli money mnr p hnd r most fforöhlflpfflct npon the stock nntkot herp. A poriion of the wei?ht whicJl Ind cnisliPil mul kñt down Piiiulrv fnnev 5'ock-, was rrrnovnl nt once, nnd the mo-t ftinciful of this fngiíe imd elastic 9pecifl of propciiy orfiircd a u vaw whicli thoy Vu] not posíps tlic dnv before, ennhling ilnir ortnnnie holdcrs to f-linre ninoncr iliPinclvp.-. is tho npxt profíln of twrriiy Foif Imurs.a divipnd, .vhich wnnld npionibh the dircctoni of ïe-e insiitiitifuip, if thoy cou'd work itout of ie earninps of a yenr.'