Classified Ads
For Sale. A FARM of 100 eres, lonrteprt miles frorn gi "V. Detroit lipón ilir (ir.-iii'l Rier Hond. C Also. n mall ClIURCIJ OIIOAN, tundo fot rofcsáor Whiliilg, "' Anti Arbor, n Illllo before 8 dcaih - designt-d for Pa lor use, bui hy nddUio r, is svillic: K'iii ly lio.ivy tur a smuil lui cl. SAMUEL C11ADW1CK. Farminaton. Jnn. 2ü li, I84(j. '25d-4v . TESTS !..TEETH ! ! T Li ET II! Ãà XJf ASTICATfON and Ariicñlntion, ' LtJ.o(I hv by ilitir bi.iri" [iropnrlv rciitnbed. lill ciminiics tlic pr.ictici! of' DliNflSTRY iri II itsvaiiotis branches; viz ; Swilibj. tMling, . lul Insèrfjng on guW plitüd r ptvutá. fro'm om , ;in en rife fcÃi. OÃd iilatt-s. or roiffiifl remo' led. and made equal 10 ncw. %'Ofiicc over C. 'S. Thómpuwin & Co1 ihfli tore. lHilics who reijucst .t, enn bu wjilud un , i thoir dwellings. ] N. )i. Charges unusiuilly luw, and all kinds i I" produce laken. Ann Arbor, Jan. Sftib, 18 IC. 'J49-:f Probate IVotice .State of Michigan, f Wnsli etiaw Coiimy, S AT n áession ol the Probate Court for sriir! Couiny. held nt Ami A Ujt . on tin: 29tl i;iy of Januni'V. A. D. IM. l'nsiiu Samuel P. Fnllur. Judge of l'ruliato. 1" tfie matter ol the KmatK o! iuiy:il (jiirlcy dccciiscfJ. On reading iiid tüiiiL' I Jie iictiimn of Jnmcs GIüss, prny ui; ihat the ndminii irator of anid es nlo may be BUtliortXfid to convoy to tlio Baid Jnmcs Gla8 certniii rcnl ostaic dcscrÃbod in said petición, nnd wliich snd doceascd in liia life timo wns ander cdiitrnct lu convey to the said Jumes Gloss. - h is onfetrd (be considerolion ol said pc T i i ion lio p.isiponi'd uil 'il Mondiiy the twcnivlliird !:iy f Ftinnury riext'. nt ten o'clock in ihë forenoon of ilmi d.iy. nt (ha I'robaie Office in Ann Aibor. in si'l ciiuniy; and it is furtlicr ordere'J ilnit siiil iciiiiiincr baiifO n copy (.f llila order to be pulilished in twy public ncwjmpcr prinied in Arm Arhor, nforesnid. once in coch week f;ir th ree snocessive weeks prcviotis l'i the time nbove rtwÃgñed for aid hearing, and fo tli end tlint all per8ns inierestfd in wiid Esiate. lutving ohjcc'ions to the grnn of éflid nuthorfly tnay ihen .tik) tluirc npponrand make thosame tnown f iluy think fit. (A'truocopy.) S. P. FÃLLER, 249 lw Jodge oà Probate.Carpcls! Carpctsü Carpeta!!! BEEUHER fe ABBOTT,- DETROIT, WOULD respecifully cali the attention oà purchasers Irom the country, viuting iliicity. to our stock of CAKPETS. consisting ol Extra Superfine, SJjiperfinO nd Fine Threeply Cnrpciing; Fine and Superfine Lowcll and Plu Indclphia ftigmin utn; Wool and Cotton DugfÃcita; Briiásels ;jn'l Tulted Ruggb; Prinled Fiooi CTIoihs. &c. .Ve. wliich ilicy oHcr to noli at prjccfc css tha have ever beforc been offered in thit ciiy. ('nrpet Room in clmmher over Store. Na I-'-J TcfTersJti' Avenue, onft door bolow ilic Michigan Stnte linnk. DolroiU, Jon. 2:{, JH1C. 248-3mn O od f'or tu)p bv WILLIAM R. NOYFaS, Jr. 70, Woudword Avenue, D'etrort. Dec. 12, I34-Ã. 242Probate lotice. IN the niattor ui tho estáte of Loren.o Biinnistor, decoasod. In pnrcunDce f on order rnodu by Hort. Snrmicl F. Kuiler, Judgc of ProLaie tur tlio coumy of Wasliicnuw, tb folio wing described prftmiM wiU ba suld at tl. o pull;c house kept by Mosoa H. Efcgloston, in thevHIage of Dcxt.r ui muà couniy, on tho lilsi doy of Jnnunry no.xt ut 11 o'clock in tlio forenoon of 'h;it duy, tor the purpoaè of pnving debta dur truin S":il csi.ut'. 10 wit : ;' All ilmt ccrinin p{ o nr pnreel l Innd ftituntad n villagé of Di-xter n tho nuiuty i VVnahtennw ond (ate of Miclii ;!--iii. known and describid ña fultows, t.iuit. Bsjfinntng ;.t tlià aoutli iüi corner oi loi thirteen o block onr. in villa ge ui Di-xter, mui corner ol' B street, theocononli sixiy fgur dogrees v.-i tniriy ninc fcei, lbétii;u north iwonij b r ;,.,â i: ii m.iv tect. ihouce s.iutli iwcuiy live djegrettfl -i t iMghty eiglu feoi ui H utreet. tlioicc iuili stx y iiv'' aegreos west tu iba place of le ,'nitiinL'. xcepiinfl n h.imII piccé oi sni.l Inn'd 'Imüled i G GiWa uil tUa thirtioth duy ol M ircli eighteon hrttidróH .-md iliiny i-iulu." The 4iM incinis ;ll lio i il' md for s.ilc in parculg. Duted Ann X Duö. x'".. li hvi-!5 GEÃ; MILES, Ail iiinisHütiir pfanid i-simc. OjTIip alovos ilc ia pótpvnod uniil iho 9 li d.iv f Fi ï).uuy ui xi, at tin: eumc tiiue ui üoy uiid pi i. â !â . Dulcd Jttiiunry3l., 18ÃH. GKO; Ailminisiiiior. ;i''.'r' n'i nri.inod silè ia pöiipoftcd ]o the H'xh do) il Fcbrirary nexr, ut tho &uu.o place ;nd lime üf il iv. GEO. MILF.S. Administrotor; Doicl. IVli. ',). 1810.ïUaiiliaitnn .More. Corner of Jijj'cr son Anime utul Bate sirco', Pctniit. BBstirc And virii the MnnliftMan Siore wbon nm iiiiikinir purclissob. Tl. e gooda whicti you will find iln re uro excellent in ]U!ilny and ronsunnhle in pricc. Wu hnve GiMJ Heavy hcotings, Alnpacna, I)ii!liiig8, Meinoi Tukinga, Muslin Dclaincs, Lin'soys, Cnslimerce, Rul and white Flannels, Célico?. Sni'iDctis, . Luce Voile, Pull Clmhs, Grcn Barcpgei (';isiiii(!ies, OloVflt! y est inga, Howiery, Broa !_-luii. O nghninii Sliawlö, Ribbons. Lincn Cnul-iic 1 1 dklu. Lacos, &B. vVc .Vc rJai'injz. Coikmi Ynirt, WjcUing, Whlio Corpoi Wnrii. ColorcJ lo. (!., Tickirifr, Blnnchcd Coitnrs it' nll qunUure, Pujó uiihleaclied Coltuna. Bnrred Müslfnt, Ãq. . Alao, FKAII1KKS pml PAPER tlAiS'G INGS, ].)t(lfiiiii;. yVindoM ps(icr, Firc bourd papnrs, Travcling Unskcta role TKA and roFFP.K, &c vVc. A ml o'.ljer nrlicle ion initncrous to mnniion. Partners cöiSnot l'nil cif Kndlng iliu Manlinttnn Snro n ili'siralilc pin cc loduTtueif Irndiqg. No pnins will spnred in wnitirion cuMomcrs nnd nll nrc iuviied to t-nll nnd üXomin1 onr gopds beforc mnkinir ilicir purclinscs. Whilc WO art confidciit ilnt nll wbö e.xnminc onr utock will buy, yct wo will i.ikc nr ufTeiicc, 'H n ter kIidw. ing our guods. people chóosa io trade elsewhere. W. A. 11 A Y MOM). Dotroit. Dcc. 2i. 18 55. 244- Cm
Farm Sale
Probate Notice
Carpets & Floor Coverings - Retail
Beecher & Abbott
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Samuel Chadwick
S. D. Burnett
Samuel P. Fuller
Royal Gurley
James Glass
William R. Noyes
Moses H. Eggleton
G. W. Gibbs
George Miles
W. A. Raymond
No 132 Jefferson Avenue Detroit Michigan