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Remarkable Discovery

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Faraday 1Cecently nnnounced to me noyai - ion of England, a discovery which would p ppear to connect the imponderable p'ií iesoflight, heat, andelectricityyetcloser B. ogether, if it does not prove their identity. thc V beam of polarized light be has ye, red, is reílected by the electrical current, gn 10 tbat it may be made to rotato between he poles oí a magnet. The converse of bis is that clectro-mngneetic rotation may e produced by the ageney of.light. Thus, c it s thought, the problem which has ')r turbed scíence for a long time, as to the Bn power of magnetiing iron by the sun's th raya, receives satisínctory elucidation. Mr. F. has airead y provedthe identity of c machine, chemical, mognetic; ond animal i hi electricity, and now he would oppcar to o[ have gono further in solving a more a] trícate question of light, the subtlo agent tl of visión, the source of all the beauty of! j. colors and even of life and organization, isshown to have a close relation to c tricity, to which has been roferred many i of thé vital functions of animul and s tablolife. This cannot fail to advance c us towards a knowlcdgo of those iological phenomena dependeni on these i great natural agrnts. t