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Foreign News: Important News From Mexico: Failure Of Mr. Sli...

Foreign News: Important News From Mexico: Failure Of Mr. Sli... image
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i revolutionnry movement under Fn les, nre confinned. That olTicer has I' r( ablished himsolf in the capital and has 'y ;n elevnted to the Presidency, ad v Un: ani He entered the cily on lhe2dinst., eí' i a meeting of the principal ofíicers cor s held, which provided among other ICitters, for a temporary government, me it a Junta of " notables," representing on ch Department, should assemble and ''J 'Ct a persoti to exercise the executive w" nctions. The Junta nccordingly bla nibled on the 3d, and uhahirñóusly tnL) ;ted Paredes. Mtich discussion was wc d as to the form of the oath that should w' administered to the President, some of an e Junta deelaring that in addition to íual obligations, he should swear to es repel the usurpation of the United s0' :ates." This proposition did not prevail; cn i oath, varying but Hule t'rom the 'h mar}' form, was decided on. The ' iguration took place with niuch ar iony on the 4lh, after which a Te Deum } as celebrated in the Cuthedral. The kt resident made an address, appealing to ' [eaven for ihe disinterestedness of his ln lotives, and deelaring that assoonasthe auntry liad estabüshed her liberties, he sa muid retire. st, The present ministry s of D.Juan N. Cl Amonte, Minister of war; D. Castello ' jauzar, Foreign Aflairs ; D.Luis Pares, tc reasury ; Becerra, (Bishop of Chiapas), ustice. Gen. Valencia, formerly Governor of he city of Mexico, has been made Comproller of the Mint. Generáis Tornel, Valencia nnd rr íes held a Council at Gaudaloupc, a g age a few miles from Mexico, some days o ince, to make arrangements to y late the Government. It willbe rememered that Tornel was formerly Minister " f War and Marine under Santa Anna. u The city of Mexico remains perfectly a ranquil, and all precautionary measures igainst a counter revolution have been liscontinued. The Siglio XIX, a paper ,vhich latterly was a warm parlizan of c he Herrera policy, and has been ably jonducted, is stopped, the proprietor ng replaced it by a paper bearing the litle ■ Memorial Histórico," of which we have received the first eight numbers. c We learn verbally that Mr. Slidell had r demanded of the new government his N passports, and received in reply that, as he had ncver been recognized by the 1 ernment and was unknown to them, no l passports were necessary; and he was at í liberty to go where he pleased. He then demanded an escort to Veía Cruz, which } was refused; whereupon he dispatched a messenger to the brig Somers, and a number of the officers of that vessel had determined to proceed to Jalapa for the purpose of escorting him to the coast. The Somers arrived at Vera Cruz on the 6th. It wfll be recollected that she sailed from Pensacola about twenty days since, with sealed orders. We place confidence in the rnports with regard to Mr. Slidell except perhaps the statement that the office rs of the Somers liad gone to his assistance; and if lie had in fact been refused a safe escort by the Mexican Government - nothing can be more rersonable or probable than that our naval officers within reach of his cali, should resolve not to leavo him to the perils of the journey alone. Letters of the 13th, howcver, only make mention of the fact that Mr. Slidell had demanded his passports, having failed in the objectsof his mission."e British brig Persian, the French rriftbn, and the Spanish brig Pa7rom tu: Picayuner "2Ath uit. i city was filled yesterday with conory rumors in regnrd to Mr. Slidell. port at first credited was that ha en ordered from the Republic; that reupon demanded an escort from to Vera Cruz, which was refused n, that Commander Gerry, of tho s, then laying at Vera Cruz, upon. oceeded with a detachment of offi. nd marines to escort Mr. Slidell to ast, a distance of some 70 or 80We do not atlach much credit te imor - it appears impossible. Again ;tter dated thc 9th, from Vera Crur that up to that date Mr. Slidell had' imamled of the new government any nilion of his official capacity, bat pular belief was that such recogniyould bo refused. Another letter, the 13th says: "Mr. Slidell has deed his passports, having failed in the : of his mission." This nppeors ta i more probable versión. The Mexgapers before us say nothing on thff ;t. uinber of important despatches werer vea by the Pario, which were yester-brwnrded to Washington by mail. r as we can learn, no letters havo' received in town from Mr. Slidell, ate date. Our own opinión is, that e iime the Pario sailed, that gentlewas at Puebla. Í AT B A T T L E- LATE FROMÍ .