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State Legislature

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Friday, Feb.6, 1346. c Senate.- A nmnber of petitions wera (-cc presented and referred. Tbe bilí to equalize the vnlimtion ol I wL property between ihe aevcral counlies, was then read the third time and passed. wj veas 9, nays 6. th The bilí to amend the act for the final lfi ndjustment of all unsettled claims against cn the state growing out of the internat sll provements, was also read the third time and passed. The Senatè then went into committee rf of the whole, on the revised statutes, and fi( after some time spent therein, the s mittoe rose and reported progress. a( Afternoon. - The Setiate went into ti commitiee of the whole on the bill st planatory of sec. 41 chap. 4. titíe G part a lst of the revised staiutes, which was ported back, read the third time and 1 y 60(1. The Senate again went into (_ tee of the whole, on the revised statutes. and after some time spent therein the v committee roso. I i House. - A number of petitions were presented, among which were one from r the citizens of Washtenaw county for the abolition of capital punishment ; and J also ono froir this county for the sale of ' Jhe public works. The House went into committee of the ( whole on title #, chapters 14 and 15 of the revised stafutes, which after some time spent thereon, were reported back with sundry amendments.Uonsiderable discussion ensued upon l the amount of salary of the Altorney General, which was finally fixed at $300. Afternoon. - Tho House took up the consideration of the revisión - the question being on amendments made in committee of tho whole to tille 8, clxp 14, striking out thesections providing forappeals Trom the Board of Supervisors, in which the House refused to concur. After some discussion, the House concurred in striking out the provisión for a board of auditors for the county of "Wayne. Tho following bilis were ordered to a third reading : A bilí for the división of Iosco, in Livingston county. Bill to incorpórate the Clinton Imstitute. The House adj. ujitil Mondáv. Saturday, Feb. 7', 1846. Senate. - A petition was presented for the removal of the State Land Office from Marshall to Grand Rapids, which was referred to com. on public lands. The Senate went into committee of th whole, on the revisión, when after som tinie epent thereon, the committee rose Monda y, Feb. 8, 1846. Senate. - Mr. Bush nrosented a net■om citizens of Livingston county, tussen pecial act, empowering the board shall pervisors to raise a gum by direct pervjs on sufiicient to erect county e President laid before the Senatc Mr munication from the Altorney sessor in answer to a resolution of the cases e, relating to the división of the Me into single Legislative districts, and g as his opinión that the Posea ias the right under the constitution preva divide counties into single districts. Tb on the table & ordered to be prinied. -ïn„ resolution having beon passed j ig the members of the committeeon . ce to .make separate reports. Mr. lltle ' ïjohn, from that committee made a repoi ■t ngainst the sale of the railronds, jng. h was read and laid on the table. j$ ie Señale then took up the revised tes on the subject of elections, when somediscussion, an amendment wns Wlln ted requiring the chrlstian und sir in ai es of a candidate to be written in T upon the ballot. sent; ousR. - A number of petitions were ,.a ( ented and referred. . he bilí to incorpórate the Clinton Inte, was read the third time and passed. re he House spent some time in comee of the whole on the revised s ters ftern'Oon. - A joint msolution ton to a right of wuy through cerlnin spring Tands, was read a third time passed. l bill to umend an net to provide for ple. final adjustment of unsettled claims i ( damages on account of internal n vements, was read a third time and sed. m i TÏ-.U in ËTleín at e. - Mr. Dentón presen ted three sed ons from 117 citizens of Michigan, Busli xtension of the right of suflVage to Mes; red persons. Referred to judiciary . mitlec. r. Thurber, from Jhe committee on cuss ■nal improvements, reported back the was to abolish the office of Acting bein ;ioner of Internal Improvement, with nny ndments, and the committee were po-ed from its furtlier consideration. Ir. Thurber subinittcd a resolulion, ton, ch was agreed to, calling on the Sm ird of Internal Improvement for innation relative to the present state L-, condition of the rail roads - what airs, if ony, are now needed, and the bc bable cost thereof - the cnpability of road for businoss purposes. the Íousf.. - Mr. Walker moved that the r nmitteo of the whole be discharged m consideration of chap. 20, title 5 - the assesment and collectie n ol tnxes. cl' Mr. W. said if the motion prevailed, it of s his intention to move to refér to a eet committee, with instructions to en) ike out all that relates to returns of an paid tnxes boing madï to the Aufütor ,a: jnerol's office. ti„ Mr. W. said his object was to test that icstion at tlis time, whether the House is in favor of the present system, and intinuing it under the dirrction of the uditór Genern?, or of havingall matters .. ilating to taxes, returns and salestrans:ted in the counly. His constituonts m ere in favor of the latter system. They vJ ïlieved the business wouW be done with ; much accuracy as under the present ystem, and it certainly would be a great iving of expense. The motion to discharge the committee F f ihe whole prevailed, veas 26, nays S 0. IIr. w. moved lo reter to a seiect Sel imitiee with instructions to strike out g,( inuch as relatos to returns being made Sl( he Auditor General and such othcr liíications as may be necessary to pcr. the chapter. The whole chapter and amenilmcnts en' ■e Ín id on the lable. bv Che House went into committee of the ole on the revisión, Mr. Walker in I chair, and considcred title 4, chapter T relating to justices of the peace - npensation to township ofllcers - townp business other than elections- . ition of voten and officers. Mr. Edmunds, to amend section 96, P' ating to compensation of township k ers by ndding a proviso, that no charge E 11 be made by the board fpr auditing ni counts, nor by the inspectors of fi ns, nor any nllowanco made to c ibles for notifying persons elccted; and c d that the compensation to township t arfe shall not exceed $25 in any one iar. This was opposed by Messrs. Crary, t nubb, Mazleton and Toll, and lost. , The House went inlo committee of the f hole on title 7of the revisión, Mr. Peck the chair. Ofthe regulation of trade and L lerce. ( Chapter 30. - Of inspection of provions and other incrchandize, and reguitions respecting ihe sale thereof. Chapter 31. - Of weights and mensures, hapter 32 - Of bilis of cxchangc and romisory noíes Chapter 33. - Of limed partnerships. Chapter 34. - Of mooy of account, and the interest of moaey I n judgments, verdicts, &c. The judiciary committee proposed to nrrend by striking oiï chapter 30, relatig to inspectors. This was advocated chiefly on the I round thut all our products exported vould be reinspected in the eastern marets, and a home inspection would be exensive and useless. The motion prevailed to strike oit the vhole chapter, after which thecotntnittee rose aml reported progrcss. Chapter 17, of the división of townsjps-chapter 18, of fencea - of pounds, ind impounding cattle. Mr. Groves moved to strike out all reating to pounds and impounding cattle. The provisión would in most counties remain a dead letter, and where attempted to be carried into effect, would be attcnded with much litigation and difficulty.. Motion lost. Mr. Colé offcred an amendment,. providing that a commission. of highways shall be elected annually, for the term of three years, which prevailed. ; Mr. C. Baldwin proposed an amendment to,section 8,.add ofter the words twoars, provided the qualified electora orí so decide by vote; otherwise the tted ors shall be the assessor, which off lhc gunpo his ear . Ames moved to strike out two off s, leaving the supervisors in all to bc the assessor. Hor ssrs. Hazelton nnd Chubb were aovere to the amendment, which dicTnot six yE e title was oraered to a third A g u pon 11 explanatory of sec. 41, chnp. 4, { 3, part lst of the revised statutos- vesse ted back and ordered to a third „ggre 11 to establish the county of Detroit for other purposes - reported back __ amendments, which were concurred ld ordered to a third reading. Th he bill to npportion anew the ant f ilives and Senators among the seveounties and districts of the State was na m n un, and nfler discussion, was J" to committce of the whole. Jq Wednesday, Feb. 11, 1846. hnve K.vATE. - Petitions for various pjoll of reform were presented: for nny { of pay of members of Legislature, },on ;nding the right of sufl'rngo, reduction ' Ir alanés, election of oflicers by the Y4,8 judicial reform, and sale of rail roads. T )n the odoption of the resolution 9ura icting the commitlee on State AiFiiirs iring in a bill for the formation of;y Messrs. Dentón, Littlejohn and t) b, , supporting its pnssnge, and by the rs. Green, tlowell, Thurbcr nnd in r man in opposition, and in which beet on theconstiiutionality of such a law SS debated at some length, and the vote g taken thereon, it was lost - yens 9, ; 9, as follows: in i KAs- Messrs. Allen, Bush, Coe, thJ Hale, Littlejohn, Maynard, Ilix, vvi Nays - Messrs. Chipman, Fenton, ,m ;en, Howcll, Kibbee, Robinson, Thur, Williams, Videto - 9. riie President voting in the negative, question was lost. rhfi rcsolotion of the Iloiie, inptrocting board of intornal iniprovemms not to puribc any engine, &c, for t e rail roadi this state was read a thir.l time ond posj-eii. Mr. Allen, f:om the committee on thnt iject, rppertcd a hill t) proviile forthesnle :1 redemption ff resident lands for ces in ihe townships and counties in wliich y oreFÍtuated,and for other purposes.wh'ch is twice reod ond ordered to be printed.