Unprecedented Success
iv been some five or sta venrs beforc fhe public, muit putaiion for curing the disensos for which iliey ( iré rccommentted hns extended from Maine 10 Georgia, nnI from the Atlnntic Ocem to he tocky Mountains. The Rev. Mr. Strcotcr, ot Boston, avers thot, hoving heen long trotibletl .vifl n violent amhina nmf coiigh. he tricd :hr Doctor's Cough Lozcngcs, nnd found them to jrrfl him instant relief. Rev, Dnrioua Ai.thony, ïfthe Oneida Conference, nitribuie his rccovoiy from ihc verge of the grave to Shrmnn'sCoiish Lozengrav Rev. JWr. Dunbar. of New York, Rev. Mr. De Foreet. of iho VVcBiern part of the Stnle, Rev. Mr. Eastmond, and a great mulntudeol persn8 have ev'n in liieir slim01)y concernà ng the euccess ol this wonderful Cougli Medicine. And the Kemedy for Worms cqually good. Sherman's Worm Loïenges are far bcfortr erery which' hos ever boen discovercd' for destroying and bringing away Worm; and his Camphor Loxengee, so univirsnlly resorted to for hendnchesnnd nervoue allccilons, are the niOBt conveniente arlicle in the world to carry in the pocket, eo that thcy may be at hand Ih case of eudden attaek of faintnees, paloitntion, or depresión of .piriur. Sh.rman's Poor Planter dhould notbe forgotto n. for it hos cured more weok batka and caeof rheumo'tiiin, and given greatfcr relief in affeciions of the chew Iban any other preparation of tho kind in the world. ea!e, vholosaleand retatl-at Maynaid