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The Great Remedy Of Wild Wistar's Balsam Cherry

The Great Remedy Of Wild Wistar's Balsam Cherry image
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FOR COUOHS, COLDS, CONSUMrTIOX &C. IM1'OHTAT TO ALL TIJOSK AKFLICTKD WITI1 imskashs of tuk lungs a.nü bri-:a.s r. JPi.' Miniflr.s erc.r ttúse? More écïdUüi ofits SttïpassnS'é höilth nstonitire t'ertUMtll Wt ? 3 ? [Front Dr. Baker. Springfield, Vah. Co. Ky.] Si-kim;. n.i i) Ky., May Í4, 1845. Messrs. Sanford V I'iitk: - J Gknts- I lulsc ilut rtfipormniiy of inrorming roa ui " mi's! rèinnrknhle cure perforined üport r.o liy xc us: ut ■''" '''''' linlsam of , Wdl Cierry." ]u the yenr Jtí-J" I vn!i '"en wuli nn Iiiflunion ol ihe BuwcIb wliich I laboree] under :or píí t ivcckswhcn I emdunily rcovored. ]n ilie fnll . di l-'l! J was aitncküd wuli n severo cold, wliich j Aied tseÜ upoi) iny Juilas, iind ior thè space of ilirte yebra 1 wns cónEncd to my Ik-d. I nici all L kinds of nii'dicinis nnd 'very vniiety of iiietJiciii , d .it)d wiiliciu hen. fi : niuj thua 1 wmih-iI nlonp , anti! ihc winter ..I 1 14 1". wfien 1 ln'ard oí ' mr1 Balsnm of Wild Gbéiryfi' [ .My frit-n:l.s pursundcd nm to givc it n trial, ( thortgh I h id givenu'p n' h.opes of n rccovciy. , int) imd (irèparod iny.scll lor ilie change of L .i!:r world. Through tlieir solicit.lMon I wns nducod in iiinke nee oí, ilie ■■Genuine VVi8tars Hnliam of Wild Cherry." The eflóct w;íS tiulv ( islonisliiii". Afier ive yenrs of ufiliction. pain ( mei siiiliMiim: nnd afit-r liaviiig spen fanr or g 'Jvr. iivndrcd dollars tu no purposo. nnd the brsi " ind niosi respecloMc phvsicinns had provcd .nil'iitr. T reas so n rotnef lo entire henlik bij j 'ic ólessiuff ff (Jnd ml. the hsc of Dr. Uls { ar' a Balsa iji f Wild Chtrr'y. , I nm now or.joying poo:l hëftlih. nnd such is f ny alicred nppcarunce ihni 1 ain no longer know f vhen I meet my fonncr ncquajutances. 1 have gained rapidly in wuight, und niy fifsh s flriu and solid. 1 can now cat as much as any )ersjn,;n:d niy food toemsto apree witli f [ have eaien more (luring the last six montlis than [ hnd eaion for fivc years bcforr. j Considering niy caec nlmost a mirado, I deern t ntc.'ssary ior the good of the nfllicted and luiy 1 o we !o ihe proprietors and niy fellow men, ( 'who should know svhere reücf tr.ay be had) o roake tliis statement imbüe. Muy (lie blcsiiig of God resl upon the propristors of so viiluubie a medicine as Wistai's Baljam of Wild Chcriy. Yours respectfully, WÍLL1AM 11. BAKER.The folltcin% haajust heen rece ved f rom Mr. Edward Stral.ton. of Lainift-in, Mo., xchich . s'ioics th'il Coiisnnption in i s icont fonn can be cured by "Wislurs liulsam of Wil ( Chcrry. i Lkxinoton, Mo., Jan. 21, 1845. Bchinmin Phelj - Iear Sir: t 1 tnkc gront pleüsure in communjcating to you ivhat I consider on extrnordinnry cure, efl'ected )n oiy dnugliter. nbout 14 yenrs uf ngc. by Wis tr.r's Balsam of Wild Cherry About the Isiot . September lust, my daualiter was tóken sick. nnd ' was attended by severaí pliysicians, whose piescriptions provcd inéfieclüai; or sce.ned to do no good. She wasatiönded with a constant coucli. ond pnin in tlio breast. Her physicians and uil who 6aw her. carne to the couclusion that ehe was in n contirnied stage of Consumption. 1 mude no other calculation than for her to die - Hut os soon asfho commenced taking the Balsain slie began to improve, and continued eo to do until her health was restored, nnd is now entirely well. With a view of bencfitting those who may besimilarfy afilictöd, i take ploasure in rocommending this renicdy to the confi lencc of tho public. Yonrs, with respect, EDWARÜ STÍIATT0N. WISTAB'SBALSAM OF WILDCHERliY that not pnly relievee but curr6 O"Price $1 per bottle, or six bottle tbr $5. For sale in Cincinnoti only by SANFOR DAPARK, and in Ann Arbor by Moynards. sole Agents for this County. 3