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At Concord, Juckson county, Dcc. 17ih, Mr. min M. Kki-.d, aged 38 yeara. The circuinstan;s of Mr. Reed' 8 death wcre unusually so'emn, id strikingly remind us of the truth of that relark' ' In the mulst of life we are in deaih." In e enjoyment of hcalth, and all the strength of lanhood, he was engaged on the 16th instant in leaning out his wcll. At an une.xpected oioïent he rpr.pivpcl liis ilintli wnnmi t tVn fa fi-, i ■ ■ iv vviTvu n t-j v-ui tl "UUIIU UJÍ l 1 I I til l vJ bucket of Band on his head. Tle spinal mnr)v was so injured ihat all scnse of feeling in his wcr extremities was ; yct his agony of ody was intense for about 20 hours, whcn he 'as releasod from his labors on earth, and entered n his reward. Suddcn indeed was the transiiion om perfect htnhh to the agonies of deaih I from ie bosoi.i of his family to the presence of his ïod ! How mysterious are the dispensations of 'rovidence 1 Man deviseth his way, and form is plans, but God oftcn thwartsnnd throwsthem eadlong. In the dealh of Mr. Reed, the hearts ,ot only of a widow and fivedaughtersare wrung k'ith angui&h, but the whole church nnd commuity in-mi n his loss. Seldom lias the writer witessed sensations, deepcr and more heart-felt.than rere manifestcd on the occasion of the funeral. .8 a man, the deceased was industrious, cnterrisinp and benevolent, well calculated to win lic affections nnd command the respect of his eighbors and fricnds. As a husband and father, ie was kind and attentive. Long will the widow nd fathcrlcss cherish his niemory and embalm iis virtues in their bosonis. But his character as christian demanda our particular notice. For nany years he had been a professor of religión, nd exhibitfd decisive evidence of piety by a conistcnt life. Since the organization of the Prestyterian church in that place, he had sustained he office of ruling eider, lt is needless to Lay, ie feit a deep interest in the prosperity of the ■hurch and an anxious desirc for the salvation of inners. For two or three years previous to his leath he had been aiming at a higher degree of iety and striving toattain the "full assurance of lope." And it is conñdently believed by his Hends, that he had been rapidly ripening for his ipproaching end ! Ah ! linie did he anticípate t was so near, and would come upon him so un)ectedly ! After the first shock was over and he 'elt that he must leave his wife and cliildren, and ■nter upon the retributions of eternity, he was :alm nnd trustrd only in the mr rcy of God, thro' lesus Christ, for acceptance. He feit that it was . 8olemn thing to go into the preeence of his God o give up his account. But for him to live waa Christ, and we trust to die wns unspcakable gain. [Communicatcd. In this vil lage on the Mtli instant, of the senr?t fever, Ascknitii M., the only daughter, the ifit dear child of Hemanand Eliza Thomas, aged years, 10 months and 14 days. Her only dcar rother depnrted this life of the same disease on ie 6th instant. Vhile yet the mom its lovrly beauties spread, 'wo children dear are numbered with the dcad ; 'rom henee thcir 6pirits wing'd their rapt'rous way, [ the bright mansions in eternal day. rhcir morningsun, which rose serenely bright, Vas quickly shrouded with the shades of night ; ■ TÍ8done, ye parents, nor their loss deplore, riiey feel the iron hand of pain no more. s death carne on incessnnt to destroy, i.rour grief to doublé, nnd lay waste your joy ; Vlay dispensations of unerriug grace, 'íow turn your sorrow into grateful pruiae.