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Communications: For The Signal Of Liberty: Sale Of The Centr...

Communications: For The Signal Of Liberty: Sale Of The Centr... image
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Tlie citi.ens of Michigan, tlipugh suffering undcr misreprescntation whícli has paralized their o.xertions, nndrotarded the increase of population, are in a.groat' mensure ignorant of the causes which have produced those resuíts, or the meaos in their power to defeat them. Ainbng thöse causes, and riúrjiaps the most iníluential oC them, has becn (he gigantic Steamboat Association, ou iho lajees, whose eflbrts have heen steadily and carnestly addrcssed lo that object. - By hnving no lino from BuiYulo to Detroit - by fi.xing the price of passage nenrly as high from Buflalo to Detroit as from Buííitlo to Chicago - by falso representa-tions, calculated to turn emigration to Illinois and Wisconsin, they sj far succeed as to attract the noticc of the íasl Lcgislátüre, which aíteoipted to arrest the evil, luit without eñ The unfinished condition of our rond midering travel across the State dilneult, and (under the laíe management of the road) often dangeious. and the largo indebtedness of the State, were facís upnn which the partios in interest é'risííy ráiséd a superstructiirc sufficièrit to deler cmigration iri nioiit instances from en'.oring Michigan - especially as many of the Detroit forwarding merchants were interested as owners or ogents in this very combination, and could not be supposed to vilify their own State. The nability of the State to résist the Steamboat Combination, to complete the road, or even to continuo i! in oporation wherc complcted, as clcr.rly exposed in ihc ( overnor's message, oponed thc oyes of the public to the necessrty ofselling t!io Rail Road, and a special cotnmiltee was raised at an cai-ly d.iv in the st-ssion, to whose charge this subject was comniitSoon aftor ihk'comiiitoc commenced the investigalion of the subject, an agent from the most respectablc and wealthy capitalists in Boston and AJbriny árrived at Detroit, and had severa] interviews with ihc comniitteo. A bilí was frained and reported by that committee, uuexceptionable lo ihe parlies proposing to purchases requiring them to pay Two Millions of Dullars ibr ihe Uoad, and graiiting them a well guarded charter by whidi they are cornpelled to completo thc Uoad within three years, and reducing the pnces of íranípoi'iation gfóthly helow tire present rales. Tbis bilí is nol subjoct to repeal or alteration by tlu; tfegislatu're. - 'J'he company aro exempïed IVom all taxes in considerátTon i' páyi'ng ono per cent, to tiic State nnnunüy, ón tho capi: tnl stuí k paid ir, and they aioonly liable lo be suied in a Jourt of UewrJ, tvliere thoy pay full costs in caso oí juJginent ngainst llicin. It cannot be supposed thut any company would tako a charter and invesi'ivo Mijíioiis ónder' it, which was subect to bc altoroil or lampercd with. _V. non possessed of common sensc would iu t ino'icy on such tonnt. ! i'ur will l my companv buying tlio Road rver 1 ent to iixci fbr roads. sfcltÖólV, towns ' ind counties, in oru:h prociuct on tlieir ' oute. Noithrr will they iheav éVves " to vexaüous litigations befpre uslicesof the pence: and it is wcll uiulertood that an alieraliun of eitber of .1 hoge oatures in llie bill will prevent the purhasc by the partios at present nego.-iatng. Hut tho wruvhouse men in Detroit, in-, leed all alöhg the line of the Koad, are jrcatly distressed at the prospect of this 'monstrouá monopoly"! and are endcavtring by secret management, tu defoat lic passage of the bill. The bill reqniros hc R. G?. tu warehouso ibur day.s in he interior, and onc day in'Detroit withut chnrge. This will save 14 cents on ach barre! of flour to tho farmer so oon s the Road can bo carricd to the Rivcr, iz: One shilling to the man, nd two cents cartage now pruil. Hut hese distíiier'fsled gentianen Ihíiík it %V ï 1 1 e iTiucli botter fur the farmer lo pjiy hem iiilling ilmn to keep it ! Í Thojr lalriolism is aroused by tho awful dnngcr )f "monopoly'1! Tlicy wlio have ijir; :omlincd to fix n taritUof prioesat which, :md which only, Uicy would pernnt iho pcoplo tooflect the transit of their property to the Detroit rivcr, are af raid of u monopoly ! ! The question now is. shall tho interest of the wholo State bc sacrificod tu benefit a few warehouse inonopolists in Detroit ? Shall the Staíc, by a sale, pny Tv.o Millions of thoirdebt, and dt;rive a revenue oflVom Thirly to Si.My Thousand Dollars f rom the Road? or shall Uu; wanv housemen gouge the farmer as hcretofore, and the State labor on with an Önonnotis debt and an ünpródüctivé work', until it becomes uttcrly wortlil?ss' A salo will cMinguish oie !ia[f oi' the [)iiblic debí; wili give coniidence and character to the Siaie; will enstire lo the people ono of the bost of Roads frorn lalce to lake;vill flimiiü.s-Ji llie expense of transportafion aboiu 50 per cent, tluis hearly doubling the vaïiie of the prppórly ajóng its route thronght the State. S!iall tjii advantages be lost to the State lo gratifv the cïipidity of a few inicrested individuals ? The State cannol canifftete or rebuild the lload. They cannot keep it in operation in its present state. When it has run down, they cannot sell it for more than half what they are now otíereá; if at all! The wriler is infunneJ tliat jjot les than ten freight ca rs have been demolished sincc the firt of January lasj, '1 lw Report of the Commisipn?.i$ shows thai they have uscd i:p aud dcslruijc'l Lhan sixly thousund dnüurs in cars and machincry during the last iwoyears! And yot the people must toko thiá matter into their own hands, or thir? melSbj will be defeatcd by the efiorts of its pretended friends iii the Legikiotinfi, who by adding amendments which thoy know will defeat the bill, and then vi;ting for its linal passage, think they will o vod e respon - sibility and deceive.tJicir conslimorjts. Let llie people in favor of a sale offíhe Road, hold meetings in every town and counly n tho State, and instruct thcir Representatives and Senators on thi.s .subject. The object to be obtoined is of immense importance - of vital intcn t to ihe wholo State; cmd if thLs object is nol efiected now, it can never bo done on terms as favorable as. are now ofFercd.