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Bill For Sale Of The ...

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Om Monilay fot: a bill va hc House bv Mr. llnn..'. :muI i'. jy Mr. Hate; fbi ' roml, and t hu InCorpTJ bllViHg tlicro.wl. llcvirin? tlio i i'iir riiiv-fiis fco! upon llii:: . pro;ircil, wi;h imich lab iV, bil!, ulucli will hr; fóuöd b ü!l our ciiizoHv, this bilí bhouid bc ca scanued beforeit t? jilhuvod li bwame lor nftcr ils pai-sape, t is t hen too Liet ply dtifeéU, u' r.ny llere bo irt t. Tho is stiid is ncceptnble lo ihc í pnny now licrp.aiul it i.-, tKougèt will pf( brnnclics ol"thc I,cpir-1 uure: The first scciion of the bill incorj Williain Btorgeij John BKöi 'l'lnvor, ander DUnfcnrr, WtHifiip F; Weid, Quincy, Jr., David A. Ncal. Jahq I Junes K. Mills, Eroatus Oaroiiigj Tiiwt l'tr!;ii::, John V. Cii-hiur, Gftdrgty ii'i John M. Forbtv, Il.l!. ■.-, Du-' Pickma, J. VV. Brfaoht, Cyrus l1 B. Ives, i',(lwnrd KH;g, Jfiitn Curter 1 'i'homns II. rrrknn, Jr..Mau Iiolds, G.irHJi . l.:il)ii:;r, .ioir.I 't'.. ' RufuH II. Kitkgj ind 'u! sliull nysocinto witli llicm !br Ui; b'jtly c "ihe Miclitn-iui Oenti I wil li tliu us'ifil powera of eUQi)g and -uei!, ac(!irini,', lul.!:i Sic ,i:li n . p;o!iibUicii as in 1.ijií:iuíJ, Seelioii 2 giveslho ctüiip'.ny Ulü i tiio Cninl il.iilioil. ippuilcnuiicc--. nclud'my {tij m utid oilior buildings o piirt Auditor ti-nerCkl und 5iu.!e Tu ri.i-.] ihc matoiialj on llio rr.. .'. riylit ol' wny, uhicli the uv. i., acquirod, i"r tlie tuin ottuo i lnr - 8Q0p0p ut' wIjÍvjú , slafe hii niüi:ili5 1 ücr ii the act, an.l lije onc a;id u 1 liona uii!iiii poe jeai In cuse Un; coiiipwiy n. bu the rnad, ent] pj , H. IDOllíllS tilt' fi ofdolli;.-, the 3Ü forfoiicJ. 1 1" l i Míoiid ii;ii:L;jt Kt !io li st:itö cm) re; erve uv.iü i v.!iii:li in llmt c:. slulc. yection 4 . rnaj roco,ivc in the hunda cl the statu t. .:,.■;, ui i . ct-ii il oi":!it. uc! tii l,.jii. .;.:.: .; 'O pul om' lo providc fpr ijic lijn. provod .lurd) ::, IS i.;. '!est bonds issucd for unj au] interes of tle 3,S3i,düü, dj' thje .. iOü,(;00 , bomte ddiverul l ing Company ml ïcfbrrcd Lq u "..o lion of Üieubuve . 4S,l,ÍJ0J cc;:ts o eaph . bomls eo i'cIjV' I iiico July líí-1 1 shall i Tljr(l!-, tlic stock is Palinyra and Jl.' iiiu! Coriiiiy, all v. rbe öialo.-'cjrvluc, ur in tljis acctiÓB. Scctjoi) 5 eite an:' P.Ucr '' il Hf] .]i city of Detroit, n l)0 l". troit rivcr, ■ lownsliip pf i;id Kul ■ ,to sorriü poiiij state. No . ■ Til tfODIKl nuy law 1' witlijn öyc rn tfi Railrnad, vvii liurcby incorj)gi : constrijctcil twtnty unies o'Detroil, ;.:. MjcbigiiJ. oi' tic goiii süiir, willjir. Iv.-fiity u-:: . o) iJip I an Ceutro Railj ■ ', iu tlii tho conatriicin n f from Ljij'oí lic t' heretofoc d.Q iimtct?, oi said line. 'i'lic il;:tc Central Riiilroiu] wiihi company ; bul tli cotictiuct r.M i . .giHler ubove, or : . pJny v, irn uijiiocciaüly to ui Scci'i unt r nK ij :Ii'; i ndivid ial, tarlj ' ■ ' mcnls, or et f;ci Ior v.Iik-Ii !' .-iiiy rnanner, or : wit li Ihq ioa!, . . ■ . iarr.c by vol..:, ■ ir Of ■ ('iiciiil Coiirl C'AfriOC'uUC" .1 i)i : :-u. Secti ■: 7 h ■' h: tv ■ aiid ii. lor in ;;Vcl Li n ■ ■■ cüiiipañy, líícy may I