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Mr. Hallock's Address

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On the first pngc will be found annddrcss o' the President of the State Antislavery Society at ts Annual meeting. It abounde wiih good thoulta anJ suggestions. It notices well the pregress of the Antïalnvcry cause, and is a satsfiictory onswer to those who, in the uttcr nbsencc of argument, aro disposcd to shout "di ing axeay t" Ten yen re ago Garrison was mob bed in Boston, and led through thestreeis of thnt city with a rope around his neck, as a public fel- on. Now the scène of battlc hns shiftcd to the slave State3. ït has gone South, it is displaycd in Lcxington nnd Bahimorc. Ten year. hence, if not sooncr, the eeatof the war will be removed to Charleston nnd New Orluans. Thus we arennswering the old stcrootypo questiun - "Whydon't you go to the South ?" CC? We have received a Report of the Finance Commillee of the Senate, Mr. Hale chainnan, recommending a sale of the Road6 as not only ndvisablp, but indispensable. - This f one of the most sensible and business like documents we have ever seen from our Legislature. We wieh we had room to publish it. fXTWe are eratified to learn that an interesting revival of religión ie in progress in tlie Congregational Church in Clinton. The Rcv. O. Parker 9 loboring vfïlh the pcople in that place.