W. S. & J. W. Maynard
WE KNCW NO MEDICINE SO DESERVING of ihe confidcncc of the public na Dr. Folgcr'a Olosaoiiian, or AU-hcuiing Balsam. lt lias stood tho test of experience. hoving been ased in private practica lor more ilun fifieen years pasi and lina effeoted inore cures in appnrectly hopcless cases of Pulrnonmy Dincusor, tlhin any othcr medicine thnt hn evrr bcoji discovcrod. lt bus been givon undcr iho tWfjCOlUiis of pliystciaoï, n ihc pub!i mstitmions of ihccity of New Vork, and hns been found lo feitawer the pnrpose for which it wns Mtruled, vi: lt cure diaMMog. li [ma besa Ued ly lb younar nnd the old, nnd all wlm havn ever trieJ it. loll bui onc Ãtury concernà ng iti ftiTectj. Wc hnvo beft:re us the tesiimoijy of New York ethtors. nol only givip [ublidv in tlairpnpers, I u tl ir wn enses are relaicd, ingelhor wiili wltat thoy hv witnened. We hnve no rCMQp to doubt tho veracity of their s'.ntemenls. Thoy have been ouro.i o( long conti nued and luirraesing coughs by Us uso, andli.ive ecen nsiluna 6' the mi8t dWcourBgin kind, yield quickly to ita iunut-uoo. Kven cn9iimptiou in is terrible torn, haa y'tvcn w;iy undcr its usc. Whh lhi rñaM oà u-iimony before ue, w cannot rcfr.nn from réoommending it na B most vulmble remedy. Consumptie o ronder, whoevt-r you inny bo, try il : it wfll nol li 11 rt yo ; it niay prolong your days. Orityou are afllicnd with MlHtlM, let ud aesure you thut you cun find no remedy like it.A gent: forAun Arbor.
W. S. & J. W. Maynard
Dr Folgers
Old News
Signal of Liberty