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Direct Taxation

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According to the Uúnsiiumon, uijsw taxes must be opportioncd among the severa] Sfoíes n the ratio of tlieir repro-' sentation; and as ihc slave represcnlulives would increase thisnumber, it would also ncrease the timount of the tnx in the same ratio. But mark Kow Ihe slnve. holders have escapeJ the consequente óf Ihis "compromise." The whofé net revenue of our Government, from tho 4ih of March, 1780, to January 1, $f&i }ms amounted to' nbout 075 mllor,3 of dollars; of which but lïttle more thnn 12 millions have been receivcd in direct laxes; and of t!)is, the Souih hni pmd lor her slave representation only 1,256,553, or about onc rnïllion rA a quarter. But had the revenuo of the Government, ambunting to 075 millions, been raisrd by direci taxation, tbc South would have had to pay, afi her pVoportion, (or her slave representation, over 105 millions: but instcud of that sho has pnid but onO imllion