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The Georgia Letter

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We are nformed íVoin various cources that the letter we publiabed ' üur Pill'er of Jan. 21 uudur the captjon - Slaveholding Christiamty to tlie lile'- has been pronounced by soine a hou.. Wü were well awarc ihat the letter secmeJ almusl too horrible lo be genuino; bul our readers roay be asá ured that un did not ublish has genuino without íooking , fully iiHo the evídencé in llie case. We Saw the original - exaininedthe posnnruk - conversed witli tfic person to wliom il was wrilten, and, -ís is ílie cose wiih all others who liave done the same, bceume : fulJy satisfied of its genuincncbs. The proof is made to o ur niind compitió by íhe c.amnation of a previous Ictier from the same man, dated Jan. '2',i, ÍS 1.1, n the same hand writing, spelling, wiiii the carne post mark - in short, a lel ter per f ■■i]y corresponding to t!ie one we publisfrëd, even to the mental Irainsof tbc writer. - Believing that this will be read with interest especial ly becausc it corrobórales tho ono befo re publishcd, we give the most of it, although the modesly of the young man oddressed, somewhat dcimus at ils publication. - öberlin, B Jan. 29, IS 15. Dear Coisin:J suppose that )'ou think I have cithor foigotten you, or el.-e I do uut care any thing about you. As regards Curgetting you, the reeeïpt ol this letter will determine ihat; as lar as rëgards my fespects (or you, I mast say, (to be plriiu.) that 1 do hot think as much bf yöri as 1 once did, nor do l believo that the most of your relatives do. Ai the limé oF your parents' deaih, which took placo, I beiieve, wlien you were about five y ca ra oíd, you were ihrqvvn upon llic ' merey of of your friends. I have thought a ihniKand times that it was a graftt pity lluit in your younger days you made your hotiie among your Quaker fm-mls, forily and they alone were instrumental in m.-ikitig you an abolitionist. Jkit after yoingrandfather's dealh at whL-h timo you went to live wlih your unele T. G., l'hatl some hopes tlmt your mimi would take a different turn - but alas, I was disnppointed. Had you made uso óf the property whicli your uncle's will guaïaillièfl to you, [150 slaves, vvhichour young friend emancipated. Ed.] you tpight have been Siving in all the lu.xury u sputherq ni.ui could wish. But as you {o thrów away your property, your standing in society, and class yourself wiil a mean, low, and degraded set of fnnatics whose zeul goes ahead of thcir knowledge - a class which may justly be denominaied the offscouring of God's creati.oh; - for this reason, and for this reasojfl alone, 1 do not think as much of you as I once did. Y et after all if you did it for piiöj ciple's sake, which I really supposa you did, there isstill in such a sacrifico something to be comrnended. 1 don't want you to think that Í don't think anytlimg of you, for I do. But of thi enonh. ♦ You wanted (o know wliether you had better give upstiuly 011 account of losing by tliis fdilüre iho money you loaned. - As regards thnt, you must uso. your uwn judgmcni, thoug'u I think as you have not been uscd lo work, it will go hard with you to pay your way. Il vou will leave Obeilin I will assist you some, as 1 6upposc somo of your olher relatives will to obtaia an education. But I suppose you would rathcr stay with yonr good abolilion brothers and work your way than to go to a decont Institution. At iho recent election I was elecled justiccof tin peace by a mnjority of 75. 1 have so mucli business ín the ofiice l have no timo todo any thing elsc, not even to pay any ottention to my soul's ealvntion, as you spoke about in your Jast letter, - though by the way the foar of its loss dont disturb me much. J. F. F. (tTtferrit Smilli aclvcrliLCs liis lunds for eole. Tliey ntnount to about lliree qimrtcrs of a millioi) ncic?, dieporsed lliroiigh 4S couiilies of the StHte of New York.