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Foreign News: Highly Important!!: Thirty-one Days Later From... image
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The steainshij) Ciimbria bus arnved at Boston trom Liverpool, which laticr placo shc left on the lih uli. She brought L5 passengere. Among whom ire bearers of despatches from the America minister at Lundur. ana ilic Briiish Government. The markets wcre in an unscttled siato, owing :o ihe expected ri-peal of theCorn Lawm. Upon lliis subject Wihner & Smiths Times remarksns föllowa : The steamship CombVra takes out to-d ly the ino&t impoitant and yrntify ing intulligencc thai ever left ihc sliorcs of England. Sir Robéfl Peel luis evclnpcd lus future commercial paliby. It is at once simple and comprehensivo ; und uniler its operatiou the exchango of commodities beiween this couniry nnd the United States will be carritd 10 nn extern, & will bo mnterinlly productivo of advantages, greater :' ihan the eyc ha'h yet seen, or the heari haih conccivcd." - The new schema embraco?, wiih a i uil sensc of the-r importatipe', the principies of Irte trade- repudiates for conimerce. manufacturea nnd ngriculture : ndmils corn, duty free, at the end of ihree years, with a scale, in tho inleiim. which will probably cscilliaio botween 4 and Gs. per quartcr. nnd al once admits Imlian uorn and buckwhent Irco of all dmy whaiover. Grea Britain, at the present moment, is in o blaz'e of extitem'enl ; men talk and think öf noihing clse ; they hnvó se thcir hearts upon securing the great fiiqn! schem-?, for the scheme. for the re-generatien of the ountry. which the Premier liaa laid bofó're P.irliament. and they desire to cuiuiil tbc poriod fi.xed for the total cxtiiution of the Corn Lawt. The (if pcacc umi prorcssion on this t: ui" thu wnter. hope - carne.-i!y nntl sincciely hope - iliiH thé novy policy wil] bind America 10 ná by 'ho ti8of amiiy, broiherhuod. and interi-si. and thnt the miserable sqiiabbling about n parren wa--ie, will give w.iy to moré liberal, civïlized. iiul comprehcn&ive víws. Tlie iininccüaie i ffjcis of the TarilT on the most prominent nniclos of American exportd. we have noticed el.sewhere. Altogcther, tbc subject. in its vurious phases, is the most important that uver crossed the Atlantic sincfi the introductiou of ste;iin naviniion ; oml iil iliat a wnnting is for iho jfi(iple öf ilie United Strfffes to meet ns in a kindred spi il. und in the trae spirit, nnd in the liuo spirit oí cpminerce and of friendëhip ; foruot the pas', and run a generous race of mutual híipp'mess nnd proü[)cri:y ívr. ihe f:itiue." Quki.ns rfi'Kici. - We five belo.w extrac's from the (Jim cn'b speech, vhieh relalejí lo the Unned Síoíeá.; I rrgici. i!i ii ilio conilitiiiii claims of Grcat Hriiuinnud Ihfl Uniied States in teapecl to tlic tarritory m the NnrthWest cuasi of America, alt!uuli ilicy hivc Korh niñde ;!io sulijcct oí re peaicJ nogotiaiion. still lemuin nnt-etilcil. You inny reet aasured iliat n eifort conwatont wiih ilio naii''iril honor siiall be w.-iniinir on my p.ut lu Iji ing ilir qü-ötion to m taijy and peaccful lerniiiiiüiun." Among the aiticleB to be ndmitted (ree undcr the projvised Tari 1T nre : JJacon, Beef, Hay, rlidès, iI;ai. nnd ro'ric. Alinps every oilicr anide of American pruduction is to be admittcd at a mero nomina' duly. The followin is ilie aconnt of iho introducción of the me.isuro into Parffnirfent: PEBL'I Fi -VANCIAL SCÜEWE. II. lYel's plan for the fiscal retjeneratioii of the ei untry, waa introdticoil in n lonr honrs' fspeecb in the House of Commnnsof the 27th. In thnt speccli he took anclnboraie view of the fiscal condition of the country and announccd the reduciion of duiy on n numher of anieles which presa iijion the coiiunercial and agiicultunil intcrcsis. lic imressed npon ih! tniera the nectssiiy of prtparing for the adven' ! of free trn'le. by givíríg up wha'ever lintited anjpunt of protcqtjon they now enjoy (rom foreign cornpctiiioii in the simpe of proliihiiory dnties: and the dutirs so impoeed he nnnouneed his intention nF reducing it to a nominnl nmount. The tin:!er dniicb are lo undergo a revisión, biit into tho details of the chango he did not enler, u for nuoih r dny. For tho reduetion on tallow, n paper hangings. on soap and condles, óri boots andshoes, on.foféigri spirits, on clovor and othet eeeds, on provisiona, (fieshanc1 saltcd.) on vegetables, on fureign made carriafies. Sugar. thntgrtat anicleof colonial produce, which ni.'xt to the corn laws, lias been most virulently aseailed on account of the tenacin to to which the minister has clung in screening it from coinpouion, is still to bü moro or lesa protectod. Slnvegrown snjar he still regards as an nhomijiation, luit the duty on foroign frco-labor ugnr ia to be rediced :a. (kl. per cent. The corn 1 iws ho j r.poses to abolish totally and unoonditiouully, on the Isj of Fcbmary, 1849 i, and in the mean time a modified sliding ecnle is o be substituted for the onc at present in exisienco. The ultra freo-traders inniat upon the repeal of the corn laws bcing immediate. Jt is belicvcd hc will carry his Tariff. Public opinión is with iiim, he is the minister of the commercial world. the t'avorite of the capitnlists, and supported. moreover, by tho rniddlo classes. Looiiing nt tlie question, then, ín cvery poin: of view, into account the preaent positkm of partics, the advent of the general eíection, the Hiish of triumph which manilts :hc chceks of the iree traders, tho gloom and anger which reign in the faces of the protectionists- viewing the state of registry, the conditionsof the food market, our relations with the United States, the absence of all e.xcitcment except on the grent question of free trade - we nrrivc in the conclusión, :hat Sir R. Peel will paes hïó ncw uiifj' in the present PuUiament, OREGuN. The fullowing are the reniark of Sir R. Poel upon the Oregon question . Lord John Russel ontheSiih uit. hnving interroguted Sir Roben Peel as lo cer tai n propogitions said to have been made by our governinent for u partition of Oregon, and üa to the increabed csiimates ior the army and navy, the following is the reply : Sir R. Pcd. - With rcferonce to tho question just put by the nublo lord, I bcg to say that not foresecing that he would put it, Í ani not at present prepared to givc him an answer and have thcrefuiü to crave that he will postpone his quesjion untü unothcr time. On tho subject of Uic Oregon territory, I huve to slato that a pröpoadl wiiü made by Mr.chañan, with ihe autliority of tho President of the United States, to Mr. Packenham, and thnt the pruposal so mnde suggestcd1 s división of the territory. Whether or not that proposal ought to liave heen acquiesced u I cannot snj. Mr. Packenham thouglit that tho ttnns proposed wcre so little likely to 6e acccpcable. ilwt hc did not feel htmself warrantcd in traosmitting the prop_o8nl to the yovernment at home ; and on signifying ihia to Mr. Biiehannn, the Jatter immediaicly statcd that thé prdposai was withdrnwn. Tliis is the state of tfie rogotimion nt present, so far as I am informed, respecting the proposnl subniittcd by Mr. Buchanan. I hnvsthe highesi opinión of Mr. Packenham ; 1 have the greatest respect for bis talcnts, and tlie greatest confidence in his judgn-cnr, yet I niust say that it , would have been better had he transrnitted thai i uroposal to t!ie iiome government for thcir con sidcraliun, and f nol fouiul in itsclf satisfactory. it might possibly liavc formed the foundation for a funher proposal. (Honr. ) Since ihat pcriod this country has again repeated to tho United Status thcir oflbr of referring tho matter to arbitration, but no answerhas yct heen reccived t the proposnl so mnde. With usp;ct lo the proposed incronso in the and military estimates'. it is impofsille lor my onc to see the progiess of steam navigation ind the continucd increase of pur colonial pos soasions.. without at the same time seeing the necessity for an nercase in our naval and military estabüshrppnts. Within the last few months the culony oí" New Zealand has made a heavy démand uporj s in this rcsprct ; and the coniinUB] drain made upon our troops on accour.t of the neecssnry reliëfs ín our otlier possessions is so great, that it is ahnost impossible to fiil up our regimenis. I think that even whilo wn havo the utmost confu-me in tho intentions of (breign powers, we would not be wise to neglect the dcfenees of our country, nnd to ronder it sceuro agniiiBt any possible contingency. (Heir, liear.) I soy. :hen, that the propoecd mcrease in the cstim.ite may bo oinirely juttfned on purcly delcnsive grounds, and that Her MojosiyV Gnvornment have feit it thcir duty to propofeB un inonase o( the estima'.t'S for our naval, military and ordiiancc i'ïiiihlifchmcnts. without rcforence to the ditpule with the United States. Tho foilowing are the prnposed rates under the 'I'ariiT jiroposcd upon VVheal and Flour. AVhcat at ú3s and upwürds per qr. of 8 hu. undor the present rate of diity, pvye 4 sterling. On a barrel ol flour of li) i Iba. the duly s eslimated at 3 ;J gallons of vvliortt which is equál to T)-i cents per banel. Flour in bond was quoted nt 8 sterling. THE UNITED STATES, FRANGE ANDENGLAND.On the 3Oth, M. Tiüèrs wislied to speak, and after somc prelimmary observations, in reply to M. Ledo Rollin, proceeded to speak of the annexation of Texas. The Chumbcr adjourned at a quarter past fi. Ai 2 o'clock the following day, M. S;iquct,thc President, took the Chair, when the discussioaon the uddress was resumed. M. Guizot, thé Ministor for Forrign afiVirs having ascended the tribune, said that M. Th ie ra on the previoii8 evening, liB6 appeitled to the im pressions and in6tincts of the Chamber : lie wonk appoal to ils calm reflecting judgment ; and h hoped to convinceit that tho ndvice he liad given the Crown, and the line of policy he has pursued was the most conducive to the interests of th country. On the iuvitation of the Texan Go vernment and of its minister of Paris, he has ad vised Texas to maintain lier independence, an( .Mexico to recognize it. He liad always proelaimed that the Texans were free to adopt whatrver course the y pleased, and that, when once thèyshóuld have pronounced, ', France had notliing to 5ny. Tliis liad been the case ; when the annexation was agreed to by the Texnn people, France entcredintono protest ; she aecepted the fact when accomplished ; 6he raised no diücusfiion on the subject with (lie U. States, ! nor even addressed a single observalion to their : Government. IM. Guizot had a'ccórdínglv feit ! eurprised at the languagc used by the President, in his message, and he considered it his duty to claim in reply for France catire independence of ' act ion. Ho r.ext examined the commercial rcasons which had induced France to reconize the independence of Texas in 1838, and rendered her anxious to maintnin it n 18-15. The politica! coiiBiderations had been ot a still greater weight. Th ere were nt present, he said, three powerful nution.s intent on aggfandizing heyond mensure iheir territories - Englund, llussiaand the UnitedStates, Franco was not extendinghcr dominions. In áfrica she had made n conqucst it was her honor and interest to preserve, but the bounds of which shc would not overstep. It was of the highest importance to France that tliose three nntions should balance each othcr's power, and that none of the in should obtain a preponderating influence. She was consequently interested in protecting the independence of the huerican states. M. Guizot then procceded to explain the nature of the relations existing bctween .England and France. They were placed, he snid, on the most intímate footing, and he was happy and proud to declare it. The alliancc of the two countries, their good understanding, their intimacy, were nccessary for the general peaee.