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W. S. & J. W. Maynard

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ü" A 1'UDLIC JIKNKKACTÜR.- DR. SI1KR.MAN, for the latí live ycars piet lins tecn luharin? to spread hix Modicated Lozcngce fur nnd wide, and liis labor h.ivc not been in cveijr ji.-irt of our land ;nul on the Continent, and niet with universal npprohaiion. His Coúh jOMtiges havo curad more ensrs óf iiilliK-nzi uring is prevnlence in New York ihin ony her medicine tbat can lio nnmed. llis Worm jozenges continue to pnrfbrm wonders wherc I otlier remedirá have railed- nnd hsCniiiilior íOzengcs will rehevo Itcndache nnd pnlpitation n a very lew minutes whilu hls l'oor Mfen't 'liister, whicli cost only l' centw, is believed o lc the vcry best strcr.gihoning piasier in the vorld. And whilo these cures nre lieing made by the Doctor' prepnrations, ihe public have the satisfoeticn ol knowing iliat tlity nro skilful and acournioly preparcd l.y n nyular physiicnn, nnd are nt;ogeher the bet medicine whicb can poss bly bo f.mnd. thore bcitiL' no qunckery or humbug uhout thetn. Dr. b-'htrin;ii)'B wareIiouhc is No. KG bínusiu RtrVct. .N. Y.Agenis forAnn Arl)or.