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The following appointments by the President, in ihis State, have been confirmed by the United States Senate : C. G. Hammond, Collector for the district, and Inspector for the port of Detroit, vice, Edward Brooka resigned. John Norvel!, Attorney of the United States for the district of Michigan, vice George C. Bates resigned. W. A. Richmond, to be Indian Agent, for the Agency of Mackinaw, vice, Robert Stuart, removed. Austin E. Wing, Marshall for the district o( Michigan, vico L. S. Humphrey, resigned. In addition to the obove, we notice that Hon. R. M. Saunders, of North Carolina, has been appointed by the President and Senate, Minister Plenipotentiary to the Court of Spain, vice, W. Irving, resigned. The Governor and Senate of this State have nppointed George Danforth Circuit Court Commissioner ; and John N. Gott and Benjamin F. Bradley, Notaries Public, for this county.tCT Tbc Albany Argus represenis ihat the Telegrnph between tliat city and IJtica workt " loncharm." '1 he dieiance laakuut 100 miles. It f .illy mceisif ""b'j" ftfectatton8.