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Canada Mission: For The Signal Of Liberty

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On tlic 2üih of August last, ihc trustees ot the tcmporalitics of the Canada mission appointüd the Rcv. Thomas Willas ngent to solicit fund8 fnr purchaeing lands in Canada, on which o crect i school house and church : and to parcel out the residuo in small lots (o destitute colrcd people without sedarían distinction. Cerain citizens of Detroit, approving the measure, urnished credcntials to Mr. VVillas, and guarintccd tho faithfal applicatior. ofall contributions. Mr. Willas hassince visitcd par IS of Michigan, Massachusetts, and New York : the cities of Providence and Cleveland. He now exhibits to the undersignod a report of tx'ta doings, and his collcction hook, in which tí e donors are stroiigUj requesttd bij Iti crcdm'ials to enter eccnj donut'ton. This is thcrefore to certify that we have care fully examincd cach item on thesaid book, transferred to n separate sheet, and that we eubmitted the book nnd the doings of Mr. Willas to every proper test in our power, and find the following resalís of his agency.The cash reccipts appcaring on tho the book, os far as made out, ninny bcing defaced and imperfect, wc re $414,12 But Mr. Willns states that small pnymen(8 of six cents and under wei e not ciiicri-il. and tlirit his cash rcciipts aciu.'iüy werc 497,00 His traveüng and oilier expenses during six nionths agency, amourred to 9".00 Leaving in his h.inds n surplus of 402,00 subject Oiily to his services. Donntions ol clotliing, and othrr matters, cash not yet paid. will probablyadd in time, the furthcr sum of about 150,000 On a former mission Mr. Willas collected for hc trustees one liunürcd dollars over all expeus es and agency. The moncy was depositcd under the control of Jno. Owen Esq. of this city. [t is also available for the present object, and with the new donationa will remain in specie in depusit, utitil the proper location is 6elected.That location 8 now being Bought, and hopee ire cntcrtaineci that the British Govornment mny ( ionatc the land. If t doeB not, the funds will ( bo applied to parchase llie lands. But in either üvent, furiher aia will bc nccesaary to constimrnnte the proposed object. Uf the consumrnnrion howevcr at no distant day wc entertain no doubt, lis progress will beannounced. The agrecnient bctween the trustees and Air. Willas, entitle him to onc hundred dollars for services since Apgutt. Thu iindersigned donot deern the same unrcnsonablc in view of the trits' reposed in him : ths :ime consumcd : the cxicnt of travelling : the I;iboriousncs9 ard fidclity of his services: the unount he has rendered available, and the services yet requisito for selecting the location. Thcy also fooi that hc is cntiiled to the confi dence and thanks of all interested in the enterprise, for his fidelity and zeal. CHAS. IJ. STEWAIIT, HORACK IIALLOCK. Detroit, March 6, M46. O" The following pipers are pariirulnrly re quested to publish the nbove, it liavinj' been requested by many of the patrons. The True Wcslcyan, N. Y. - Boston Daily Times - The Star, Providcncc - The Emancipa:or, Cincinnati Herald, Liberty Press, Patriot, and Cleveland American.