Canada Affairs
- ( exc&maat lias beencreated in the commercial circlcs nere, ny inc recent news from Englund, of the conU-mplnted wilhdrawal nnd diminution of the protective dulios. AVc-ll informed persons here, howevcr, lo not ronir-m)!iitn any penoua or laating injury to coloninl interest?, ns the proposéd mensures wül ncceïsitntf; llic introduction ofpropo3ed improvcT nicuts whicli otherwisc would not have been thought of. pacific toneof the Iïritish Ministry hr.s not been wituout effect h?re, but the activity in tbc varinus mijtary deparments'stUI continue. A fletachment of the Itoyal Engineerö has been despnlohfd on atl inspection tour to the frontier, nnd leport ï.xys tiiat n clinin of rcdonhüs, connerlinj,' the military Stations of9t. John'i; Chnmbly', We aiiN .ix and irilüam Henry, or oord, are to bc_ forthwith consiructcd, one Orinow eq iiadronB of mounted riflornen are to l" gDibodicd for "ontier duty, tobe eomposeJ of picketl men from the rcginients of the line now in CannW. ' The thrce troops of cavolry, which are in a high otate of discipline, are onlerrd on pny (or two ycare, the same measura haa been ndoptod Whh regard to the " colored norps of Cmaibirt. Great act vity prevalÃa in the ,-Quebeó; he ditchea f jhp citidel nre .l.-p-ned, and additional gunBTnoünted. Tne nrtilIcrynrcconstantlyengaKcd nir-hot and shell pf]3j' a recent "order in Conncil," pot and pearl ashes of United States manufacture may pase thro' Cannfla dutr freei The anniverrory of the Montrenl bmnch oi the VVcslcyan Methodist rnJBajoiu vas hold inning the last week. The income of the Society danng the past year $3Ã9,ÃS, nl the rxpenditurc $545,840; There are 1865 chapéis Mnd 33i mteftontmes.
Old News
Signal of Liberty