"position Of The Liberty Party."
The eonimunication of Merars. Beckley & â )8tcv under the above cnption, r.iay not meet hc viuwauf all Libcrtu men. but wo hope their ugjjestiona will bc carcfully weighed. Thcy nerely present these propoeitions for cxnminaon on tbcir o-wwmcrii, Wc have nod;fliculy in subbcribing to th'eni for our own part anti " !' vi' ilint ilu-jr ndopiion by the Liberty party vould tond rapitlly tounhe the Hienda of reform on tlio (tuk DomocTolic plntfurm - "Equul Rights o Au." Wo wou I tà go y et furihr, oo. Tho ublic lnnds slionld bc mntlo fit-e to cvery lunduss man, for occupation. without let or hindnincc. They belong to tlic pcople - God mcda Ufiin kkee for every mart. All must derive tlielf food, diicctly or intrirccily, fiom lbo roil : and vhy should any Americnn be deborred from tho privilege of mtting bcncnlh "his own vine and1 lis own fig tree," whilo mtlhons on million9 jf acres of pviblic land lio unojcupict} ; whilft (ïovernmeni does not require tho revenuo derivcd from Ecliing it to apcculators ; and whilo the proceeds of sales are misuscd to fosier the bloody spirit of wnr, by mainiaining armits and navic. and to pampcr Aristocracy and hipl 'ride by teaching tho youtlt of tho nation how foliant amJ j!rrfos a thing it is to wear liusol â paulettes, nnd lead brethicn to ihebatdelicld tolaughtcr one nnother, to feast their rycs on mannlcd nw! licadle-s corpses, npouting life-blooo, gory puddlcs, and writliinÃ; victima, groaningnd gesping Ãn ilic tast mortal agony. Let thiff ind bc Kftfcji, oikI ilio poW thnt nro now crowdig iilto our cifras, to firrnrsh " panpciV nnd riÃnirrála, fill pnor-houses ond prisons, nnd beo:nc n burdun to the producios classes, will be:i o indi-pcnlcnl rarmcra. Let this land he unÃ:, and mccltatiic nnd luborrng men wilt not c oimpelFeil to #rSBtle wilh cach othcr for the nirilegc of working on CppUnl'a own terms, to jl.tun n bare subsislonce lor (licir ianulics. Let ibis land bc t'nv.T as tlic air. ilio water, and the snn fight. Why shoula ono of gifts oT (iod to man be denied him, more ilion nnotlier? The ndVaritnges which wottltà (Ãow from Ãln's reform are incalculable, nncl we sce not why Liberty men sliould hrsitate 10 embrace it. Tha working-ine cast, west, north nnd 6outliarc rallyin'2 with great rnpidity to the mensuro, nnd evcry step wlncli they rake bringa :licm nearcr to the recognition of tl.o gMol ' Equal Kightö" pn'ncip! for whicl wc contciiil. Thorr ÃectiÃrera and preases are ftircady doing direct Antislavcry wprk - we meet with somc of tlie mo3t uucom prunisin Anfislavery orticles in the columns of our National Reform exchangca - nnd everything indicttcs that our principios are ÃjeÃr principie. Nothirrg, then, ia waniing to imite us- to givo to fhe canse oà Liberiy nn irresistible impulse, by uniting ihelaboring c!ass in eupjiort of the intcreslB of labor nnd ol ihe riglns of the taborer - lm', the aüoption by us oà tlicir great ptincjjiIcâ Mtiiii we nesuaio, iiictii t 10 iimu uu biujii- - g it not clear tliut 1I10 slavc would be benefittéd y the ïncasuro ? Kt;i!)Ãsh lÃicso Antislavery recbolders on ihctrsmall furnis - build vip a landd Democrncy who necd not bc jeulous of tho omueütion uf lbo frec colorcd man In tho stnig lofor brad - and u wnu'd remove whnt we have ilwaya belicved to bc the aoarce of tlie otherwisc unacconntnble oppenitinn of tlic white loburing clnss to ilio Al.olition cnlefpriso. Drma??gucs ihcn could no longcr operatu ngninet u iy t'ic cry - 'II' tlic slnvcs ore aei freo, tlicy will ome to the Norih," nnd iinJcr-bld the white laorcr. The p&or slavc, who hns benn firouglit ipan ngriculturist, will bc rccompcriscd in sume nonsurc for tlic wrongs wc havo dono him. hy icing pcnnttt(-d at once, na tlio ehnokles fiill oft" lis li nby, lo beeomc n fréeholdei' ns wcll na n rtcin:in, nnd tlius " takc caic af liimselt " nnd us fiimily hy ihc sanio avocmian in whicli lio ad learncd to ake care both of liimsclf and hls u.ns er. Lei us then embrace tli'a rcf'-rin. f for the poor bon rtoan'j Bikc nlnnc. It is riliicous, nnqics-' ionahly ; and whntcver is rihl we shonld do- eating ccncijucnrcs to God. Ainu individual JÃibcriv man 2 ndopt t!io tüggtaWént of Messrs. IicckU'.y nnd Fosier, witli hc nbovo ainendmcnt - nddingalso theadvocacy if tlio HTed II ur Sysleiu" of Labor in all OC' cupations and brnnches of bnsinoÃs. Will you ccpl these amond.ncnts, fiicnds IJ. & F.? Wc hnve reccived tlio Signal of Liberty, of vhich McEsre. Hccklcy & F'ost;r aro tho editor. ontaining o letter from Jamks G. IJikucv, augÃÃC5tin{i the policy advocatet! by Messrs. J). & V. Hhi letter will appear next weck. Moasrs. 15. V F. infonn us tÃiat "tlusc scntitiirnie are linrd MibsianfinHy by conie hundreda uf I,ibjrly ncn," in Michigan- Mr. Birr.cy amung tho ïu nbcr.RZM.ARKS. V cnnnot anawor deiinitely (o io first ntorpgatory vi the Spirit of Liberty, as, wo are not uffÃcicntly nfornied ns to the precisa disposltion of ihe Public Lands contemplnted by tlic Nntionnl Ueformcrs. We ahould bc for dispoaing of Ilis grcat nation:il patrimony, ho wever, ii. sucli t way as would best promoic ilie p'órrrionont welre ol our wliolo couniry. and of ilic world - I'liis would be our prinr ili'. Our fiiend enya hut "the public lands fIiouM bc inndc rar.K to evcry landless ninn." In wtiai tèma does ho use tho woid -'free?" Would lic let cvery jaVidteM man go on 19 n f.irm and occupy it, and hold it ns i oren; or wüuld ]o have the ootilers moro [cnnnis, the wliolc dnnain being n general comnon, cvery person liaving a property in his mprovements, but not in iho f je of the lam)? As to thu "Ten Hour system of l.ihur in uil occnpatioiii and branches of buin. â !.," our principie would bc to hue tho Government ïncrfere U half pnts'lile, in the private trunt-nctions of ciiÃ7.cnB. In soinepartsof tlio couniiy., like LowÃ11 nnd riiifeburgh fur tmirc. somo govornnontal rcgulaiion of ihe rolatipn ofCnpnal and Labor, undur extsiing clrcumstonces, uiuy bo deemeil uecesiry, but thu hircd m.in in tho backwoode can niakc hisoWn rirrnngcir.cnin fir worklng to far beiter udvantage thdn he could tiirongri any provisión of iho Siniato, or the ndjudicalions ji the noighboring juslicib of tho páce'.O The Liberty men oï Marshall Cdtii Viiyinin , hivo he!J n meeting nnd nohi?ri?od Joh h'nll for nicmbcr oftlie House of Oo'.egatcs. It ii propotcd 8hortiy to nomÃnate i Senö{or to te[ro8ent iho coumie uf Ohia, Bropk, TyJüf nnd Marshall.
Liberty Party
Old News
Signal of Liberty
James G. Birney