Our Advance Terms
Aftcr the expiraron of the present Volume, which will id AP 20. our Mfm tor the Signol - W1II be Ono Dollar and filiy cents a year in ad ' nanee ï OthÃfWBB, Two Dollar. ' Af this change may be unexpected to many. j a word in xplanalion of the rcasm ior nmking it, may not ba inappropriate. The Cincinnaü ( Hcrald led the wny ia the plan of rcducin tlie ( pnco of Liberty papers to One DoUrrr n year. and ( other papers followecf. Every one uf these has since raised the price, havingfouttrt it impossible to live at 80 low a ratu. Uut we had an object in view, which, had wc attnineil it, would liave cnabled us to continue the present very lovr prico. We had hopes, from the cncoiiragenicni given U8, that at tliat price wc night increase our circulation to 3.000, or at least, to 2,500, which would have cnnblcd hs to inake n living busincas, as the larger thecirculotion the less the proportionatc cost of each paper. Bui in ihis we havo failed. Afier the trinl of nearly a yenrantJ a half, we find ihat our liet of suliscribere does not exceed 1,800. which is nol 30à more tlinn whon wc commeneed nt iHe preseni pricc. The oss by the oporation has been ours, while the gain hns been to the eubscribers. Thoy, thereforo, can have no rcason to coinpluin because we havo thue far furnished them a pnper at less thnn the coat. At $1,5), the Si{.ml will be ns cheop n paperas can be found in tho State. We trust the explnnation will bc sniiefaciory to all reasonoble persons ; and we hope to part company wiih none now on our list. Subscribers who hive nlready pniil Ãn atlvince at $1,00 a ycar, or who mny pny beforo April 20, wi 11 receive their papera, for the period paid ior, at that price.
Advance Terms
Old News
Signal of Liberty