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The License Question

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We wou ld ngain cali the nttcntion ot our renders to the propriety of votinp No'Licence at the coming town electio. We deem this the more necessary, as we know that eoinc who voted on that side last year, are now disinclined to vote at all, on the giound thnt the Law hos proved inefiectual, in a?much as groggeries and consequent drunkennees have multiplica. TIiíf, however, is an erroneous view of the case. The law has not yet heen tested. - According to the best information we con gct, there are One Hundrcd cases, fiom every part of the State, now pending in the Supreme Court. But why not have a decisión, you ask. Because it is not time for one. - We know nol that any of the pending cases nre as yei more than two years oíd. A decisión of 8ome of t hen my be cxpected at the eesiion of the Court next January, or if not obtained tliem, it may be reasonably expccted any time thereafter till if. comes. The delays of the law are no doubt for good reasons, (or onr legal sy6tem ia "the n ccunmlated wisdom of ages" and " the perfeclion of human reo son. nBut UU these cases are determined, every thing will probably remain as at present. It is doubt lees umvise, to commence more prosecutions tinlil those now litigntingr are disposed of. as the decisión of the fiist half a dozen cases will virtually decide all the rest. The responsibllity of the continunnce of the unisersal rumselling nnd drunkenness consequent n this Btate of things, for a yeor or two nore, must be thrown upon thnt ancient imirceof complaint, 'the law'a dclayS We are gratified to learn that at the charter jleciion n Ni lea and Marshall, No Licence jucceeded. In Marshall, the vote was 71 igoinst 22. (ITThe Cleveland American publishes Mr. Birney1s letter to the Michigan State Convention, and snyp; 4Th toDics he treats upon are ably and well handled, and his views, we think mninly correct. On the subject of the policy of iugrafling these or ot!er principies upon the one great idea of the Liberty party- Emancipation - a topic now extensively discussed among liiberty men - we eball have Bomething to 6ay hereafter,"