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Expenses Of Litigation

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We copy from the Ypsilanti Scntincl f lic lolowing statement nnd bilí for legal services renJercd. We give it as we find it. We insert it. not for the purpose of exhibiting the charges as high - for the attorney reforred to as inakmg tlicm we believe has q fair standing in his profession, and wc know not but they are the usual charges in all similar cases; 'nut für the purpose of exhibiting to our roadera the very great expensireness of litigntion, hy an cxamplc that secms to bc nctunl and undisputcd. Very many persons, espceially 'armers, appenl suiis to the Circuit Court widlQtli linving nny conception of the costs they must pay. In mostenses ofililForenco between nghhors, the advicc of ihc Greni Teacher abonl going to law. given 1800 years ngo, and recorded in the fifih chapter oí Maithew, will ho found judicious and wise. "Some year8 ince, the nmhor of the following bill coilccted for a poor man $1G8 45 which afier repeated demand, was not paid over. Reeen tly snit was lin i.'lit. when this consiencious Lawyer ñled as an ofisut the following bilt, at (lie sanie time witli the usunl aftidarit thnt the plaintiflf was too poor to piy the cosls if beaten in the suit. "The services rendered for which the bill is charged, viz: 1. Petifogging suit bcfore Justice Voorhecs. 2. Appealing suit nnd sufforing adjournment upon pnyment of cost of the term. 3. Taking defcult of subsequent lenn (without trial.) 4. Bringmg suit upon board for costs when the porties scttled without trial. DAVJD It. HITCHCOCK, To W. A. Bückbkb, Dr.(tThere were forty eight forls building in the United States last year. The persons employed m their coiistuclion were paid as follow8 for ench day :QProfesssr E?py hos hid it down as a low of the atmosphrre, deduced frem extenBive observntion, tliat the rain nnd snow storms, nnd even moderate rains and snows, travel from the West towards the Eist, in the United States, dnrinL the months of Janiiary, February nnd March, which oro the only nidiulis yet investigated. We snrmise iliat his observations were not taken n Michigan : for t is a common remark here, that on easterly wind will bring rain or 8I1OW. Q Messre Lawrence and Ftiller have completed their new steam sawmill. It presents a neat appearanco. It is on the Ypsilanti road,nbout half a mile from the village, The steam entine wo9 mannfacturcd by Mr. Tripp, of this rüloge. There ore some advantages in a steam paw-mill over one propclled by water : but whether steam can successfully compete with water power in this branch of business, we cannot eay. This would depend, probably, upon the peculiar circiimstnnce of each location. tCT We lenrn from our exchanges- for the True American doos not come to us- that Cassius M. Clay has reduced the pricc of his paper to one dollar to non-slaveholders in the Slavc Staiea. A vory j idicious movement. We hope his circulation will be grcatly ncreased.