Receipts Of The Signal Of Liberty: For The Present Week
Oppasuc cnch subscribcr s nomo willbp f.ntnd he amount caah or oiherwM,wiih thu mmhcr nnd date ot ihe yapcr to Whïch il puvs K. W Stevens $3.00 to 255 or Mar 10 '4f. A H Markham 5!) to 2öl or Sop M '46 B Chapman 1,00 to 30fi or Mnr 8 '47 H N Lalhrop 1,00 lo 278 or Aug 21 '40 M Stiles l,00toS7dor " A Davis 1,00 " ' Ira Peck 1,00 lo 301 or Feb 1 '47 A Willey 44 to 275 or Aug 3 '-K5 H Wood 5:) to 27:) or Aug 31 '4ü iMuacs Peer 4,G8 to 25O or Apr 2J J A Sterling 1.00 to 305 or Mar 1 '40 M R Flctclicr 1,00 to " ' O Bartholemcw 50 to 279 or Aug 31 '4f L Adonis 5,00 to S6J or Apr 20 '46 E B Hornea 1,00 to 248 or Jan 26 " Win Moe 1,00 to H " " Aaro Moo 1,00 to " " J Hownr.i 1,00 to 253 or Mar 2 " L Tainier 1 ,00 to '; " " Selh Hall 1,00 to " " Hon J. M Lamb 1.00 to 2G3 or May II ; J Jackman 1,00 to " ' Wilbur Grinnell 1,00 to 252 or Mar 2 " G Kellogg 4.S0 to 200 or AprO " A Tickner 92 to 260 or Apr 20 " Amns Woodworth 1,0) lo 281 or Oct 5 " Stillmnn Stanley 1,00 to 305 or March I '47 W VV Booih 1.00 to 306 or Ma;ch 8 '47 M Watton 5.00 to 30) or Jan 25 ' Silas Newell 1.00 to 3il1 or Feb 22 " AN Kinunea h00 to 325 or July 19 " J C Fargo 1,16 in full. Thos Garner 1,00 to 306 or March 8 " J Tenncy I,Ã0 lo 316 or May 17 :! N Tt nney 50 to S60 or Sept 7 '46 S T Lord 1,00 to 30U or March 8 '47u i rump i,uu to uu or 0 1' Davidson ],C0 or " " " M Bcach 1.00 " " llrv R Sutton G,.r)0 to 260 or Apr 20 '4(i Win Viran8 50 to " 0 or Sept 7 "â R Cra wford 50 to 277 or Aug 17 " Fish fe Miller 2.00 lo mi or Fc-ü I '47 Wnrd Gnzely J.Oà to Ã.9J or Jnn 18 '47 J B Walker J.08 in f uil. T N Ncwall 1.0 ) to -J7H or Aug 2 I ' i( Enoch Vnrnou 1.00 to 280 or Scpt 7 " Jnmes Wood 1.00 to 280 " " A G Fnllcr 1.00 to 2G0 or Apr 20 " S Athcrton 4.fil to 'M) or Fcb 22 '47 S Stnnley 3.48 io :i0:ï or i4 J5 ' D S Freoinan 2 S3 to 297 or Jan 4 " EK Cnrrier J,il) to 081 or Oct 6 '4 1 W R.U 1.10 to2. or Jm Ifi 47 A Law 1 B) io SOI or Fcb 82 " S H Ilill l.Ot) to 278 or Aug -24 '4C fl Buell ],0U to2D9or Jan 18 '47 M Gazley 1.00 to Ã52 or Mar S IS (i
Fish & Miller
Old News
Signal of Liberty
R. W. Stevens
A. H. Markham
B. Chapman
H. N. Lathrop
M. Stiles
A. Davis
Ira Peck
A. Willey
H. Wood
Moses Peer
J. A. Sterling
M. R. Fletcher
O. Bartholemew
L. Adams
E. B. Homes
William Moe
Aaron Moe
J. Howard
L. Tainter
Seth Hall
J. M. Lamb
J. Jackman
Wilbur Grinnell
G. Kellogg
A. Tickner
Amos Woodworth
Stillman Stanley
W. W. Booth
M. Watton
Silas Newell
A. N. Kimmes
J. C. Fargo
Thomas Garner
J. Tenney
S. T. Lord
D. Trump
O. P. Davidson
M. Beach
R. Sutton
Win Winans
R. Crawford
Ward Gazely
J. B. Walker
T. N. Newall
Enoch Vernon
James Wood
A. G. Fuller
S. Atherton
S. Stanley
D. S. Freeman
E. K. Carrier
J. W. R
A. Law
S. H. Hill
R. Buell
M. Gazley