Classified Ad
Dry Goods at Wholesale. BEECHÃR s ABBOT OPPER ibr i for cneh tlie followirig gomia at Ne York wholesales prices, imnsportnlion onl nüdcd: 40 B.iles Brwn Sheclings oud Slnrtingp, 10 Cnsen' Dlcnchprl do do 10 Bales Brown Drillinijp, à Ca.ees Blenchcd do '2000 lbs Battirif, 1000 " Cotlon Warp, Nos. 5 t L0 500 Cand'e VVicking, 700 Carpct Wnrp, 100 pieces Shcnps Groy Clotli, 100 " SaUinctts, 60 " Cns.simere, Dü " Blnc, Blnck, Brown, Orcen, Sreel Mixed, and Cadet Mixed Brond Cloths. 130 " Blnck, Colored, Fignrcd and PIih Alpnccns, 50 " Whire, Red, Green and Yellow Flnnnols, 80 " Super Meal Bncpiiifr, 50 " Plnin nnd Figiired Kcntticky JcaiiF, 0 " 'f ' Linseyp, 50 " Conton Flnnnels, 50 pairs Mackinaw Blankolp, 50 piceos M. DeLainc and Cnshmore?, 100 Blnnket Sfiawli, 50 pieces 7 8 and 6-4 BedTicking,50 M Slripe Shirting, 50 " Blue Drills, 100 " Pnissinn Diepor, 1000 " Ãuglish and Americnn Prinlp, topethnr wilh a yenernl nssorlmput of Threndp, Pin-, ÃMfoNs, Combs,Qlove, Ribbons, Lnces II d k fs . kc. kc, mnkinsr Hip Itirocst nnd best a88otmon of goods to be fmind in tliis Btnic. 182 .Tefforson nvenne, öne door bcïow tlie St. Clnir Bank Building. Detroit, Oef. 7, 1845, 233-Ctno. 1846. tValkins & ittisscll, i?46FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHAKTS. DETROIT. Agentsfor the Troy and Erie Line. Fot Freighi and Passage apply to Asa C, TEFfT, ? . N. Chamberlix, l ASen(s' 29Coonties Slip, N. Y. Ide, Coit & Co., Troy. KlMBElU-Y, PEASE & Co., ? r tf i S. Dbullard, JBuffalo. Mark Packagc8 " Troy find Erie Lino." Sbip Dai'y, (fcriimlnys exceplcd.) froin Coemies' Slip, N. V., bj Troy and Erie Iroo Tow Boot Line. 216 6tn1 840, J. HOLMES "&T CO., WHOLESALE ANO RETA TL DRAI.RH i' PT.U'LK AND r.t V DRY GOODS, &ri Grocerivs CarpctiHg. and p.tpcr jfautns, Xo. Già Woodicard Avenue, LaruecTs liÃocf:, Jkin i. m HÃii.m j fTE tafce iliis method oÃr ,r Ut.n(i,, r V nnii customi rs thronghont (lie State, Ãhnt o nrc atill púrauing tho oven feRor ofour I..V!. endoayoring lo tÃo our I)ii.-doss upon dir id htinorublc principlogl W'o vvould ÃiKo tener our ;;ckiu;U It(!i:nifni8 Cor lite patronon exÃindcd to ua by 0111 customc-ii, und wuuliJ hop ave to cali the nitcntion oà ihc .,' :;,â i,, n V(3ly cll Mlected neorimeii oi Goodv; hicli oro pffered ni v. ! ,!t Verv oh prices. Our (acilitics Ãoi purclinaiu (,, o. unmpaYod ly aiiy concern in ilifi Siaio One ol" ihc Ãinn. Mr. J. liolmra resides in thely ol' New York,nnd froin hs lona experieneq ) the Jobl.iiiÃ,' imite in ilini i ,. ,,M t hounxgU knowledpé of thq mrkt, Jic is enaÃsd l avnil nimiolf of ihe auctÃóns rnd nny eclinc n ircos. U nlsu purchaM feom ihe mportera. jMninifüciurer's Agen'9, ;ind lioni ihe ur.tions, by tiio [.a.-küi-c, the nme ns N. Y, obbcrs purchoáo, (boa fuving ilicir ]ho(ip. - Vith these fnciliiicBWc ban rácly siy tlmt our Goods nre boÃ;I m w foi the i ridoncO of wl,n h e invite tho nitcntron of th publi? t.i mit stock. Ve hold to the gtent enrdina! principie oà ile rtateÃl good to the tefiplt numher, ' só if you nntto l)iiv Good rhnip. nnd huy a Im-zr tuanty for a Htth movei rÃvo us n triol. Our stock sas exÃcnsive na any in tho cily. ond ue nro onstnntly reccivmg nevv nnd frcs'li Goods Irom York. .10,000 lbs. Hool. Wnnied, thoabove guantity olgood nfcrcnanN bto Wool for which thc highost inorket prico vil] bo p:iid. J. HOLMES & CO. Detroit, IS4.". 211-ifBOOKS! BOOKS!! At Ferry's Stook Store. TYext door Enst of the A Vork Cheap Store. TUF! Mibacriber hr8 juii opencd and is növ ready lo sell the most extensivo oesoriTrieni nf iOOKS, BLANK BOOKS and STATION?, i:n v, ver oflorcd n Ann Arbor. Ilisa'ock conaisiB of SCHOOL BOOKS f ncnrly oVery varioiy in use in tliif Stnie - lisiiH'.oe. llicit! tiphlos, TraveU, Mrmoirs, JSliscelluneous, Roligioua and CltiMÃca) Books. BI BLES and TÃSTÃMENtS, cvry vnriety of sizc, stylc nnd binding. Some eplendidly iinishcd. PRAYER BOOKH, POEMS & ANM'ALS bcouiiiully bound ir Holydoy gifit. Fnrent nnd otliers wishing ld fnako splendid holyday presenta nt sm.'iü cos:, v.ill do wrll 10 rail at Ferry's and mnkc thcir selections from a full st c. Don't delny. Also, on linnd tlie largrst nERortmont of PAPKIl ever'oflefed wst nf Detroit; sacn hè Cbp, Klnt Co), Ltter. Fiendi Le(t( r, Banken Post, Copyinp, Tissuc, Card JJitk, EnVslopi, nnd 10 kinds of noto pnper. with a full assortment of Steel Pons. Qnillê, Wofers: Black, BK, Red, nnd (lopyiny luk; Sand, InUetonilH, Kolderp, Pen Holden, Stamps. Multo Sools, Gold nnd Silvcr WaferB. Imün Rubber, Peneibnnd Points, Envelop, s. nnd mnnv vnrinics of Vjsiiinp ('nnlp. Also, GOLD PENö, au nrticle conibininp .lc-_'utico uiib economy. II o line on bnnd a oud seleciion of Bookfl siiiiul.lo for Fnmily, school District and Townsbip LIERAïlIKS. Ir will not be poÃ-süjle to name nll tJie orticlrs in bis line: Snffice ii to sny, thot bis oseortmenl is gencrul nnd cbeapcr iban was cvor belorc of'crnl in tfais villnge. lic bas made n-rnngrmrntft In New York wlncb will ennblc liim nmll unies to oblain nny tbingin bis line direct (rom New York nt shor notice. by F.xnreÃs. It will be seen ibnt bis la. eilities for accuniudnting biscustomers witb nrticle not on bnnd is beyond prececkn r.nd bc is ready nnd willincto do every tbing rensonable to makc bis establishment tuob on one as nn enlibtened nnd difceming eomtnunity re(nure,and be bopee to incrit n slmie (itpütronniie. Pcrscns wiehing nny anido in bis line will do wHI to cali belorc ptnchnsms elsow lierc. II yn forget ibe plnee, enquiic lor Ferry's Bookstorc, Ann Arbor. Upper Villnge - 2d door Jüisl of Main streel, on Iluron sticet. ÃÃM. E. PERRY. December, 18 16AISIV EOOKII fcTOVE, f: I ') tK 1 V And Stoves of all kinds. The subscribir wuiild cali oi ten i Ion ol ilic public to Woolson'e Hot Air C ook ing STOVEWliic!) he cofi cönfidi irlv i â commnnd ns bcing dccifledly superior !â nny Cooking BtcVé 111 use. For pimplifity in ppeVntiuñ - ocononry in iucl, and lor unëqtiailed Bakino and Roastjhq quoüiv. it is uniivullcrl, Tho ncw and imporlnnt improvrinrni introduced Ãn iis crtnstruélion heng söth ns to inâ ui'e u'icnt ndviininges over nll other kind of Coolung Sto'es. WJtjLl M 15. NOYE0, Jr. 70 Wöodward Avenuu, lc x-ir. Dcc. 12. I-!."). -'iJVIaiihnttaiB. Slorc. Corner of Jijj'rr ton Anime and Untes streel, I cl.oil. BE snrc and viit the M.mJniirin Storo when nrc moking pófchi. The gwde which you will find tli'T! nrc vxr, ut m qiialiiy nud reasonnlilc in pnce. We bhyo Good Heavy öJicetings, Atnpncw, DrÃliugs, Mérifiorf; Ticking. Muslin Delaines, Linsf-ys. Cdshntt-ri IU-d and white Flanncls, Ciil n jjatinoti, !.-,(. -i!i. 'ullCloihe, Gri-u fiu'rregc, Jassitncres, ' 'â â rcsuux6, li.'Mciy. ïrort.lciuihe-. G nilnuns, Shawls. RibboDü, Lincn Canilric Ildkis. Lu, Sic. &c. &c ''ing. Cotion Viin. WicUin. Vh".ic Car)ct Worp. ( '.l" i.' 'i", do., HuÃuv Ticking, Menchcd Coii-rs ot Al (jii;ilu . i n unbloacltd Collons. Durrod fduslins, Vc. i . Ajeo, FEATHERS nnd I'AI'l.ll 1IAXG-. IVGS, ftorderitig. Winrfow popcr. board jappiH, TrüTeliug Eof-keis. mie TEA nnd COFFEE, &c &c. Atid plhor nriicli s top numierotis io meniion. "arniofB c.innot fiiil of fi))din" ffie jMnnhoitni Itoro a disiinb!e r.lnre to rfo'theii ind'wfu Wf milis will bc Bpared in w:'v â - â ' n i II ore iuviicd to ial! and e.Noini.)-' cnr goori ore mnkïng th(:r pt!rc!.n9rs. While w' ntë onfidcnl tint nü who xnmina -.vit y, yet we will mkc no il:'.'i.. ö, il ffÃÃoi .- iitr our Hoods. pcoulö chorjae 10 elfrwhei. RAYMOND. Detroit. Dcc. 2.",, I 244- Cm
Dry Goods
Beecher & Abbott
Watkins & Bissell
Ide Coit & Co
Kimberly Pease & Co
J. Holmes & Co
Perry's Bookstore
Woolson's Hot Air Cooking Stove
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Asa C. Tefft
N. Chamberlin
S. Drullard
William R. Perry
William R. Noyes
W. A. Raymond
No 132 Jefferson Avenue Detroit Michigan
29 Coenties Slip New York
No 63 Woodward Avenue Larned's Block Detroit
No 76 Woodward Avenue Detroit