General Intelligence
Dreadful effect of thk Storm. - The Norfolk Courier of Saturday afternoon says : "Wc learn Ihat a very respeclable resident of the vicinity of Noti's Island, (TJarrituck county,) N. C, arrived in our city this tnorning, who states that the efTccts of the late storm wcre most awfully expericneed on thut part of the coast. He says that 50 families were drowned on Nott's Island, and 10,000 head of cnttle were destroved. Tho wild fowl suflered most severely - wild geese might be taken in almost any quantity some killed others so much crippled as to be easily seized, being unable to escape. "-Balt, Sun, 9th.HorrId Murder. - Ono of the most horrid murders it has ever been our duty to record was perpctrated last evening between half past 9 and 10 o'clock, in the town of Fleming, nbout 4 miles south of this villnge. Mr. John G. Van Ness, his wife and child 2 years old, were stabbed and must have died almost instantly, and Mrs. Wyckoü", the mother-in-law of Mrs. V. N., and Mr. Cornelius Van Arsdale, were dangerously if not mortally wounded. It is supposed that the murderer entered the front door, where he must have met Mrs. Van Ness, who was butchercd without being able to give any alarm ; the child was found dead in the bed, and Mrs. Van Ness, after being stabbed, ran through Mrs. YVyckoil's room into a bedroom occupied by a girl living in the family, and threw herself on the bed and died instantly. Mrs. Wyckoff was stabbed, in her room. The murderer then proceedcd upstairs with a light, and inquired of Mr. Van Arsdale, who had got up on hearing the noise, if there was a man there - and being answered in the aflirmattvo, minediatcly stabbed Mr. V. A , who seized the candlestick and threw it at the assassin, who either feil or jutnpcd down stairs, Mr. V. A. following him and striking him witli a broomstick - Mr. V. A. then fainted, and the assassin left the house. The girl saysshe saw hiin afterwards, standing near by with a gun, asf meditating whclher to return, bjt he r finall y went to the barn and took a horse, r and e'scaped before any alarm could be f given. The hovsc was found last t ning, ncar the south part of this village, where there wcre signs of bis having à feil and boen abandoncd. Mr. Van dale describes the murdercr as about five r feet 0 inches high - thick set - and eithcr a negro or disguised as a black man. Mr. Van Ness was a man of high respcctability - and was lust year Supervisor of the town of Fleming. - [Auburn Daily Advcrtisor. The murdercr was a negro, named William Freoman, who was last fall discharged from the state prison. He was arrestad at Phcéjnix, Oswego county, where he was trying to sell a horse. He acknowledgcs his guilt. He is only 21 years old. The Auburn Adv. says : The prisoner Frccman has just been taken to tlie lale msidence of Mr. Vun Ness - where he ivris readily recognized hy Van Arsdale and thegirl, ns the murdercr - and by tbc latter as ihe person who was in pursuit of a sittiaiion a week or so ngo. While there he appearet' to be oxceedingly agitated - which is by no means reniai kablc, as a state of excitetnent was every where presented never before equalled in this vicinity. He is now safrly lodged in the jail in this village. Just at the time the prisoner was there, old Mr?. Wykofi" brealcd her last. He says the severe cut on bis wdist was nflicted'by old Mrs. Wykoff- who run lor the butclirr knile on the first alarm - and ihat thus his deed of blood was checked sooner iban he intended. 'e are inlbrmed by those who arrestcetand brought him here, that in answer to nll questions as to tbc cause of his, he says that he was live years in State Prison wrongfully, and that ho had made up his mind thal somebody mustay lor u. The Svracuse Journal slat es tliat the risoner, Freeman, is a cousin of the reciñan who was executed in Onondaga ' minty, somc five or six years sinco, for ' uirder. It is said that Wm. Frcetnaan Jtli ludÃan, his molher having been è ndian. Birlhs Marriagis and Death. in MastachuMs.or the yutir cntling April ). 181.r. - The iosion Coniier hns Bli bstract of this docuïent, piiblislicd liy orucr pf rho LejÃislaturo, ; nd compiled ly he öccretary of tlio Cummon .caltli, from wliich ilic follüwjng extract is laen : Of the I5.5G1 hinli3, 7721 svere males- 7500 onialcs - the rcQinipder sex not stnsed. Thcre i'cre 241 "plunility births," and a 4tiripltlt cnac ' n tJic town üf Hiuwich. From the tnblc of Conditions oud Ages of paiies and ninrri:tcs, we learn that :MÃ)0 were boiwcen Büch'olrtji and Maids; 113 " Bachelors and Widows; 491 " Widowcrsand ïMiids; ]U4 " Wiilowcrs and Widows. Fiiiy-four of the venerable bachelors, who narried niaids, wcre under twenty years of agc J( 551 inarriagei. the coudition and ages cf ihe lariics are not stated. The fflble containin? the nl)stract of tlieCaus s of Dëfi'lb willadiniiof no abridgment. Itis lrobab!y an intcicsting and Uicful tnblc for med ical men, and all sucli will do wt:ll to keep Ãs for consulintion and Of the 8715 deatlis thcro weroCaslc. - In Hindostán, the supremo authority, during the past year, has rcpcalcd the old Ilindoo law, vvhich made the renunciation of easte in favor of Christianity a forfeiture of all property and other privileges, and hnd made all educated persons (Christians as wcll ns others) eligible to the most important offices. - Recorder. Bunkers inEtigland. - One tlioufiond Bnnkers in England, among whom was property to the oinount of ton milüons sccrüng, petitioned at one time lor the abolition of the Punishnient of Dcath for forgery. The grent reason was convicÃions could not be obtainetl on account of the severity of the penalty.