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Great Flood

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Wc last week gavo a short account of a freshet at Bufihlo, which did much damage to the shipping in that port. - Damages estimated at 625,000. By accounts from the east, we learn that the flood extended througbout the eastern states, a summary of which we givc below. Rochester. - The Democrat says : The Genesee was up to within a fout of ts extremest height, last evening, and slowly rising. The main road between this city and Scottsvillc is overflown ui soveraf points. The east race embankment gave way before the flood, in the vicinity of the Weigh Lock - allowing the water to run into the weigh lock race. No great injury was done at this place. About 20 feet of Mr. Smith's saw mili dam, on Allen's creek, was carried away by the flood in that st rearo. Tho flood in the Irondequoit, tore away the rail road embankment culvert at the RaHroad inill on Friday. The flood was of such lbrce asto have carried away cvery stone. Over 200 feet of the cmbanktnenl s gone - tnking with it the timbera and substructure of the road. The bridge at the Rail Road Mills, over the Irondequoit, is gone. Two at Smith's milis, over the Iloneyoe, are also gone. We also hcar of anothcr bridge being carried ofl in the town ofonuequoii. i no nais oeiween mis piuco mi Dansville aro overflown to un unusu1 deplh. Mr. Haywood wasdrowned in he river, near Geneseo, on Sainrday. At Oriskany. Ihe railroad is obstrucled orlialfa mile, being covered wilh the ;arlh washed from the canal embanknent, which had given way. All tho ridges on the Oriskany for 16 miles are :arried away. Syracuse. - We learn from tho Star, hat the Onondaga creek was higher ihan t had been for a number of years. Sevjral small buildings on tho bunks of the jreek have been swept oíl', and large ■juantity of lumber of diilerent kinds were floating on the creek. Alhany. - The Argus gives tho following pnrticulars : Tho ice blocked up a few miles below the city, and danng all Saturday night the water rose in th stréets uniil itattained an unprecedented height, submerging the wholc lower par of the city. In the basement of a dweil ing house on Uroadway, not far from Muiden Lane, is high water mark made during a freshet which occurred in 1802 forty-four yoars ogo. The great freshet of 1830 didnot reach that mark, hutJay morning the flood rose about six ins'hes above it. The entile Pier, and ncarly tlic wliole of the buildings, were under water. - Quay street, throughout ils enüre length, was submergcd, many of the warehouses bcing undcr water abovc the second íloor. On the cross streeis, Ferry, Lydius, iïatnillon and Iludson, the rise of water was lar above Market street, in onc instance, (Arch street,) extending to Pearl. Dean street, (immediately in the rear of the Bxchange,) was navigable throughout, with at least threc feet of water. Market street wns alsn navigable f rom Iludson street through its entiro extent, boats passing to tbc Townsend Mousc, EagleTavern, &c. Liberty strcot, parallel witli, and abuve Market, was also fiooded. The freshet contiuuecl at its heiglit until Sunday aftcrnoon, when it gradually subsided, and at 7 r. M. liad fnlien 18 or 20 inches from its higliest point, and Monday morning it wasstill fulling. Greenbu.sli was all literally under water. Scvcral buildings wero moved from their foundations ; llie ways For rcpairing yessels were swept away, and other dainagc done. The track of the Mohawk and Hudson railroad was pariially obstructed by the overthrow ot' tho Patroon's dam, carrying awny about two hundred yards of embankment. HakrisbüROh. - The Railroad bridge at this place was carried away, and lliere was also a breach in the Pennsylvania canal. There was also a great freshet on the Susquehanna river, doing extensivo dainago. Great Voyage. - The Providcnce Journal announc;es tho nrrival at that port, on the 5th inst., of the ship South America, Capt. Soulc, from the N. VV. coast, afler ono of the most succcssful whaling voyageson record. Sho brings home 4,100 bbls. of oil, 100 of it sperm. She had prcviously sent home 700 barrels, and sold 1000 barrels at Bahia. - Sho also sent home 37,000 pounds of bonc and brings 22,000 pounds.The M. E. Conference of Mfirylaml commonced its session on Wednesdny lasl in Baltimore, uiidcr the presidente of Bishop Hedding, assisted by Bishop Waugh. Hanging. - This mode of putting on end to lifc was scnrcely known nmonjj tlie nncients. It secms to be a part of civilization. No BtBr,E. - The Masscliusctts Tlougliman lias thc íoHowiñg: ':Wlicn J. Q. Adams, on Monduy, dosired thcClcrk to rend thcSCih, 27th. nnd 23th verses of the book of Biblc rotild bc found in WoBhiégton Ciiy fora long time."OrTRAc.E. - Wc loarn f rom llio Deroit Advortiser and Pontiac Jacksonian hat n gross out rago has been perpetracd in thcir vicinity. A wretch by the ïame of Heinan Fall, under promisc of ïiarriage, had suceedcd in seducing two isters, of the respective ages of 1Í) and 10, who havo both reccntly dicd in child)ed. The rascal has absconded. - Argus. Sourcfs of Povcrty. - Ie Í3 sak! that there iro S0 gold nnd 5 copper mines now in Ver;inia. If the sam number wcre open in New Sngland, it would be as poor as Virginia in a 'ew years. The best gold mine that ever ivas discovered, is in the potatoe hole, and the urrow, and the forge. Thcre ouht to be un extra Thanksgiving cvery yenr in New Englaiul, that no gold mines vere ever opemted in its stcrile soil. - liuritt. 0Suicide.- We learn thata Mrs. Beach of the Township of Superior in this County committed suicide on Saturday tho 7th, inst. by hanging. Shc had attomptcd to poisón horself the evening previous in which sha was frustrated by medical assistance. On tho following morning shc retired to her room, under pretence of illness, wherc she efTected her purposc by tying a handkerchief to the bedstead, and resting her weight upon it in sucli a manner as to produce strangulation. Insanily is supposed to be the cause. - Ypsilanti Sentinol. Fmn at Marshall.- A fire occurred at Marshall on the evening of Sunday, the lóili instant, which consumed the entire block of stores known as the Exchange buildings, together vith their contents. The loss is estimated at n)wards of S20.000. Tho firo s supposed to havo been the work of an incendiary. Death of Gov. Stocktox. - Our Philadelphia correspondent writcs I regret to annoimce the dcath of Thomas Stockton, Governor of Delaware, who died last evening at New Castle while sitting in tho office of the Clerk of the Orphan Court.- [Freo Press.Alabama. - The seat of government of this siute has been transferred from ï'uscaloosa to Montgomcry. Tkxas. - Tho first lcgislature assem bled nt Aústin on the 2üth uit. Gen. Henderson was dcclnred to bc eleoted Governor. Messrs. Houston and Rusk wereelected U. S. Senators.Miss Caroline Goodman was killed by ightning whilo in bed, at Mobile, on tho I3th ; her face, breast and arms wcre burnt to einders. Mrs. Sampson and her I child in the same bed wcre but little 1 ured. Pact. - Newspaper history proves that the grumblcr at any particular newspaper, is generally the borrower of it. F6T. - Tbc Govornor of Massachu-l KCtts luis issued a proclamation appointing Thursday tho 2d day of April, as a day of Fasting and Prayer. Excessive Legislation. - Tho Ohio legislature, at its recent sossion, passed 7-1 general laws, 274 local laws, and 83 joint resolutions. New Jersey. - The most important neasure now before tho New Jersey legislaturc, isan application for authority to erect two dams across tho Delaware river, five or six miles abovc ï'renton, to improve tho Tren ton water power.