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Ann Akbor Marcu27, 1G1G. The Euflalo Pilot represents that there ' ire indic.itions of an early resumpüon ot r.avigation. lt thus explains the continencies onwhich this dcpemls : "The opening of lake navigation does not, as s so very generally supposcd, depend tipon the quanlity of ice, but úpfcra the direcüon of the winds, aftcr the ice has been broken in pieces. A fier thal operation, whichahvays takes place as early as the ice has become sullïcicntly wcakencd, in the spring, the wholc is rendered moveable, by every breeze. - Tlnis broken, the fragments are all asscmblcdat this end of the lake, by the action of the current, if thero is no wind: and f the wind, as ñ sometimos does, remnins long and steadily at S. W., this not only holds the ice here, but so crowds it as to prevent its free escape down the river. Bui, if in this state of the ico, we have a N. E. wind, ot any considerable duration, tlicn navigation opens, at once, and that without reference to the quantity of ice. We have seon the ice, by uortherly wlnds, drive back, sometimes upon one shore of the lake, and so:nelimes upon the othcr, so as to blockadc the side ports, for a time while navigation was continuously free between Buffalo and Detroit." As to the prospect of business, wc sup pose it has ncver been bctter. The amount which the West has to sell, am now holds, ready for markcf, is certainly very great ; and the inferenco is a legili mate one, that the ability to buy thus afforded, will result in heavy demandsfor return producís, lo meet au uns, and to provide for its annual growth, the mercantile marine has been largely increased during the winter. Many new steamboats, propellers and sail craft will bc out, at the opening of navigntion and othsrs will come forth, during tlio navigablc season. 8000 bushels of Cranbcrries were sold at Fanouil Hall Market, Boston, during the past scason, for 3 dollars per bushel - $24,000! It is instruciive to notico how largely iho different branches of t rade inercase fromsmall boginnings. In 1823, Philadelphia exported only 5,843 tons of C1oal. The presen exporte are more than tico müUonsfive hwulred thoiisand tons, and tiio trade is incrcasing. Knowing the great interest among the farmers in reference to the U'ool market, we havo oxamined all our exchanges, but find nothing that will give any reliablo indicalions of futuro prices. The Boston Emancipator of Marcli 18, quote the wholesale prico in that city as follows:The flour and wbeat market presents no vnriation.