Classified Ad
To IVool Crrowcr. WE ln:p lfovc io nforin our Wool Grnwinj friends, tliat wc sliull bu preparad lor úw purchnM of 100,000 ïbs. of n gc.od clenn incrchnntaMo nrticlc, ns poon na the aonaori fo telling cümriienco! n wc nre connecicd willl Kim-tii wool (Io:iI.ts, we luill l.i nllc lo pny tlio luln'St prico tlio Kasicin ninr kei uill nilitul. complaÃm wns niaÃlc 1:im OMon nmongat the Ãattern Dcakrs nml Manurctürerr in i.-fcHnrc 10 tlie ponr cq-ndmon ol Michigoq W.iol- tiiicli of it lciig in bnd rlcr aiiil -. considerabte pbrtion boing nnwuk;rL Wc vvould licre tnko occnafon o rcjist ihl Mie htrhosl ii:iins should lc t;if.uü to hnvc w -li..-. o!l wnhed bofore slio.iriiiL', tlint tlio Tog .7.5 bc cm off. nnd lint Pch Fle-co lc cnrcfully licil up with proper won] twine. (coat 18: ioö5 eis per H. ) bemp iww 9 ''"' llPiM: 'l "' bê Ibund ({roaily 10 tlio ad vanUige of Wpol Grw orslo put up ihcir wool in UiM inunner. Unwniliiii wool ia not iiicrelinnt.iMi1. nml witl be rojected ly moaiif notall of úw Wool buyors, il bcitig dilliculi to clean. J. IIOLMRS 6à Co, WooinvAK Avj n!.. JL&rondo Blockv, n,..roii, MnrchW. 1P4fi 27-tf Chattel TI orinase, JUST printc-l :nnl for eale a; lina ollkü in ntiy qu;mtiiy. Mnrclri, 1846,ON IlAfrfi AGAIWI SpSfc ri"ill'. Sultecriber lins f&& &i - JL rprpivcdi (;wd m con % )flgjj sinmly rècoiving') (ruin t[f9 NcwYiiikan clennt ni tl 1 'juátt Wcl1 selecied uttoiiimnt Jewclry, ClocUs, Waichcs, lVc. Na:, wlneli lu iftlundu 10 olà as loto ;ib ut any athcr c8tnl)lÃHliinn-iit üiis úde l Kufialu tor readj jai oni amung vrhich mny be l'uund thölollow iu: a (jood assortmcnt of Gold Finger Rings. OoldBrcnst pinái, Guanà Chaina ntut Kcys. Bilvér Spóonaj Germán Silvor Tea nnd Table 8 poon (lirsi qualiiv.) Silver nnd Germán do Stifjnr Tongs, Silver .Salt.Muatard and Urcam spoutis, IJiitter Knivc-8, Silver Penisij Cm, Silver and Coinmon TlMmWe, Kiiver Spèctacleé, Gennan mul Sieol oo, Gogglc?, Clothcs. llüir and Tooili Biu:.hcp. JniTj'er Hrushcs, Hnzors nnd Pocket Kthms. Fine Shcars und Scissors, Knivcs und l-'oiks, Britinnmo Ten l'otsontl CflSipr, Fine ljlcd do Urittanin and BrqtB Camllusticks, Slmving iiitxea and Soaps. Cliapmati Best Il.izor Strop, Cnlfnnd MorOCCO Wnlleis. Silk nnd Cotiorr pursc?, Violins nnd Hows, Violtn anil Ba Viol Strings, FIuicp, Kifes. ClarÃonolÃ, Accordeons Moito Runln. Stfiel Pcn3 nnd Twcey.crp. Pon rnpes. SntilTand Tobncco boxes, Ivory Drèaéiiig Cotnbs. Sidc nnd Bck nnd Pocket ('oiiif)i. Ncrdlccasrs. Stelflops, Wntcr Paintp, Toy Wniclics, a ctrat vnriciy of DoJIb, in eliort tli'c prcaii-st variety of lovs ever bfOUght to tl. is niorket. Faucy work boX'fiB, rhildren's tca ectts. Colonne Unir Oils. PmoHinig Salta. Court Piaster. Ten Uclls. Thci moimMi-rs. Germán Pipos, Cliildrcn's Work Dñfott, Slaiei and Pencils, AVood Poncils. 1JKASS AiM) W00D CLOCKS, S:c. in facà nlmost pvory thint; to pleapc tbc fnnry. Ludiek nnd Gentlemen, cali and exnmincr tor ynurselvcB. Ciocks. Wntcbcs nnd Jewdry rcp:iirrd nnd wnrrnnted on ebort noticc. Shop nt lus old ütand, onpositc II. Beckcr'ebriok Siorr. ' " CALVIN 1U.ISS. N. II.- Cnpb Jnid for old Gold & Silver. Ann Arbor, Nov. Glli, 1315. 237-1 yI84& Watkins &. Itisscll, iirFüRWARDING AND COMMISS1ON muñen a ts, Agentsfor thc Troy and Erie Linc. For Frcight and Passage, apply to Asa C. Tkl-kt, ? A N. CHAMÃKULIN, O 20Coentes Slip, N. Y. Ioe, Coit . Co., Troy. BlÃiÃbuÃti C4 & o., 7 Buiïalo S. Dnrj-i.AKi), Marli Pac kn sos " Troy aml Kiic Una," Slnp Dai'y, (fcMindnys oxcoptoil,) froiii Coenties' Slip, N. Y., by Troy nuil Eric Iron ToW Bootl.ine. ilti-tinDry G-oods at Wholesale. BEBUHBR fe ABBÃT OFFKK i'ur min for Ciish the fnUownig goodu nt New York wholcsnles prices, irtttwportalion only nridcd : 40 Riles Brown Shcclinrjs and Sliirting?, 10 Cases üleachcd do o 10 Bales Brown Drillmgs, 3 Cases Bleoclied do 2000 lbs B:iUinr, 1000 Colton Wnrp, Nos. 5 to 20 500 " Cunrle Wicking, 700 Cnrpot VVarp, 100 picce." Slicnps Grny Cloth, 100 M Snttinotly, GO " Cossimeréi 5ü " JJIue, iïlnck, Brown, C.rPCP, Siecl Mixed, and Cndet Mixed Brood Ctotli. 150 Ulnck, Colorcd, Figurcd and Plitin Alpaccn?, 50 " White, Red, Green nnd eilov Flnnnols, S0 u Snler Menl Bfirrpintr, 00 " I'lai and Fifiiircd ICciitnolcy Jconp, l0 a Linscys, b0 " Conlon Flannoia, M pairs Mnckinaw Blanker, i;0 piecps M. DcLaino and Caslim?rc5, 00 Ulaiiket Sljawls, r0 pieces 7 3 and 0-4 BcilTicking, .00 ' Siripe ShirtrÃy, f,0 " Blue Drüts, 100 Prusian Dinjior, 1000 " ÃngFiöh and Amerirnn Priils tofrtlirr with o fircncnil assorlinoiit ai Tlirond?, Pins Buttons. Comb8,GlovoH, Riblfns, Inces Hdkfs. !i". kc mnkmy tho lnr?pst nnd bnt nspnrtmcnt. bf ir(t'9 tn 1C l'"111"1 '" "','s Ptn' 135 .Teffinnon nvonn, oue door b:!ow llir St. Clnir Bnnk fbliWitgè Detroit, Oct. 7, 1C4.1. g"1-BROAD CLOTHS, rm-re. Vwtinga, SntimMtP. Gome. Crnvnfs. dtc Ve. qhWp 3Il"cM-limvSTi.iÃÃYMONI). Pee. 5, 18-I5._ 4Ãr"U_ f( Kes "f Ãnp'crnNnilp, ji'st ircúvcd fyJU nnÃTr salo bv WILLtAM H. NOYF.S, Jr. ?fi, Woudward Avemic, Detroit. Occ. ili i;;i. -'- Si'WhÃT I)rcR6 HttitÃn oà nll Ã'uxÃU. Lnc V.-U. Cniv.jtH. Ribbon, Ac. .Vt. At tt.o MnhT as St .11, Uvtroii. A. W. A. RAYMOND. DÃc L. l-l... J44Cm1840 j. h"ölmês& ca, WH0LKSA1.K ANO JVKTA.II. DEALEUS IN STAPI.R ND FAKCT DRY GOODS, Ury C.arpeting,. and paper Mlmn&ings, JVó. 63 Woodward Avenue, Lamed' s. Block, Detroit. 3 HOLMK8, A'iT Yorh. M. HO1.MK9, Ditroit. WV. Uuic himhod of inlonuingoiir fricnd.-v nnd cuomers rtirougbom the Sime, ihai vc nrc siül pWStHng ile vn ler.or ol'our vi.ys. endoavorina o on. brfn8 pon uir ind honontblo principie. VV wawld nl?o ten- Jcr our ncKnowlciliiiiicnta for the pntTonKa mended u ns by onr cusiomers, and woiild lcg envc io culi tlie aHcniion óf thfc pulilic to n vciy well {ceted M-ori)t of sonsonnblc Gooii, which are ullVred it v]) (r rtniJ nt vcry loK iiriiou. Our lacili lies for purcluipiiii; CJood nrc unsurnsscd liy nny concern in iïïr. Slnlo - On.' i the tirm. Mr. J. JJoliucs rosidei n the ny ot Ntw Yurk, aiul fwm lii long experieneu in ihe Joliliing trfKle i-n that oily. nnd froni liia ihorongh knowiedge óf the mnrRct, he is ciuihleil in uvnil hinisclf of the nuciiona iid ony decline in prices. We ;itHO purcliose from tbo liniiorttrs. Monufoolurer'o Agenta, nnd ftom iliu Miriiotis, ly ilic j.nrkiifr, iho pim'à o N. Y Johlicrs puTchnw. tbus Mving tlicir profil?. - Wiih tiioFt' faciHÃiei we enn snf!y jmiv tlmi ir Goodsare soid bjsap lor (hfl vitloncc of vvfiicjj we invite the nliontion of pulilic toom stock. WV hold in ibe grcel cnrrtlinl principie o 'Ão frrcatest c'' '" ''"" "hok nnmbr.r." eo irou v.iitto huy Goods ihcnp, and Imy a lnr;r ipinnCitij tor n Clit moncij ive uw a trial. Our sloele aas f xtonsivc as nny in the city, nnd wc nro coi)8tnntlv rccciving ncw aid frcsU Gootls froiiv New York. T0,000 lls. Wool. "WnnKI, ilifiilmvc quantity oi'good nicrcl'innrnbffl VVnol fur which hc highcBt nuiikot price wilà be puidL J. HOLMES & CO. Dctroii, IF-Ti. 21-MrBOOKS! BOOKS!! At Ifcrry's Book Store. Veri door Easl of the V. York Ghe&p Store. THE BUbBCriBér Ims jnst oponed' ntid is now rcody to holl tlieüvMtexteñtJveaworlmcnttià 10OKS, BLANK BOÃKS and STATION ek rr ver offcrerl in Ann Arbor. Tlis stock consisie ot SCHOOL BOOKS f nciuly every varieiy in usn in iIhh Ptarc - lietotioH, Uiotirn)liirp. Travel, Memöitö, Mi elltinvous, Heligiuu.s and C)wieal Uoohc RIUV.KS nnd TEStÃMERTS, cvAry viineiy ot m7X', svylc uid binüing. Sumo ploiitfuUy nnisbed. VHAYKH BOOKS, rOF.MS ANNUA1.S hcaulilully buund fnr llnlydny gilÃ?.' nnl OlllCra wisUing lo nnikc splcndid holydny lrc8L-ni8 nt nnnll cosÃ, will d" wel) lo cali nt Pcrry'a ana trtnkq tbcir eclcctions from n lull stiek. Don't delay. Alto, tm hand iTie larcat nfsortmeiU of TAPKR eycroffcred west of Deirótrj tóch üé ('np, Rat C':i). Letlcr. Fionch letter, BanRers Posfr Copying, 'i'ivm., Cnrd Hink. EnveïopO, and H Wtoaà ui iki'o pnpcr. wiih a lull ofcwrttnint ot Si. il Pens. Quill.o, Walrrs; Illnck. J5ii:o, Ued, and Copyilig luk; yantf, Inksinnds, Kojdenr, Ton Iltdilcis, Simnp?, Motto Beois, Gold and Silvcr Wofcrs, India Aiilifitr, Poncilsnnd l'oinis, EnVilÃp. c nnd ninny vnriclicb of Visitin 'rudy. AIÃo, GOLD TF.NS, :m nriir).: c.,mlinm;; i Icgnnce wiih cennorny. He lina on hand n gooq pclrciion ot' HiioÃts suiiiiblo for I-'annIy, öcliool District nnd TownshipZ.I&RAB.XXSS. It w not licpotsiblc to name ntl tïi; tn ticTo iri htsüno: Puflkcitto MjrT ihm Mfciiaanrunchi is j:mcr.-il nnd chenpcr ihnn was over before oflered in tliis villngc. fÃe hn8 mndc n-rftnomcnts in New joik wliicli Will onnlilc hrm at nll iiiik-p (o olnain nnyihmfT n his line direct from New York at filiorr niiiice. !y Kxnrff-s. Jt wiH ba eonu thnt lus b oüiiio! lor iiccóriiodnfini hiscnstonicrs wiili articlis not nn hnnd is bevond precedent, ni d lio is rendy and willinc to do evory tliinfï reasoi ülc to m:ike hia caialilislintcnt evich an olie ns nn cnlightcncd fttid dibcerning cormnuniiy rcquire.nnd ho hopen to innit n simio of patronnc Per r na wishini.' nny nrtiele in hïs line will do wcll U ciH betoropttichnsingeleowhere. II" you forgot the place, enqtiire lor i'erry' Bookstort, Ann Arbör, Upper VilliH'i- 2d door Ent of Mnirt street, on Iluron Bticct. âââ_, WM. R. l'LRRY. Dir-mlirr, 1845.And Sloves of all kinds. Tlic suWacriuor wuuld cali tlio oltention oà llio iuIjüc tu Woolson's Hot Air Cooking STOVE VVhioh lic can coniidcnily recomnicnd ns licing locidcHly superior to any Conkin Sicvc in nsr. Por Minfilicity in operation- economy in lucl, ind lor iiiH()iinllf(l ÃJahi.sÃ. and KoASTing qunliity, ii ifl unrivnlled, 'l"ho nrw and Ãnifianà Improvcmcni iniro.lured in iis coneinuilion bc.ny rucIi us to insiirc grcnt n(!vanini'8 over all oilit-r kirxltf ot â ILMAMII .HOVER . Jr. 7( Waodveari Avcnuu, De ih. Pee. Ã2, 1845. l24'2 iVIaiihnitan Store. Corner of Jcffrr son Avenue uud Unta streef, VttroiU BK sare nn vf?M ihe Mnniminn Sforc whrn aré mnkiiiL' p.rcbM; Thrgoctto which yoti will rmd ilicre are cxccllmt mi qualuy and rcns.n.-.Mc n price. W B GdddUenvy Shocting, Alnpnea, UrühncB Mc-nnoH, TickiñÃÃo Muuliii üvlaineo, ünaeya, , Cnsli.nrrcs, Itc.l bihI wliiic KlannclB, Cnlicos, Sniincirt, acc v''' Fnll Cloihs, Orcen Barrege, (' jf-Mmorrs, üovo8, V-.-iin-s. Hosicry, Broaiicloihf, Ginfbm Shawls. Riliiionn, Lihcn Cnmbilc Hdklo. Lnco, A . & C. &C, 'lol i ing, Centón Vntn, Wicïcwg, Carpot Wnrp. ColoreJ do. do.. Straw Ttcking, Uloiichcd Cuttors ofnll nnnHii, Fine (inlilcnchc(! Cottons, Unrrcd Muslins, &c. fiic Aleo, FKATUK11S fmd l'APElt FIANGINOÃ, JJordcrinp. Window pnpcr, Firc board nntmrt, Trnvcling Boskcts. Fira rnteTEA nnd COFFEE, &c. ie. Anl dtlior oriicles too nwmcrouB to meoiion. Farmers ennnot fnil of fiudinf tlio Munhnttnn Suro a doáirablo place ro do iheir trading. No p uut. will tic snrt(J in wniting on cnUnntcrs nnd all nreiuyitcd to all nnd examina oor goodbcf.irc moking (huir purchases. Whilc we ara cuniident iliat uil %vho examine our look will Imy, yci wc will tnke no uflence, tt n tor show. ng our t;oods. pcoplc choosc to trada.elsewhero. Detroit. Dcc. 20, 1-1.'.. i.'M-Gm
J. Holmes & Co
Calvin Bliss Jewler
Watkins & Bissell
Ide Coit & Co
Kimberly Pease & Co
Dry Goods
Beecher & Abbott
Broad Cloths
W. A. Raymond
Perry's Bookstore
Woolson's Hot Air Cooking Stove
Asa C. Tefft
N. Chamberlin
S. Drullard
William R. Noyes
J. Holmes
S. M. Holmes
William R. Perry
29 Coenties Slip New York
76 Woodward Avenue Detroit
No 63 Woodward Avenue Larned's Block Detroit
Old News
Signal of Liberty