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"facts For The People."

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- Wliichit wotild lic weU to rcmoniber. vut ! - Hint ölicrman's C'ouli LozengebBVíalÓd ihc Hiv. Dnliua Anthony trom tlio vorge of tlic grave, when [hfewfiB givcnoverby his physicruns. tmd surroundin Irivntls- that'ün-y hnveVmcd Jonaihnn Howorib, the cclelitoted tcinicrnnce lectnrer, wlicn oll other meaiu fiiilcil- ihnt the llcv. Mr. Do Forcst, llcv. öcbnstinn Stroètcor, Rev. Mr. Dunliar, llcv. Mr. Hnndcack, llon. Mr. Archer, of Virginia, nnd Jumes W. Hule, Esq. have cxpcricnced more relief from ihcm than Irom nny oihcr remcdy thcy had ever ucd. Thai Shermnn'a Worm Locnga hnvc been instruiiieiiial I in bringing pwoy more worms. and tüiving inore childrcn from nn untimely grave, ihan any othc ■ worm remctly ever knowti, nnd aro recommend' cd and prescribed ly ilic l-ret phyaicians in the nnd- th:it the Camphor LöMfe prepared hy 1 Dr. Shermnn, i a euic cure fur ilrad.iclio, I'ülp' itation, Ncrvous Affection, nnd all the disensos nrialniT from free livintr. and that Shcnnan'a l'oorMan's Plnsler Ithnda unnvallcd aa a slrenglitcning piaster, cures iho worst caaes of Rheuinnliara, Pain nrnl Weakness ín the back, siilc, cliect or extremities, in a slioit spnco of time, nnd restoring to perfect heaith'. Am! last, not least- that Dr. Shcrnmnis nol a quack, hut a regular pbyñcitín, who supeiinicnda the prepuration of all his lemediea, nnd warrants tliem to bc the mos' jilcasant. salest and best medicine n the woild. VV. S. & J. W. MA.YNAHD, Agent for Ann Arbor.