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A Slight Cold The Mother Of Consumption!

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Let not tliose who coiiijilniii of being hitten by n reptite wliich they have cliorisiieJ to innturily in thélr vcry bosoms wlicn thcy UiÍLht hnvc cruslicil it in the egg. Now, f wc cali a sligln coltl ihc Cgg, and plcurisy, nflaminntion of tho lun-,". asthmn, and cooflumption tlic vcnomous rcptilc, the matter will lic more ihan corrcctly figured. Thcre aro mony wnys in which this cgg rnay bc ilcpoited and hatchcd. Going suddenly, sliglitly eind, from a hcated nto a coldasniosplicrc, cajiccúilly if you can contrive to be n a Mtateofpeispiratiin: sittinR or etanding inn draught, liowcvcr slight, il is the brealh of death, reader, and Inden wilh tho vapor of thegiavc. - Lying ia damp beds - for there his cold arnis shall embrace you - contin:iing in wet elothjug, and noglöclirig wel feet- these and a hundred otler8, are somc of the ways in which yon inn) slowly, impcrccptibly, luit snrcly chcrish the crenture that shall at laet creep inextrtcnbly towards. and lie coiled abuul your vcry vitáis.Altend IQ ibis n scason - even n sHgllI cold is no 8ma!l mnticr. ' At iba íirst atmek use WISJAIIS HALSAM OF Wll,D CHEltRY, lis eme to cure, mul it is tho oiily rcmcy you con place perfect confidence in. It comineiiccs ai the root of the diseuse, nnd thoroughly cradi cates it. Sec advcrtiscmctit. MAYXARDS.