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Akn Aubor AyrilS, 1840. Wc quo'.o Wheat nominaüy at ?5 cents, but cannot lcarn oL any considerable ealua. Flour roiails at.t4,2T to 1.50. The folljwing pardgraph from the Journal of Coimncrce, which is accouiucd good authority in commercial mattere, may interest uur readers. The conclusión of the writcr as te the high pricc of VV'ool, is. however, contrary to tlie present exjicctatioii8 of western YVooI-buycrs. ! "About lbo ycar töll!), .James Wadaworth Esi., wlio rcrenily .iJied Dl liis rcsidencinii Gencseo, pri)üscd to (Jol. Ilumplircy, of Conueoticut, to pay him ilJO.OüO tor the use o(' lus tl.jek o' sneep one yenr, prounaing to return ihe Hoek entiie nt tha end oí tliat pciiod. Uut Uie otlbr was duelined. In tiloso duys it absorbed the we.-ilih ol nparish to buy n nierino buck. Now vvo ;ire ul)uut to realize tlic great weaith o( ft wool-yrowing peoplc. Kngland ie lookmg here (or;I(itgo supplics, and her present liberal poücy MilRingpür wool out of the depression int. wiiich ibe home market hossunk it. 'l'hu cntiir clip oltho coming spring wül pu.bahly be ciihanccd at least one-lourth in value by foroign tíllipillCIÜS." Tlieshipmcnt of Iridian Corn to, tin der the ncw Engüsh urilF reulations, ia being diseussed iu the paper. Tiio NoW ürloana liulletinhas a calculation on the subject, wbich may interest our readers: "The Etiglish practico ia to mensure corn by íhe (juarter. a rjuaner bèing 4S0 Ibs. net weigb of shelled Corn. It ia now ratea '.l'A to 34 shillings 8tcrlinc;per quarter, in bond at Liverpool. The Ncw Orleai)8 meaauro is 32 lbs. p,ross weight to thebubhfl: the buehel rated on Snturday at r0 cents. Corn Ireights to Liverpool at 1 1 to V pence tterling, the New Oileana bushel.-Tho rcault of a Kliipment, tho abovo quotntione, would hc na followfs:An o.xchnngc paper has the following ptiragrnph on thcPork trncle of 1HK'. : "From privntc as well ns puhlic sourcfs. wp laye obtnincd ilic total aqiuuitt pneked ia lil'ytwo ol the prncinl p..nt.v in tlic W.-yt. Tlie rcstih is ilini tliete hnvc been jmcUcil in ihasc )lncrs :5(l5,D0Ü more i'.oKs in the previous soasonof i-t-t l-r. TJjiif mniïti nu advine t tho Total of ."O por ci:nt. Nor di8 the nqurv ntü a gront nutnber of places nt nll dun i ni !. Hat ratio. Títere aro more places in tito interior vvlierc tliorc hns bren a lnrycr amount nf HJgs ut tip (han therc are wliero the amount isdinislied. On tho oilier hand the numher of Hoj; packod ifi ]H:- is not mateiially diiicrput irom Union ÏÏ.Ul" Tho following toblq will bc found inicrestiny inú important :The nvcrnno prico of Wool. in Weern New Vork, as atated to the Sccrctnry of tho Treasury. iias bcon as folluw;I hia wool cost Dt tlio hands nf the growers. 33 cents apouiu!, nnti averages about the qjality jfecconil grade of fine vvoo!.