The Militia System

We find the following statement in a New York pnper of some of the fooleries of this system, as practiced there : Mr. Coe said last year more than $8,000 had been paid ont of the State Treasury for court martials. He referred to the law on this subject. Only 840 had been paid into the Treasury in fines; while over $8,000 had been paiu out. - These court martials were very expensive, ond Mr. C. read some items from the Adj. Gcneral's books. 'Isl Brigade Infanlry.-Coldne] Shoemaker was arraigned before a court martial in January, 1845, on charges of neglect of duty disobedience of orders. The court were in session 18 days. Sentenced the accused to be privately reprimanded, and requested to resign immediately thereaftor. Expenses of the said trial, paid out of the treasury, $553. 61st Brigade Infantry. - A person represented as Captain John McCauley, who was arraigned on a charge of disobedience of orders and neglect of duty. - The court were in session 24 days. - Sentenced the accused to be cashiered. Expenses, paid from the treasury, 530.