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A gentleman in N,w JcrBey, ncnr Philadel phia, had been (or a long time eick, and was treatcd in the usual wny or an afTection of the lungs by iwo eminent physicians, umi! the dis enso asumed such a malignant form that thcy dectared the patient had a confirmed consump tion - that medicine could do no more, and he must die. Hia breath was eo affected by the discasc that no onc could stay in lus room but n short time. At this slnge, when hope had fled, a friend gave him a bottle of Wistar's Batsam of Wild Chernj dcclarlng that at any rate it could do hiin no hfirm. He took it and grew tnuch better. He continued the use of i:, and by using thrce or four bottlcs was complctely cured. We 8hall have the full particulara of the above case in a few days, duly certified. so that no one can dispute it. See ndvcrtisciiieiit. MAYNARDS.