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In Van Buren, Wayne Co. Michigan, on the irst instant, Rachki. Electa, only daughtor of Chaules W. and Cathaiunk Ci.auk, ogctl 3 ycnrs and cight montlis. The circumstnnces of her death were very pninful. On Tucsday two of her ültle brothers were engagcd in biirning roota, some 15 rods from the house, and by some nieana sho followcd them. Aa sho was playing by ihe fire her clothes cnught and were nstantly in flanee. Her muth er was at work in the house and her fathcr about the farm; they boih heard her screams, ond ran for rescuc; but before reaching her. her clothing was neariy consnmed, and her body horribly burned. Her iather and mother reachf.: her nearlv nt the same mo.ncnt, and foundCU IK'I 1 1 L 'l i i v iU i u '; oüiuc 1 1 1 v.' 1 1 1 ' i i i , (mu i ■ i 1 1 m her littlc brother, oniy 8 years of nge, trying to ex'.inguish the (lames, and mnking way towards the house. She died about 5 o'clock, YVcdncsday morning, hnving lived nbout 15 houre froin the accident. During tliis time she talked very rational. and aBked for wha'cvcr she wished. - Aa thedangerous naturo of her injuries became apparent, she deeircd her moiher lo come ncar the bedsidc that she rñigbt kiss lier and bid her farewcll. Thus she continued until nearly morning when she became deranged and remained so till she expired. c. w. h. ín this village, on thc 2ud inst., Gr.o. Martín, son of James and Eliza Jones, aged 4 years and 3 months. When deep you moum bencath the willow shade, Where the cold frame of Geo. M. Jones is laid; Look up through pathless fielda in yonder skies, Where sacred beauties feast his gazing eyes. s. m. At his residenco in this village, on Monday evening, the 6th instant, of consumption, the Hon. Samuel P. Fuller, aged 32 years, Judge of Probate for this County. In the death of Judge Fuller, his family have been bereaved of an afíectionate head, nnd community of a worthy member. The following are the proceedings of a meeting of the members of the Bar of this County.BAR MEETING. At a meeting of the members of the Bar of Washtenaw county convened at the Court House, n Ann Arbor, April 7th, 1846, for the purpose of taking into consideration what measures are proper to be adopted by the bar on learning the death of their late associate, the Hon. Samuel P. Fuller. ; Gov. Mundy wa called to the Chair, and E. Thomson, Esq. appointed Secretary. Whereupon upon motion of R. S. Wilson, Esq., it was Resolved, That the chair appoint a committee of three, to report resolutions expressive of the feelings of the meeting. Messrs. Wilson, Kingsley and Eacker were appointed such committee. The meeting then took a recess until 7 P. M. At 7, the Bar again convened, and the Chairman of the Committee reportedthe following resolulions which were adopted. Resolved, That the members of the Barof Washtenaw County deeply lament the death of the Hon. Samuel P. Fuller, late a member of said Bar and Judge of the Probate Court of said County. Resolved, That the deceased, by his honestyand abilityas a Lawyer, his integrity as a Judge, and ,his woith asa man, justly merited and gained the confidenceof his friends and the respect of all. Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with the afflicted family, nnd tender them our condolence for their bereavement. Resolved, That in testimony of our respect for the deceased we will attend his funeral at the Episcopal Church tomorrowat 10 A M., and that a copy of these resolutions be presented to his famly. Resolved, That the Chairman of this meeting be instructed to move the Court that a copy of these proceedings be inserted on the Journals of the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, and that he send a copy thereof to each of the Editors in this Village for insertion in their respective papers.E. Thomson, Secretary. Ann Arbor, April 7, 1346.