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Under this henil, wo propose to continue ihü name, business, and place, of all who advertise n ilic Signal, Tree of chage, during the time thcir arlvcriiserients continue in the paper. tt-f" Manufacturers, Booksellers, Machinists, Wholesale Merchants, and all otlicis doing nn txtenswt business, who wifeh to aIvertisc, will ñnd the Signal thebest possiblo medium of communicatioa in the State. W. S. &. 3. W. May.nakd, Druggists, Ann ArLor. Bkkcher & Abbott, Dry Goods. Detroit. H.w.i.ocK &, Iteady MadcClothiiig, Detroit. S. W. Fostkh, fcCo., Woolcn Manufactur era, Scio. W. A. Raymond. Drv Goods. Detroit. E. O. &■ A. CarrTtNTo.v, Smut Machines, Ann Arbor. Sanford A'. Pa-Sk. Druggis's. Cincinnati. W. R. Noyes, Jk. .Sloves &■ Hardware, Detroit. H. GitKconv, Sosh and Blind Maktr, Ann Arbor. G. F. Lrwrs, Exchano Broker, Detroit. T. Bi.ackw.od. Homoepnthist. Ypsilnnti. D. L. La Tourktte, Linsced Oil I'aclorj', Long Lakc Calviií Blks, Jeweücr, Ann Arbor. W It. l'Knnv, Book Store, Ann Arbor. P. B. Rivlky, Tempcrnnce House, Detroit. Harrís fc VVn.LiAMs, Steam Foundrj', Ann Arbor. E. G. BimoER, Dcntiat. Ann Arbnr. H. & K. Paktriijck, Machine Makers, Ann Arbor. T. A. IIavií.and, Real Fsiate, A-n Arbor. Knapf & Havila.nd, Machine Makers, Ann Arbor. J. Hor.ME? et Co.. Dry Gnmls, Detroit. Ei.drku & Co.. Tnnnory, Deiroit. A. C. McGhaw & Co., Leather nnd Shoes, Detroit. F. Wk.tmork, Croehery. Detroit. R. Marvin, Hardware. Detroit. Wardwkll & Dixos, Hardware dealers, N. Y. Cuy. Watkiss it Bis'ki.i., Forwarding and Com tnis8ion Merchants, Detroit.