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Willson's Corn Mill

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(Mc'KnighCs Patent.) The stilnicribcr would hcreby say to tho pul l.c (bul be is now prepared to furoisli on short notico, iho who wish. n portable mili, capublo of unnding 'JO buehcle of onrs of corn pur hour, or ;;rniil other conrso grain tor fced,-ir shelled corn, (witli n lubli.) rub oui cluver ed, Ac. &c. cnllcd J. 1.. McKnighta patcni corn cru&hcrand clovoi rubber, ,V. 'J'lif tlbscriher is nlso prepared to sell town uid CQumy nghis lo tud patent oq liben] temía. Tli machino works likc o charm, tipplicuble io hurí.', water; or sieam p-twer: one hu sii.Tici;nt to pcrlorm the neecssary grindiiiy for iny f.irm r other csiablislinicnt for home conMimpiioh. btit more power is nccossary to do cuatom worl: i n prtilit. The Jtibfcribcr hns now in opcration in Insliop 11' lus Tciiipernnco House, in Jnck iwoliunc ir.vrr, by wbicb, wiih iho ! ■ (only al ;. cfcni) lic diivcs said marliinc. The ntlvnntngca of foedinR corn nnd bobb ui ihis -y is iiow tui) wcll tindersiood to need rehenrii)C Sn(lkcit to sny, ihai to ihc aouih. vvhero tnry mie corn ensy. nnd worth perhnpa lÜcriiis por hiifilicl. ihpy t hink t an object 10 cMioniise hy llins feeiüri!; oorn nnii ccibb rïtèaf, and tha't too wbera ibey givc fróm to J for for yrindmg oiihpr for ft-ril %r di.stillntion. One, two or tiirec compc'ent snlcsmcn wa t ed to veil riphta to faid mncfiirti in this Stato and Oltio, nnd tosellrights to Thoinkin's inorlioing mncliine in lius Siute: the best now in use. J. T. WILLSON. Jackson, Morch 2. 1816. 2 ÏO-Gni